Книга Вы и ваши гормоны. Наука о женском здоровье и гормональной контрацепции, страница 66. Автор книги Сара Хилл

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Онлайн книга «Вы и ваши гормоны. Наука о женском здоровье и гормональной контрацепции»

Cтраница 66

16. Выдержки из интервью напечатаны с любезного разрешения еженедельной документальной радиопередачи This American Life и взяты из эпизода 220 под названием Testosterone. Взято на https://www.this­american­life.org/­220/­testosterone.

17. Klinesmith, J., Kasser, T., & McAndrew, F.T. (2006). Guns, testosterone, and aggression. Psychological Science, 17(7), 568–571. doi:10.1111/j.­1467-9280.­2006.­01745.x.

18. Raeburn, P. (2015). Do fathers matter? What science is telling us about the parent we’ve overlooked. New York: Scientific American/Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Alonso, D.L., & Ortiz-Rodríguez, I.M. (2017). Offspring mortality was a determinant factor in the evolution of paternal investment in humans: An evolutionary game approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 419, 44–51. doi:10.1016/­j.­jtbi.­2017.­01.­043.

19. Isidori, A.M., Giannetta, E., Gianfrilli, D. et al. (2005). Effects of testosterone on sexual function in men: Results of a meta-analysis. Clinical Endocrinology, 63, 381–394; Peters, M., Simmons, L.W., & Rhodes, G. (2008). Testosterone is associated with mating success but not attractiveness or masculinity in human males. Animal Behaviour, 76(2), 297–303. doi:10.1016/­j.anbehav.­2008.­02.­008.

20. Burnham, T.C., Chapman, J.F., Gray, P.B. et al. (2003). Men in committed, romantic relationships have lower testosterone. Hormones and Behavior, 44(2), 119–122. doi:10.1016/­s0018-506x­(03)­00125-9.

21. Gettler, L.T., McDade, T.W., Feranil, A.B., & Kuzawa, C.W. (2011). Longitudinal evidence that fatherhood decreases testosterone in human males. PNAS, 108(39), 16194–16199. doi:10.1073/­pnas.­11054­03108.

Глава 3

22. Adams, D.B., Gold, A.R., & Burt, A.D. (1978). Rise in female-initiated sexual activity at ovulation and its suppression by oral contraceptives. New England Journal of Medicine, 299(21), 1145–1150. doi:10.1056/­nejm­1978­112­32­99­2101; Bullivant, S.B., Sellergren, S.A., Stern, K. et al. (2004). Women’s sexual experience during the menstrual cycle: Identification of the sexual phase by noninvasive measurement of luteinizing hormone. Journal of Sex Research, 41(1), 82–93. doi:10.1080/­0022­4490­409­552­216; Dennerstein, L., Gotts, G., Brown, J.B. et al. (1994). The relationship between the menstrual cycle and female sexual interest in women with PMS complaints and volunteers. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 19(3), 293–304. doi:10.1016/­0306-4530­(94)­90067-1; Diamond, L.M., & Wallen, K. (2010). Sexual minority women’s sexual motivation around the time of ovulation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(2), 237–246. doi:10.1007/­s10508-010-9631-2; Matteo, S., & Rissman, E.F. (1984). Increased sexual activity during the midcycle portion of the human menstrual cycle. Hormones and Behavior, 18(3), 249–255. doi:10.1016/­0018-506x­(84)­90014-x; Pillsworth, E.G., Haselton, M.G., & Buss, D.M. (2004). Ovulatory shifts in female sexual desire. Journal of Sex Research, 41(1), 55–65. doi:10.1080/­0022­4490­409­552­213; Stanislaw, H., & Rice, F.J. (1988). Correlation between sexual desire and menstrual cycle characteristics. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 17(6), 499–508. doi:10.1007/­bf01­542­338; Wallen, K. (2001). Sex and context: Hormones and primate sexual motivation. Hormones and Behavior, 40(2), 339–357. doi:10.1006/­hbeh.­2001.­1696; Wilcox, A., Baird, D.D., Dunson, D.B. et al. (2004). On the frequency of intercourse around ovulation: Evidence for biological influences. Human Reproduction, 19(7), 1539–1543. doi:10.1093/­humrep­/deh305; Regan, P.C. (1996). Rhythms of desire: The association between menstrual cycle phases and female sexual desire. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 5, 145–156; Schreiner-Engel, P., Schiavi, R.C., Smith, H., & White, D. (1981). Sexual arousability and the menstrual cycle. Psychosomatic Medicine, 43(3), 199–214.

23. Roney, J.R., & Simmons, Z.L. (2013). Hormonal predictors of sexual motivation in natural menstrual cycles. Hormones and Behavior, 63(4), 636–645. doi:10.1016/­j.yhbeh.­2013.­02.­013.

24. Roney, J.R., & Simmons, Z.L. (2016). Within-cycle fluctuations in progesterone negatively predict changes in both in-pair and extra-pair desire among partnered women. Hormones and Behavior, 81, 45–52. doi:10.1016/­j.­yhbeh.­2016.­03.­008.

25. Diamond, L.M., & Wallen, K. (2010). Sexual minority women’s sexual motivation around the time of ovulation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(2), 237–246. doi:10.1007/­s105­08-010-9631-2.

26. Roney, J.R., & Gettler, L.T. (2015). The role of testosterone in human romantic relationships. Current Opinion in Psychology, 1, 81–86. doi:10.1016/­j.copsyc.­2014.­11.­003; Wallen, K., Winston, L.A., Gaventa, S. et al. (1984). Periovulatory changes in female sexual behavior and patterns of ovarian steroid secretion in group-living rhesus monkeys. Hormones and Behavior, 18(4), 431–450. doi:10.1016/­0018-506x­(84)­90028-x; Kendrick, K.M., & Dixson, A.F. (1985). Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone enhances proceptivity in a primate. Neuroendocrinology, 41(6), 449–453. doi:10.1159/­000124218; Zehr, J.L., Maestripieri, D., & Wallen, K. (1998). Estradiol increases female sexual initiation independent of male responsiveness in rhesus monkeys. Hormones and Behavior, 33(2), 95–103. doi:10.1006/­hbeh.­1998.­1440.

27. Wilcox, A., Baird, D.D., Dunson, D.B. et al. (2004). On the frequency of intercourse around ovulation: Evidence for biological influences. Human Reproduction, 19(7), 1539–1543. doi:10.1093/­humrep/­deh305.

28. Regan, P.C. (1996). Rhythms of desire: The association between menstrual cycle phases and female sexual desire. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 5, 145–156; Roney, J.R., & Gettler, L.T. (2015). The role of testosterone in human romantic relationships. Current Opinion in Psycho­logy, 1, 81–86. doi:10.1016/­j.copsyc.­2014.­11.­003; Wallen, K. (2001). Sex and context: Hormones and primate sexual motivation. Hormones and Behavior, 40(2), 339–357. doi:10.1006/­hbeh.­2001.­1696; Bullivant, S. B., Sellergren, S.A., Stern, K. et al. (2004). Women’s sexual experience during the men­strual cycle: Identification of the sexual phase by noninvasive measurement of luteinizing hormone. Journal of Sex Research, 41(1), 82–93. doi:10.1080/­0022­449­040­955­2216; Van Goozen, S.H., Wiegant, V.M., Endert, E. et al. (1997). Psychoendocrinological assessment of the menstrual cycle: The relationship between hormones, sexuality, and mood. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 26(4), 359–382. doi:10.1023/­A:102­458­721­79­27.

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