Книга Фактологичность. Десять причин наших заблуждений о мире – и почему все не так плохо, как кажется, страница 71. Автор книги Ула Рослинг, Ханс Рослинг, Анна Рослинг Рённлунд

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Gapminder[3]. Four income levels — v1. gapm.io/elev.

Gapminder[4]. Life expectancy v9, based on IHME-GBD2016, UN Population and Mortality.org. Main work by Mattias Lindgren. gapm.io/ilex.

Gapminder[5]. Protected nature — v1—based on World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), UK-IUCN, UNEP-WCMC. gapm.io/natprot.

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Gapminder[13]. HIV, newly infected — v2. Historic prevalence estimates before 1990 by Linus Bengtsson and Ziad El-Khatib. gapm.io/dhivnew.

Gapminder[14]. Death penalty abolishment — v1. gapm.io/ideat.

Gapminder[15]. Countries ban leaded gasoline — v1. gapm.io/ibanlead.

Gapminder[16]. Air plane fatalities — v1. Indicator Population — v5—all countries-1800–2100, based on UN WPP 2017 and mainly Maddison before 1950. gapm.io/dpland.

Gapminder[17]. Population — v5—all countries-1800–2100, based on UN-Pop WPP 2017 and mainly Maddison before 1950. gapm.io/dpop.

Gapminder[18]. Undernourishment — v1. gapm.io/dundern.

Gapminder[19]. Feature films — v1. gapm.io/dcultf.

Gapminder[20]. Women suffrage — v1—based primarily on Wikipedia page about women suffrage. gapm.io/dwomsuff.

Gapminder[21]. Literacy rate — v1—based on UIS and van Zanden. gapm.io/dliterae.

Gapminder[22]. Internet users — v1. gapm.io/dintus.

Gapminder[23]. Children with some vaccination — v1—based on WHO. gapm.io/dsvacc.

Gapminder[24]. Playable guitars per capita (very rough estimates) — v1. gapm.io/dguitars.

Gapminder[25]. Maternal mortality — v2. gapm.io/dmamo.

Gapminder[26]. «Factpods on Ebola.» 1–15. gapm.io/fpebo.

Gapminder[27]. Poll results from events. gapm.io/rrs.

Gapminder[28]. How good are the UN population forecasts? gapm.io/mmpopfut.

Gapminder[29]. The Inevitable Fill-Up. gapm.io/mmfu.

Gapminder[30]. Family size by income level. gapm.io/efinc.

Gapminder[31]. Protected Nature — v1. gapm.io/protnat.

Gapminder[32]. Hans Rosling. «Swine flu alert! News/Death ratio: 8176». Video. May 8, 2009. gapm.io/sftbn.

Gapminder[33]. Average age at first marriage. gapm.io/fmarr.

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Gapminder[36]. Monitored species. gapm.io/tnwlm.

Gapminder[37]. Food production. gapm.io/tfood.

Gapminder[38]. War deaths. gapm.io/twar.

Gapminder[39]. Textile. gapm.io/ttextile.

Gapminder[40]. Protected nature. gapm.io/protnat.

Gapminder[41]. «Why Boat Refugees Don’t Fly!» gapm.io/p16.

Gapminder[42]. Child labour. gapm.io/dchlab.

Gapminder[43]. Gapminder Factfulness Poster, v3.1. Free Teaching Material, License CC BY. 4.0. 2017. gapm.io/fposter.

Gapminder[44]. Length of schooling. gapm.io/dsclex.

Gapminder[45]. Recreation spending by income level. gapm.io/tcrecr.

Gapminder[46]. Caries. gapm.io/dcaries.

Gapminder[47]. Fertility rates by income quintile. gapm.io/dtfrq.

Gapminder[48]. Road accidents. gapm.io/droada.

Gapminder[49]. Child drownings by income level. gapm.io/ddrown.

Gapminder[50]. Travel distance. gapm.io/ttravel.

Gapminder[51]. CO2 emissions. gapm.io/tco2.

Gapminder[52]. Natural disasters. gapm.io/tndis.

Gapminder[53]. Fertility rate and income by religion. gapm.io/dtfrr.

GDL[1]. (Global Data Lab). Area data initiated by Jeroen Smits. https://globaldatalab.org/areadata.

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