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20. R. D. Lane, et al., “Impaired Verbal and Nonverbal Emotion Recognition in Alexithymia”, Psychosomatic Medicine 58, no. 3 (1996): 203–10.

21. H. Krystal and J. H. Krystal, Integration and Self-Healing: Affect, Trauma, Alexithymia (New York: Analytic Press, 1988).

22. P. Frewen, et al., “Clinical and Neural Correlates of Alexithymia in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder”, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 117, no. 1 (2008): 171–81.

23. D. Finkelhor, R. K. Ormrod, and H. A. Turner, “Re-Victimization Patterns in a National Longitudinal Sample of Children and Youth”, Child Abuse & Neglect 31, no. 5 (2007): 479–502; J. A. Schumm, S. E. Hobfoll, and N. J. Keogh, “Revictimization and Interpersonal Resource Loss Predicts PTSD Among Women in Substance-Use Treatment”, Journal of Traumatic Stress 17, no. 2 (2004): 173–81; J. D. Ford, J. D. Elhai, D. F. Connor, and B. C. Frueh, “Poly-Victimization and Risk of Posttraumatic, Depressive, and Substance Use Disorders and Involvement in Delinquency in a National Sample of Adolescents”, Journal of Adolescent Health 46, no. 6 (2010): 545–52.

24. P. Schilder, “Depersonalization”, in Introduction to a Psychoanalytic Psychiatry (New York: International Universities Press, 1952), стр. 120.

25. S. Arzy, et al., “Neural Mechanisms of Embodiment: Asomatognosia Due to Premotor Cortex Damage”, Archives of Neurology 63, no. 7 (2006): 1022–25. См. также: S. Arzy, et al., “Induction of an Illusory Shadow Person”, Nature 443, no. 7109 (2006): 287; S. Arzy, et al., “Neural Basis of Embodiment: Distinct Contributions of Temporoparietal Junction and Extrastriate Body Area”, Journal of Neuroscience 26, no. 31 (2006): 8074–81; O. Blanke, et al., “Out-of-Body Experience and Autoscopy of Neurological Origin”, Brain 127, part 2 (2004): 243–58; and M. Sierra, et al., “Unpacking the Depersonalization Syndrome: An Exploratory Factor Analysis on the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale”, Psychological Medicine 35 (2005): 1523–32.

26. A. A. T. Reinders, et al., “Psychobiological Characteristics of Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Symptom Provocation Study”, Biological Psychiatry 60, no. 7 (2006): 730–40.

27. В своей книге «Focusing» Юджин Гендил придумал термин «испытанное чувство»: «испытанное чувство не воспринимается мозгом, а является физическим ощущением. Тело по-своему воспринимает ситуацию, человека или событие». Focusing (New York: Random House Digital, 1982).

28. C. Steuwe, et al., “Effect of Direct Eye Contact in PTSD Related to Interpersonal Trauma: An fMRI Study of Activation of an Innate Alarm System”, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 9, no. 1 (January 2012): 88–97.

Глава 7. На одной волне: привязанность и подстройка

1. N. Murray, E. Koby, and B. van der Kolk, “The Effects of Abuse on Children’s Thoughts”, Глава 4 in Psychological Trauma (Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1987).

2. Исследователь привязанности Мэри Майн рассказывала шестилетним детям историю про мальчика, мать которого пропала, и попросила их ее продолжить. Большинство детей, у которых были теплые и защищенные отношения с матерью в младенчестве, придумали оригинальное продолжение с хорошим концом, в то время как дети, чьи отношения с матерью пять лет назад классифицировались как беспорядочная привязанность, как правило, придумывали всякие трагедии и зачастую давали пугающие ответы вроде: «Родители умрут» или «Ребенок себя убьет». Из книги: Mary Main, Nancy Kaplan, and Jude Cassidy, “Security in Infancy, Childhood, and Adulthood: A Move to the Level of Representation”, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (1985).

3. J. Bowlby, Attachment and Loss, vol. 1, Attachment (New York: Random House, 1969); J. Bowlby, Attachment and Loss, vol. 2, Separation: Anxiety and Anger (New York: Penguin, 1975); J. Bowlby, Attachment and Loss, vol. 3, Loss: Sadness and Depression (New York: Basic, 1980); J. Bowlby, “The Nature of the Child’s Tie to His Mother”, International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 39, no. 5 (1958): 350–73.

4. C. Trevarthen, “Musicality and the Intrinsic Motive Pulse: Evidence from Human Psychobiology and Rhythms, Musical Narrative, and the Origins of Human Communication”, Muisae Scientiae, special issue, 1999, 157–213.

5. A. Gopnik and A. N. Meltzof, Words, Toughts, and Theories (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997); A. N. Meltzof and M. K. Moore, “Newborn Infants Imitate Adult Facial Gestures”, Child Development 54, no. 3 (June 1983): 702–9; A. Gopnik, A. N. Meltzof, and P. K. Kuhl, The Scientist in the Crib: Minds, Brains, and How Children Learn (New York: HarperCollins, 2009).

6. E. Z. Tronick, “Emotions and Emotional Communication in Infants”, American Psychologist 44, no. 2 (1989): 112. См. также: E. Tronick, The Neurobehavioral and Social-Emotional Development of Infants and Children (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2007); E. Tronick and M. Beeghly, “Infants’ Meaning-Making and the Development of Mental Health Problems”, American Psychologist 66, no. 2 (2011): 107; and A. V. Sravish, et al., “Dyadic Flexibility During the Face-to-Face Still-Face Paradigm: A Dynamic Systems Analysis of Its Temporal Organization”, Infant Behavior and Development 36, no. 3 (2013): 432–37.

7. M. Main, “Overview of the Field of Attachment”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 64, no. 2 (1996): 237–43.

8. D. W. Winnicott, Playing and Reality (New York: Psychology Press, 1971). См. также: D. W. Winnicott, “The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment”, (1965); and D. W. Winnicott, Trough Paediatrics to Psycho-analysis: Collected Papers (New York: Brunner/ Mazel, 1975).

9. Как мы уже видели в шестой главе и как продемонстрировал Дамасио, это ощущение внутренней реальности, как минимум отчасти, заложено в островке – структуре мозга, играющей центральную роль в связи между телом и разумом, работа которой зачастую оказывается нарушена у людей с хронической травмой в прошлом.

10. D. W. Winnicott, Primary Maternal Preoccupation (London: Tavistock, 1956), 300–5.

11. S. D. Pollak, et al., “Recognizing Emotion in Faces: Developmental Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect”, Developmental Psychology 36, no. 5 (2000): 679.

12. P. M. Crittenden, “Peering into the Black Box: An Exploratory Treatise on the Development of Self in Young Children”, Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology, vol. 5, Disorders and Dysfunctions of the Self eds. D. Cicchetti and S. L. Toth (Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 1994), 79; P. M. Crittenden and A. Landini, Assessing Adult Attachment: A Dynamic-Maturational Approach to Discourse Analysis (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2011).

13. Patricia M. Crittenden, “Children’s Strategies for Coping with Adverse Home Environments: An Interpretation Using Attachment Theory”, Child Abuse & Neglect 16, no. 3 (1992): 329–43.

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