Глава 3. Под ударом
1 Susan J. Ashford, Nancy P. Rothbard, Sandy Kristin Piderit, and Jane E. Dutton. Out on a Limb: The Role of Context and Impression Management in Selling Gender-Equity Issues // Administrative Science Quarterly 43 (1998): 23–57.
2 The Ultimate Quotable Einstein, под ред. Alice Calaprice. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011.
3 Личные интервью автора с Кармен Мединой, 14 августа 2014 и 2 марта 2015; личное интервью автора со Сьюзен Бенджамин, 3 апреля 2015; Lois Kelly and Carmen Medina. Rebels at Work: A Handbook for Leading Change from Within. New York: O’Reilly Media, 2014.
4 Don Burke and Sean P. Dennehy // Service to America Medals, 2009, http://servicetoamericamedals.org/honorees/view_profile. php?profile = 213; CIA Adopting Web 2.0 Tools Despite Resistance // Space War, June 12, 2009, www.spacewar.com/reports/CIA_adopting_ Web_2.o_tools_despite^resistance_ qqq.htmf Steve Vogel. For Intelligence Officers, A Wiki Way to Connect the Dots //Washington Post, August 27, 2009, www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/arti-cle/2009/08/26/AR2oo<)o826o}6°6.html Robert K. Ackerman. Intellipedia Seeks Ultimate Information Sharing // SIGNAL, October 2007, www.afcea.org/ content/?q=intellipedia-seeks-ultimate- information-sharing.
5 Scott E. Seibert, Maria L. Kraimer, and J. Michael Crant. What Do Proactive People DoS' A Longitudinal Model Linking Proactive Personality and Career Success // Personnel Psychology 54 (2001): 845–874.
6 BenoIt Monin, Pamela J. Sawyer, and Matthew J. Marquez. The Rejection of Moral Rebels: Resenting Those Who Do the Right Thing/7 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 95 (2008): 76–93.
7 Alison R. Fragale, Jennifer R. Overbeck, and Margaret A. Neale. Resources Versus Respect: Social Judgments Based on Targets' Power and Status Positions 11 Journal of Experimental Social Psycho-logy 47 (2011): 767-775-
8 Nathanael J. Fast, Nir Halevy, and Adam D. Galinsky. The Destructive Nature of Power Without Status // Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (2012): 391–394.
9 Jon Lewis. If History Has Taught Us Anything… Francis Ford Coppola, Paramount Studios, and The Godfather Parts I, II, and III in Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather Trilogy, ed. Nick Browne. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, and Whom God Wishes to Destroy: Francis Coppola and the New Hollywood. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1997.
10 Edwin P. Hollander. Conformity, Status, and Idiosyncrasy Credit // Psychological Review 65 (1958): 117–127; см. также Hannah Riley Bowles and Michele Gelfand. Status and the Evaluation of Workplace Deviance // Psychological Science 21 (2010): 49–54.
11 Silvia Bellezza, Francesca Gino, and Anat Keinan. The Red Sneakers Effect: Inferring Status and Competence from Signals of Nonconformity // Journal of Consumer Research 41 (2014): 35–54.
12 Alison R. Fragale. The Power of Powerless Speech: The Effects of Speech Style and Task Interdependence on Status Conferral // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 101 (2006): 243–261; Adam Grant. Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success. New York: Viking Press, 2013. [Рус. изд.: Адам Грант. Брать или отдавать: Новый взгляд на психологию отношений. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2013.]
13 Marian Friestad and Peter Wright. The Persuasion Knowledge Model: How People Cope with Persuasion Attempts // Journal of Consumer Research 21 (1994): 1-31.
14 Личные интервью автора с Руфусом Грискомом, 29 января и 26 февраля 2015.
15 TeresaM. Amabile. Brilliant But Cruel: Perceptions of Negative Evaluators 11 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 19 (1983): 146–156.
16 See R. Glen Hass and Darwyn Linder. Counterargument Availability and the Effects of Message Structure on Persuasion 11 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 23 (1972): 219–233.
17 Norbert Schwarz, Herbert Bless, Fritz Strack, Gise-la Klumpp, Helga Rittenauer-Schatka, and Annette Simons. Ease of Retrieval as Information: Another Look at the Availability Heuristic 11 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 61 (1991): 195–202.
18 Elizabeth L. Newton. Overconfidence in the Communication of Intent: Heard and Unheard Melodies // Ph. D. dissertation, Stanford University (1990); Chip Heath and Dan Heath. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House, 2007.
19 John P. Kotter. Leading Change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1996.
20 Ro BERT В. Z ajonc. Attitudinal Effects of Mere Exposure / / Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Monographs 9 (1968): 1-27.
21 Robert F. Bornstein. Exposure and Affect: Overview and Meta-Analysis of Research, 1968–1987 // Psychological Bulletin 106 (1989): 265-89; Robert B. Zajonc. Mere Exposure: A Gateway to the Subliminal HCurrent Directions in Psychological Science 10 (2001): 224–228; Eddie Harmon-Jones and John J.B. Allen. The Role of Affect in the Mere Exposure Effect: Evidence from Psychophysi-ological and Individual Differences Approaches // Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 27 (2001): 889–898.
22 Theodore H. Mita, Marshall Dermer, and Jeffrey Knight. Reversed Facial Images and the Mere-Exposure Hypothesis II Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 35 (1977): 597–601.
23 Личное интервью автора с Говардом Таллманом, 16 декабря 2014.
24 Ethan R. Burris, James R. Detert, and Dan S. Chiabu-ru. Quitting Before Leaving: The Mediating Effects of Psychological Attachment and Detachment on Voice 11 Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (2008): 912–922.
25 Caryl E. Rusbult, Dan Farrell, Glen Rogers, and Arch G. Mainous IIL Impact of Exchange Variables on Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect: An Integrative Model of Responses to Declining Job Satisfaction // Academy of Management Journal 31 (1988): 599–627; Michael J. Withey and William H. Cooper. Predicting Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect // Administrative Science Quarterly 34 (1989): 521–539.
26 Subrahmaniam Tangirala and Rangaraj Ramanujam. Exploring Nonlinearity in Employee Voice: The Effects of Personal Control and Organizational Identification // Academy of Management Journal 51 (2008): 1189–1203.
27 Fred O. Walumbwa and John Schaubroeck. Leader Personality Traits and Employee Voice Behavior: Mediating Roles of Ethical Leadership and Work Group Psychological Safety // Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (2009): 1275–1286.
28 Tiziana Cascario and Miguel Sousa Lobo. Competent Jerks, Lovable Fools, and the Formation of Social Networks // Harvard Business Review June (2005): 92–99.