Книга Научная объективность и ее контексты, страница 198. Автор книги Эвандро Агацци

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Pieri M. Sur la géométrie envisagée comme un système purement logique. Bibliothèque du Congrès International de Philosophie, pp. 367–404. Colin, Paris (1901).

Planck M. Where is Science Going? with a preface by Einstein A., trans. of Planck’s selected essays by J. Murphy, Norton, New York (1932), repr. Ox Bow Press, Woodbridge (1981).

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Plato: The Collected Dialogues of Plato. In: Hamilton E., Cairns H. (eds.) Bollingen Series LXXI. Random House, New York (1961).

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Poincaré H. La science et l’hypothèse. Flammarion, Paris (1902). English trans. Science and Hypothesis. Scribner, New York (1907) (quotations are taken from the latter edition).

Пуанкаре А. Наука и гипотеза / В кн. Пуанкаре А. О науке. М.: Наука, 1983.

Poincaré H. La valeur de la science. Flammarion, Paris (1904). English trans. The Value of Science. Dover, New York, Repr. 1958 (quotations are made from the latter edition).

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Putnam H. The meaning of meaning. Minn. Stud. Philos. Sci. 7(1975), 131–193 (1975a).

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Putnam H. Reason, Truth and History. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1981).

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Putnam H. What is Realism? In: Leplin (1984), pp. 140–153 (1982).

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Rescher N. The Coherence Theory of Truth. Oxford University Press, Oxford (1973). Repr. University Press of America, Washington (1982) (quotations are from this edition).

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Rescher N. Scientific Realism: A Critical Reappraisal. Reidel, Dordrecht (1987).

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Russell B. On denoting. Mind XIV, 479–493 (1905). Repr. In: Marsh R.C. (ed.) Logic and Knowledge. Allen & Unwin, London (1956).

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Рассел Б. Философия логического атомизма. – Томск: Водолей, 1999.

Schilpp P.A. Einstein Philosopher-Scientist. Open Court, La Salle (1949).

Searle J. Intentionality: An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind. Cambridge University Press,Cambridge (1983).

Sellars W. The Language of Theories. In: Feigl and Maxwell (eds.) (1961), pp. 57–77 (1961).

Sellars W. Science, Perception and Reality. Routledge and Kegan Paul/ Humanity Press, London/New York (1963).

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Sen P.K. Reference and Truth. Indian Council for Philosophical Research with Allied Publishers Limited, New Delhi (1991).

Shapere D. The concept of observation in science and philosophy. Philos. Sci. 49(1982), 485–525 (1982).

Shapere D. Reason and the Search for Knowledge. Reidel, Dordrecht (1984).

Shapin S. The Scientific Revolution. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1966 (1994).

Simons P.M. Moments as Truth-Makers. In: Leinfellner W, Kraemer E., Schark J. (eds.), pp. 159–161 (1982).

Smart J.J. Between Science and Philosophy. Random House, New York (1968).

References 477

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