Книга Потерянное царство. Поход за имперским идеалом и сотворение русской нации (c 1470 года до наших дней), страница 103. Автор книги Сергей Плохий

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Онлайн книга «Потерянное царство. Поход за имперским идеалом и сотворение русской нации (c 1470 года до наших дней)»

Cтраница 103

Lencyk, Wasyl. The Eastern Catholic Church and Czar Nicholas I. N. Y., 1966.

Radwan, Marian. Carat wobec Kościoła greckokatolickiego w zaborze rosyjskim, 1796–1839. Lublin, 2004.

Velychenko, Stephen. National History as Cultural Process: A Survey of the Interpretations of Ukraine’s Past in Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian Historical Writing from the Earliest Times to 1914. Edmonton, 1992.

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Толочко А. Киевская Русь и Малороссия в XIX веке. Киев, 2012.

Часть III. Триединый народ

Глава 7. Дебют Украины

Andriewsky, Olga. “The Russian-Ukrainian Discourse and the Failure of the ‘Little Russian Solution,’ 1782–1917”, in Culture, Nation, and Identity: The Ukrainian-Russian Encounter (1600–1945), eds. Andreas Kappeler, Zenon E. Kohut, Sysyn, Frank E. and von Hagen, Mark. Edmonton, 2003, pp. 182–214.

Miller, Alexei. The Ukrainian Question: The Russian Empire and Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century. N. Y., 2003.

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Saunders, David. “Mykola Kostomarov (1817–1885) and the Creation of a Ukrainian Ethnic Identity”, Slavonica 7, no. 1. 2001, pp. 7–24.

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Толочко А. Киевская Русь и Малороссия в XIX веке. Киев, 2012.

Глава 8. Великая, Малая и Белая

Figes, Orlando. The Crimean War: A History. N. Y., 2012.

Miller, Alexei. The Ukrainian Question: The Russian Empire and Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century. N. Y., 2003.

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Seegel, Steven. Mapping Europe’s Borderlands: Russian Cartography in the Age of Empire. Chicago, 2012.

Staliunas, Darius. Making Russians: Meaning and Practice of Russification in Lithuania and Belarus After 1863. N. Y., 2007.

Долбилов М. Д. Русский край, чужая вера: Этноконфессиональная политика империи в Литве и Белоруссии при Александре II. М., 2014.

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Глава 9. Лингвоцид

Danylenko, Andrii. “The Ukrainian Bible and the Valuev Circular of July 18, 1863”, Acta Slavica Iaponica 28. 2010: 1–21.

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Saunders, David. “Mikhail Katkov and Mykola Kostomarov: A Note on Petr A. Valuev’s Anti-Ukrainian Edict of 1863”, Harvard Ukrainian Studies 17, nos. 3–4. 1993: 365–383.

Saunders, David. “Russia and Ukraine Under Alexander II: The Valuev Edict of 1863”, International History Review 17, no. 1. 1995: 23–50.

Saunders, David. “Pan-Slavism in the Ukrainian National Movement from the 1840s to the 1870s”, Journal of Ukrainian Studies 30, no. 2. Winter 2005: 27–50.

Wendland, Anna Veronika. Die Russophilen in Galizien: Ukrainische

Konservative zwischen Österreich und Russland, 1848–1915. Vienna, 2001.

Часть IV. Революция народов

Глава 10. Молитва русского народа

Hillis, Faith. Children of Rus’: Right-Bank Ukraine and the Invention of a Russian Nation. Ithaca, N. Y., 2013.

Ilnytzkyj, Oleh S. “Modeling Culture in the Empire: Ukrainian Modernism and the Death of the All-Russian Idea”, in Culture, Nation, and Identity:

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Pipes, Richard. Peter Struve and Ukrainian Nationalism. Special issue of Harvard Ukrainian Studies 3/4, Part 2, Eucharisterion: Essays Presented to Omeljan Pritsak on His Sixtieth Birthday by His Colleagues and Students. 1979–1980, pp. 675–683.

Plokhy, Serhii. Unmaking Imperial Russia: Mykhailo Hrushevsky and the Writing of Ukrainian History. Toronto, 2005.

Shevelov, George Y. The Ukrainian Language in the First Half of the Twentieth Century (1900–1941): Its State and Status. MA: Cambridge, 1989.

Weeks, Theodore R. Nation and State in Late Imperial Russia: Nationalism and Russification on the Western Frontier, 1863–1914. IL.: DeKalb, 1996.

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История и культура. Ежегодник 2005/2006. М., 2008. С.146–164.

Глава 11. Крушение монархии

Hillis, Faith. Making and Breaking the Russian Empire: The Case of Kiev’s Shul’gin Family, in Imperiale Biographien: Elitekarrieren im Habsburger, Russischen und Osmanischen Vielvölkerreich (1850–1918),

Malte Rolf and Tim Buchen, eds. Munich, 2015, pp. 178–198.

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Prusin, Alexander Victor. Nationalizing a Borderland: War, Ethnicity and Anti-Jewish Violence in East Galicia, 1914–1920. AL: Tuscaloosa, 2005.

Бахтурина А. Ю. Политика Российской Империи в Восточной Галиции в годы Первой мировой войны. М., 2000.

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