Takakura Shinichirõ (transl. John A. Harrison). The Ainu of Northern Japan: A Study in Conquest and Acculturation // Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 1960. V. 50. Part 4.
Tashiro Kazui. Foreign Relations during the Edo Period: Sakoku Reexamined // The Journal of Japanese Studies. 1982. V. 8. № 2.
Toby Ronald P. State and Diplomacy in Early Modern Japan: Asia in the Development of the Tokugawa Bakufu. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984.
Yuasa Nobuyuki (transl.). Basho — The Narrow Road to the Deep North and other travel sketches. Penguin, 1966.
Leon M. Zolbrod (transl.). The Vendetta of Mr Fleacatcher Managoro The Fifth // Monumenta Nipponica. 1965. V. 20. Nos. 1–2.
Leon M. Zolbrod (transl.). UgetsuMonogatari: Tales of Moonlight and Rain. London: Allen and Unwin, 1974.
По истории современной Японии опубликован ряд работ, и, на наш взгляд, лучшая среди них: W. G. Beasley. The Modern History of Japan. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1963. Особенно хороши главы, посвященные истории XIX века. Превосходный общий охват современного периода в истории Японии дан в: John K. Fairbank, Edwin 0. Reischauer. A History of East Asian Civilization. V. II; Albert M. Craig. East Asia: The Modern Transformation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965.
Из более специализированных работ, помимо перечисленных ниже, три следует особо упомянуть как выдающиеся. См.: George Akita. Foundations of Constitutional Government in Modern Japan, 1868–1900. Cambridge [Mass.]: Harvard University Press, 1967; William W. Lockwood. The Economic Development of Japan: Growth and Structural Change 1868–1938. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1954; Studies in the Modernization of Japan. R. P. Dore, Marius B. Jansen, William W. Lockwood, James Morley, Donald H. Shively, and Robert E. Ward (eds.). 6 vols. Princeton University Press. Конструктивно исследование Т. Смита (T. C. Smith) о сыновьях землевладельцев и элите, опубликованное в: Economic Development and Cultural Change. 1960. V. 9. № 1. Part 2. Последний, но отнюдь не менее важный и, пожалуй, лучший краткий обзор истории современной Японии см.: Y. Toriumi. The Meiji Revolution and its sequel / Half the World: The History and Culture of China and Japan. Arnold Toynbee (ed.). London: Thames and Hudson, 1973.
Другие работы, цитируемые или упоминаемые в этой части:
Anderson Joseph L. and Donald Richie. The Japanese Film: Art and Industry. Tokyo: Tuttle, 1959.
Beckmann George M. The Making of the Meiji Constitution: The Oligarchs and the Constitutional Development of Japan, 1868–1891. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1957.
Berger Gordon Mark. Parties out of Power in Japan, 1931–1941. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977.
Butow Robert J. C. Japan’s Decision to Surrender. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1954.
Caiger John. The Aims and Content of School Courses in Japanese History, 1872–1945 // Japan’s Modern Century. E. Skrzypczak (ed.). Tokyo: Tuttle, 1968.
Caiger John. Ienaga Saburo and the First Postwar Japanese History Textbook // Modern Asian Studies. 1969. III, I.
Cohen Jerome B. Japan’s Economy in War and Reconstruction. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1949.
Crowley James B. Japan’s Quest for Autonomy: National Security and Foreign Policy 1930–1938. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1966.
Dore R. P. Agricultural Improvement in Japan: 1870–1900 // Economic Development and Cultural Change. 1960. V. 9. № 1. Part 2.
Dore R. P. Land Reform in Japan. London: Oxford University Press, 1959.
Fraser Andrew, R. H. P. Mason, and Philip Mitchell. Japan’s Early Parliaments, 1890–1905. London: Routledge, 1994.
Hall John Whitney. A Monarch for Modem Japan // Political Development in Modern Japan. Robert E. Ward (ed.). Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968.
Robert King Hall (ed.). Kokutai no Hongi. Cardinal Principles of the National Entity of Japan, Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1949.
Ike Nobutaka. Japan’s Decision for War-Records of the 1941 Policy Conferences. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1967.
Ito Hirobumi. Commentaries on the Constitution of the Empire of Japan. Tokyo: Chlio Daigaku, 1931 (third edition).
Komiya Toyotaka. Japanese Music and Drama in the Meiji Era. Edward G. Seidensticker and Donald Keene (transl.). Tokyo: Obunsha, 1956.
Lone Stewart. Japan’s First Modern War. London: Macmillan, 1994.
McLaren W. W. Japanese Government Documents // The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. 1914.V. 42.
Maki John M. Conflict and Tension in the Far East-Key Documents 1894–1960. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1961.
Mason R. H. P. Japan’s First General Election, 1890. Cantbridge: Faculty Board of Oriental Studies and Cambridge University Press, 1969.
Morley James William. The Japanese Thrust into Siberia 1918. New York: Columbia University Press, 1957.
Morris-Suzuki Tessa. The Technological Transformation of Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Okada Seizõ. Lost Troops-an unpublished translation by Seiichi Shiojiri. Canberra: Australian National War Memorial Library.
Pittau Joseph. Political Thought in Early Meiji Japan 1868–1889. Cambridge [Mass.]: Harvard University Press, 1967.
Poole Otis Manchester. The Death of Old Yokohama in the Great Japanese Earthquake of September 1, 1923. London: Allen and Unwin, 1968.
Rosovsky Henry. Rumbles in the Ricefields: Professor Nakamura vs. the Official Statistics // Journal of Asian Studies. 1968. V. 27. № 2.
Sansom George. The Western World and Japan. London: The Cresset Press, 1950.
Smith Thomas C. Political Change and Industrial Development in Japan: Government Enterprise, 1868–1880. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1955.
Steele M. William. Integration and Participation in Meiji Politics: Japan’s Political Modernization Reconsidered // Asian Cultural Studies. № 14. Tokyo: International Christian University, 1984.
Toriumi Y. The Manhood Suffrage Question in Japan after the First World War // Papers on Far Eastern History, 1975. № 11.
Totten George О. Democracy in Prewar Japan — Groundwork or Farade? Lexington (Mass): D. C. Heath and Company, 1965.
Tsuji Masanobu. Singapore — The Japanese Version. Translated by M. E. Lake. Sydney, Ure Smith, 1960.