Книга Древний Египет. Подъем и упадок, страница 172. Автор книги Тоби Уилкинсон

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FHN: Tormod Eide et al. (eds), Fontes Historiae Nubiorum

KRI: Kenneth Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions Lesestucke: Kurt Sethe, Agyptische Lesestucke (Leipzig, 1924)

Urkunden I: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden des dgyptischen Altertums, Abteilung I: Urkunden des alten Reiches, 2nd edn (Leipzig/Berlin 1932–3)

Urkunden II: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden des dgyptischen Altertums, Abteilung II: Hieroglyphische Urkunden der griechisch-romischen Zeit (Leipzig, 1904)

Urkunden IV: Kurt Sethe (later volumes compiled by Wolfgang Helck), Urkunden des dgyptischen Altertums, Abteilung IV: Urkunden der 18. Dynastie (Leipzig/Berlin 1906–58)

Urkunden V: Georg Steindorff, Urkunden des dgyptischen Altertums, Abteilung V: Ausgewahlte Texte des Totenbuches (Leipzig, 1915)

Urkunden VII: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden des dgyptischen Altertums, Abteilung VII: Historisch-biographische Urkunden des Mittleren Reiches (Leipzig, 1935)

Ahmose son of Abana, tomb inscription: Urkunden IV, pp. 1–11

Ahmose, Karnak stela: Urkunden IV, pp. 14–24

Ahmose, Serapeum stela: George Posener, La premiere domination perse, pp. 41–6

Ahmose, Tempest stela: Claude Vandersleyen, «Une tempete sous la regne d’Amosis»

Ahmose, Tetisheri stela: Urkunden IV, pp. 26–9

Ahmose, Tura limestone quarry inscription: Urkunden IV, pp. 24–5

Akhenaten, earlier foundation inscription (Boundary Stelae K, X and M): Maj Sandman, Texts, no. CXIX, pp. 103–18

Akhenaten, later foundation inscription (Boundary Stelae A, B, J, N, Q, R, S and U): Maj Sandman, Texts, no. CXX, pp. 119–31; Urkunden IV, pp. 1981–90

Amenhotep II, Great Sphinx Stela: Urkunden TV, pp. 1276–83

Amenhotep II, Medamud inscription: Urkunden IV, pp. 1322–3

Amenhotep II, Memphis stela: Urkunden IV, pp. 1300–09

Amenhotep III, bull-hunt scarab: Urkunden IV, p. 1738

Amenhotep III, divine birth inscription, Luxor Temple: Urkunden TV, pp. 1713–21

Amenhotep III, marriage scarab: Urkunden TV, p. 1738

Amenhotep III, Kom el-Hetan stela: Urkunden IV, pp. 1646–57

Ankhtifi, tomb inscription: Jacques Vandier, Mo’alia

Atu, scribal palette: Wolfgang Helck, Historisch-Biographische Texte, no. 85, pp. 57–8

Bay, Gebel el-Silsila inscription: KRI, vol. IV p. 371

Book of the Dead, Chapter 6: Edouard Naville, Das Aegyptische Todtenbuch der XVIII bis XX. Dynastie, vol. 1 (Berlin, 1886)

Book of the Dead, Chapter 17: Urkunden V

Carnarvon Tablet no. 1: Alan Gardiner, «The defeat of the Hyksos»

C of fin Texts: Adriaan de Buck, The Egyptian C of fin Texts

Cycle of Hymns to Senusret III: Lesestucke, pp. 65–7

Dediqu, stela inscription: Heinrich Schafer, «Ein Zug nach der grossen Oase»

Djari, funerary stela: W. M. Flinders Petrie, Qurneh (London, 1909), pl. II

Djemi, funerary stela: Hans Goedicke, «The inscription of Dmi»

Great Harris Papyrus I: W. Erichsen, Papyrus Harris I: Hieroglyphische Transkription (Brussels, 1933)

Great Hymn to the Aten: Maj Sandman, Texts, no. CXIII, pp. 93–6

Harkhuf, tomb inscription: Urkunden I, pp. 120–31 Hatnub inscriptions: Rudolf Anthes, Die Felseninschriften von Hatnub Hatshepsut, Karnak obelisk inscription: Urkunden TV, pp. 356–73

Henenu, funerary stela: William Hayes, «Career of the great steward Henenu»

Herodotus: The Histories, translated by Aubrey de Selincourt, revised by A. R. Burn (Harmondsworth, 1972)

Hetepi, funerary stela: Gawdat Gabra, «Preliminary Report on the Stela of Hetpi»

Horemheb, coronation inscription: Urkunden IV, pp. 2113–20

Horemheb, Edict: Urkunden IV, pp. 2140–62

Huya, tomb inscription: Maj Sandman, Texts, nos XXXVI–L, pp. 33–43; Norman de Garis Davies, The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, part III

Hymn to Amun: Pascal Vermis, «Choix de textes», no. 1, pp. 103–104

Ineni, tomb inscription: Urkunden IV, pp. 59–60

Installation of the Vizier, from the tomb inscription of Rekhmira: Urkunden TV, pp. 1085–93

Intef, funerary stela from Naga el-Deir: Henry Fischer, Inscriptions From the Coptite Nome, no. 43, pp. 106–11

Intef, stela: Henry Fischer, Dendera, p. 200, fig. 39

Intef II, funerary stela: Gay Robins, The Art of Ancient Egypt, fig. 83, p. 85

Intef V, Coptos stela: Wolfgang Helck, Historisch-Biographische Texte, no. 106, pp. 73–4

Intefiqer, Wadi el-Girgawi inscription: Zbynek Zaba, The Rock Inscriptions of Lower Nubia, no. 73, pp. 98–109

Iti, funerary stela: H. O. Lange and H. Schafer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reichs im Museum von Kairo No. 20001–20780 (Berlin, 1902), vol. 1, pp. 1–2, and vol. 4, pl. 1

Ka, funerary stela: Torgny Save-Soderbergh, «A Buhen stela», fig. 1

Kamose, victory stela from Thebes: Labib Habachi, The Second Stela of Kamose

Kay, funerary stela: Rudolf Anthes, «Eine Polizeistreife»

Kheruef, tomb inscription: The Epigraphic Survey, The Tomb of Kheruef

Kheti I, tomb inscription: Hellmut Brunner, Die Texte aus den Grabern

Khnumhotep I, biographical inscription: Urkunden VII, pp. 11–12

Mahu, tomb inscription: Maj Sandman, Texts, nos LXII–LXIX, pp. 50–54; Norman de Garis Davies, The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, part IV

Menkheperra, Banishment Stela: Jurgen von Beckerath, «Die „Stele der Verbannten”»

Mentuhotep IV, Wadi Hammamat inscription: J. Couyat and Pierre Montet, Les inscriptions hieroglyphiques et hieratiques du Ouadi Hammamat, 2 vols (Cairo, 1912–1913), no. 110, pp. 77–8 and pl. XXIX

Mentuhotepi, Karnak stela: Pascal Vermis, «La stele du pharaon Mntw-h.tpi a Karnak» Merenptah, Great Karnak Inscription: Colleen Manassa, The Great Karnak Inscription

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