Книга Эпоха великих потрясений. Энергетический фактор в последние десятилетия холодной войны, страница 68. Автор книги Ольга Скороходова

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Cтраница 68

Фонд 3. Загладин.

Фонд 5. Шахназаров.

NARA-2, College Park, Maryland

NARA AAD Project: Diplomatic Records. Central Foreign Policy Files, documenting period 7/1/1973–12/31/1976, Record Group 59 (Electronic Telegrams). URL: http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s=4073&cat=TS17&bc=, sl

Group 59. General Records of the Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of Public Communications, 1977–1979.

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Archives of the Soviet Communist Party.

Hoover Archives Project.

The Volkogonov Collection

Donald T. Regan papers.

William E. Odom papers.

The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library, Atlanta, Georgia

RAC Project – National Security Council Documents [Эл. ресурс].

JC-1002: Records of the White House Office of Counsel to the President.

JC-1006: Records of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

JC-1132: Zbigniew Brzezinski Collection.

JC–CEA: Records of the Council of Economic Advisers.

JC-DPS: Records of the Domestic Policy Staff.

JC-NSA: Records of the Office of the National Security Advisor.

JC-WHCF: Carter White House Central Files, 1977–1981. Executive meetings.

JC-WHPO: Records of the White House Press Office.

Record Group 220: Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards.

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California

Baker, James J.: Files.

Bailey, Norman A.: Files.

Blair, Dennis: Files.

Bockorny, David: Files.

CO Countries. CO 134 Saudi Arabia; CO 051 France; CO 054–02 West Germany.

Crippen, Dan: Files.

Clark, William: Files.

Davis, Randall: Files.

Danzansky, Stephen I.: Files.

Matlock, Jack: Files.

Executive Secretariat, NSC: Country Files: Europe-Soviet Union.

Executive Secretariat. NSC: Head of States Files.

Executive Secretariat, NSC: Meeting Files.

Executive Secretariat, NSC: Subject Files, N-O.

NSC Coordination Office: Records.

Pugliaresi, Lucian: Files.

Swanson, David: Files.

Richard M. Nixon Collection, the Roosevelt Study Center, Middleburg, the Netherlands

Richard Nixon National Security Files, 1969–1974 (RNNSF). [microform] ed.by Robert E. Lester. Microfilmed from the Holdings of the Nixon Presidential Materials Project, National Archives, College Park, Maryland. 2005.

Papers of the Nixon White House. President’s personal files, 1969–1974. Pt.7. University publications of America, 1993.

Gerald R. Ford Сollection, the Roosevelt Study Center, Middleburg, the Netherlands

Ford Personal and Post-Presidential Files. Scrapbook Collection.

Yale University Library Manuscripts and Archives, New Haven, Connecticut

Cyrus R. Vance and Grace Sloane Vance papers, 1919–2005.


CIA FOIA Declassified Documents, URL: http://www.foia.cia.gov/search_options.asp

Declassified Documents Reference System, URL: http://gdc.gale.com/products/declassified-documents-reference-system (вход через Yale University).

The National Archives, The Government of the UK, URL: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ (вход через Yale University).

The Archive of European Integration, URL: http://aei.pitt.edu/

Le Centre virtuel de la connaissance sur l’Europe, URL: http://www.cvce.eu/

The Council of the EU, URL: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/documents.aspx?lang=en

The EU official documents, URL: http://europa.eu/publications/officialdocuments/index_en.htm;


Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series III, URL: http://dbpo.chadwyck.com/marketing/index.jsp#here (вход через Yale University)

Vol. III. Detente in Europe, 1972–1976 / Ed. by Bennett G. – L.: Routledge, 2001 [Эл. ресурс].

Vol. IV. The Year of Europe: America, Europe and the Energy Crisis, 1972–74 / Ed.by Hamilton K. —L.: Routledge, 2006 [Эл. ресурс].

Vol. VIII. The Invasion of Afghanistan and UK-Soviet Relations, 1979–1982 / Ed.by Smith R. —L.: Routledge, 2012 [Эл. ресурс].

Records of Syria. 1918–1973. Vol. 15:1964–1973 / Ed. by Priestland J. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Foreign Relations of the United States, URL: https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments

Vol. E-3, Documents on Global Issues, 1973–1976 / Ed.by McAllister W.B. – Washington: Government Printing Office (GPO), 2009 [Эл. ресурс].

Vol. E-4, Documents on Iran and Iraq, 1969–1972 / Ed.by Belmonte M. – Washington: GPO, 2006 [Эл. ресурс].

Vol. E-6, Documents on Africa, 1973–1976 / Ed.by Samson P., Van Hook L. – Washington: GPO, 2006 [Эл. ресурс].

Vol. E-8, Documents on South Asia, 1973–1976 / Ed.by Hibbeln P. J., Kraemer P. A. – Washington: GPO, 2007 [Эл. ресурс].

Vol. E-12, Documents on East and Southeast Asia, 1973–1976 / Ed.by Coleman B. L. et al. – Washington: GPO, 2011 [Эл. ресурс].

Vol. E-14/1, Documents on the United Nations, 1973–1976 / Ed.by McAllister W.B. – Washington, 2008 [Эл. ресурс].

Vol. XII, Soviet Union, January, 1969–October 1970 / Ed.by Mahan E. – Washington: GPO, 2006.

Vol. XVI, Soviet Union, August 1974-December 1976 / Ed.by Geyer D. C. – Washington: GPO, 2012.

Vol. XXIV, Middle East Region and Arabian Peninsula, 1969–1972; Jordan, September 1970 / Ed.by Qaimmaqami L. W., Howard A. M. – Washington: GPO, 2008.

Vol. XXXI, Foreign Economic Policy, 1973–1976 / Ed. by Rasmussen K. B. – Washington: GPO, 2009.

Vol. XXXVI, Energy Crisis, 1969–1974 / Ed.by Qaimmaqami L. – Washington: GPO, 2011.

Vol. XXXVII, Energy Crisis, 1974–1980 / Ed.by Galpern S. – Washington: GPO, 2012.

Vol. VI, Soviet Union, 1977–1981 / Ed.by Taylor M. J. – Washington: GPO, 2013.

American Foreign Policy Basic Documents. Department of State. Department and Foreign Service Series. Washington: GPO, 1983.

Department of State Bulletin. 1973–79. Washington: GPO, 1973–1979.

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