Книга Казанова, страница 88. Автор книги Иен Келли

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Онлайн книга «Казанова»

Cтраница 88

Замок Дукс, Чехия, в том числе рукописные факсимиле [DCM]

Casanova Jacques, Chevalier de Seingalt. Histoire de ma vie к 1797 (facsimile of Brockhaus original).

de la Houssaie, Amelot. Histoire du Gouvernement de Venise. Paris, 1685?

Casanova, G. Esposizione Ragionata della Contestazione, che susiste tra’le due republiche di Venezia e di Olanda. 1785.

Rives Childs, ed. Casanova Gleanings. 21 vols. Paris and Geneva, 1958–1978.

Marrt Bernhard. Pour le dossier de Miss XCV.

Marr 40 1—300. Casanova archive exterieures a Dux (collected Casanova references and letters, facsimiles and copies, not in Prague State Archive or Dux collection).

Leeflang, M‘ Dux Ionnaire. Vols. 1 and 2. Utrecht, 2005.

Dossier de Dux (documents concemant Dux et Casanova). Utrecht, 1998.

Les Archives de Dux. Utrecht, 2002.

Государственные архивы Фрари в Венеции [ASV]

Letter е riferte dei confidante ex 137 199 bb 542–662.

Inquisitori di Stato ex 197 Tome I–III.

Appunti sul Giovan’ Battista Manuzzi, 1750–1759.

Inquisitori di Stato referta del 22 marzo 1755.

Inquisitorial documents on Giacomo Casanova, 11 Novembre 1754 — 24 Iuglio 1755 referta Casanova, Giacomo:

1773 29 genioeseg 181 1771 30 genio 159

1763–1782 565 confid riferte; Venezia, Londra, Trieste.

1756 31 luglio — 1 Octobre 962 V polizza di speca sel mantimento. 1756 29 settembre condamnato anni 5 per со di religione.

1769 27 genio 171 ma opera «Confutazione d’amelot» lett. Torino.

1774 3 settembre salvo condotte.

1766–1768 922 Memmo, Nob. Andrea correspondanza col duca di Wirtemberg Memorie storiche degli ultimi cinguenta anni della repubblica di Venezia, Venice, 1854.

Библиотека музея Koppep, Венеция

Gli Abiti de Veneziani di quasi ogni eta con diligenza racolti e dipinti nel secolo XVIII di Grevembroch.

Архив Джустиниана Реканти, Венеция

Prospetto schematico dei palchi del teatro di San Samuele.

Архив Каза Гольдони, библиотека Гольдони, Венеция

Catalogo Drammi per musica, Venezia, 1883.

Teatro San Samuele, Volume Primo e secondo 163–164 1710–1729, vol. Ve VI 167–168; 1742–1751.

Санкт-Петербург; Российский государственный исторический архив (РГИА), Русский государственный архив

Матвеев А. Записки. Русский дипломат во Франции, 1705–1706. Axonometric Plans ofSaint Petersburg 1765–1773. F2/4,146, L, M52 Санкт-Петербургские Ведомости (городская газета), 1728–1765. Примечания к «Ведомостям», 1728–1742.

Москва, Российский государственный архив древних актов (RGADA) — Русский государственный архив древних документов

RuSslili Telegraf

Москва, Архив театрального музея Бахрушина

Новаков Н. Опыт историка-составителя словаря о писателях в России. Рукописная статья о Федоре Волкове. 1729–1763.

Волков Ф. Чествуя Минерву, о придворном маскараде в честь Екатерины II. 1763.

Офис общественных архивов, Кью

Letters of Sarah Bentham, d. 1809, PRO 30/9/43

Библиотека Бодлея, Оксфорд

Ms. Add. A 366 fol. 60, Dodwell Tracy Letters.

Ms. Eng. Misc. d. 213, Edmund Dewes, servant, on tour of Italy, 1776.

Ms. Douce 67, George Carpenter, 1695–1749.

Британский музей

Add Man 351222, Burney, Charles. Journal written during a Tour through France and Italy undertaken to collect material for a General History of Music. 1770.

Add Man Burney 002844853 519 b. Gazetteer and London Daily Advertiser. 1743–1796.

Add Man NR Burney 5465—18632. Public Advertiser (London). 1728–1794 (1763 and 1766).

Прочие первоисточники

Addison J. Remarks on Several Parts of Italy. London, 1705.

Agrippa Henry Cornelius of Nettesheim. Three Books of Occult Philosophy. London, 1651.

Andrea Memmo to G. Casanova. Epistolari veneziani del secolo XVIII // Letters /ed. Molmenti Pompeo. Milan, 1914.

Anonymous /Abbe du Prat, attrib, Jean Barrin or Francois de Cavigny de la Bretonnibre. Venus dans le Cloitre ou la Religieuse en Chemise. Paris, 1737.

BaschetA. Archives des affaires etrangeres, serie. Holland.1759. Paris 1851.

Beckford William. The Travel Diaries of William Beckford of Fonthill. London, 1781.

Boswell James. Boswell on the Grand Tour; Italy, Corsica and France 1765–1766 / eds. Brady F., Pottle A. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1955.

Brooke N Observations on the Manners and Customs of Italy by a Gentleman. Bath, London, 1798.

Brosses Charles de. Lettres Familieres ecrites d’ltalie en 1739 et 1740. Paris, 1869.

Burney Charles. Music, Men and Manners in France and Italy, 1770. Being the journal written by Charles Burney. During a Tour through those countries undertaken to collect material for a «General History of Music». Folio Society. London, 1974

Burney Charles. The Present State of Music in France and Italy or the Journal of a tour through those countries, undertaken to collect Materials for a General History of Music. London, 1771.

Catherine II. «Le Tracassier». Compose par cette princesse. Theatre de Hermitage de Catherine II. Paris, 1799.

Clary-Aldringen. Prince Charles Joseph (Lolo). Le Journal. Tome 1. 1795–1798.

Coyer; Abbe G. F. Voyages d’ltalie et de Hollande. Paris, 1775.

Crequy, Marquise de. Souvenirs. 8 vols, Paris, 1842.

Dashkova, Princess Elizabeth. Memoirs of Princess Daschkaw, Lady of Honour to Catherine II Empress of All the Russias, written by Herself, comprising the letters of the Empress and other correspondence. London, 1840.

de Ligne, Prince [Charles]. «Amant Ridicule», Theatre de L’Hermitage de Catherine II. Paris, 1799.

—. Annales Prince de Ligne. 19 vols. Brussels, 1920–1938.

—. Fragment sur Casanova, suivi de lettres a Casanova, Paris, 1988.

—. Fragments de I’histoire de ma vie, 2 vols, Paris, 1928.

—. Letters and Papers. New York, 1899.

—. Lettres et Pensees du МагёсЬа1 Prince de Ligne. Paris, 1809.

—. Memoires et melanges historiques du prince de Ligne, Paris, 1828.

(Tome IV quoted as «Fragments sur Casanova», in Memoires de Jacques Casanova de Seingalt suivi de Fragments des nmoires du Prince de Ligne, Paris, 1921).

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