39 Guy D. Vitaglione and Mark A. Barnett. Assessing a New Dimension of Empathy: Empathic Anger as a Predictor of Helping and Punishing Desires // Motivation and Emotion 27 (2003): 301–325; C. Daniel Batson, Christopher L. Kennedy, Lesley-Anne Nord, E. L. Stocks, D’Yani A. Fleming, Christian M. Marzette, David A. Lishner, Robin E. Hayes, Leah M. Kolchinsky, andTRiciA Zerger. Anger at Unfairness: Islt Moral Outragef // European Journal of Social Psychology 37 (2007): 1272–1285; Jennifer J. Kish-Gephart, James R. Detert, Linda Klebe Trevino, and Amy C. Edmondson. Silenced by Fear: The Nature, Sources, and Consequences of Fear at Work // Research in Organizational Behavior 29 (2009): 163–193.
40 Israel Shenker. E. B. White: Notes and Comment by Author 11 New York Times, July 11, 1969.
41 Brian R. Little. Me, Myself and Us: The Science of Personality and the Art of Well-Being. New York: PublicAffairs, 2014; Brian R. Little. Personal Projects and Social Ecology: Lives, Liberties and the Happiness of Pursuit // Colloquium presentation, department of psychology, University of Michigan (1992); Brian R. Little. Personality Science and the Northern Tilt: As Positive as Possible Under the Circumstances in Designing Positive Psychology: Taking Stock and Moving Forward, eds. К. M. Sheldon, T. B. Kashdan, and M. F. Steger. New York: Oxford University Press, 228–247.
Руководство к действию
1 Личные интервью автора с Бенджамином Колманном, 19 ноября и 10 декабря 2014.
2 Karl Ulrich and Christian Terwiesch. Innovation Tournaments: Creating and Selecting Exceptional Opportunities. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2009; Why Some Innovation Tournaments Succeed and Others Fail // Knowledge@Wharton, February 20, 2014, knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/innovation-tour-naments-succeed-others-fail.
3 Lisa Bodell. Kill the Company: End the Status Quo, Start an Innovation Revolution. New York: Bibliomotion, 2012.
4 Anita Bruzzese. DreamWorks Is Believer in Every Employee's Creativity // USA Today, July 23, 2012.
5 Elliot Aronson and Shelley Patnoe. Cooperation in the Classroom: The Jigsaw Method. New York: Addison Wesley, 1997.
6 Личные интервью автора с Нэнси Люблин, 12 декабря 2014 и 23 февраля 2015.
7 Elliot Aronson and Shelley Patnoe. Cooperation in the Classroom: The Jigsaw Method. New York: Addison Wesley, 1997.