Книга SAUDI, INC. История о том, как Саудовская Аравия стала одним из самых влиятельных государств на геополитической карте мира, страница 83. Автор книги Эллен Р. Уолд

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Онлайн книга «SAUDI, INC. История о том, как Саудовская Аравия стала одним из самых влиятельных государств на геополитической карте мира»

Cтраница 83

20. Holden and Johns 119.

21. Lacey, The Kingdom, 245.

22. Tim Brady, «Profile of Fred Davies», The Minnesota, April/March 2006. http://www.minnesotaalumni.org/s/1118/content1.aspx? sid=81978&gid=81978&pgid=81978.

23. Lacey, The Kingdom, 246.

24. Barger, 15.

25. Yergin, 281.

26. Barger, 28.

27. Barger, 26.

28. Barger, 29.

29. Yergin, 281.

30. Barger, 14.

31. Yergin, 283.

32. Holden and Johns, 120. Цифры разнятся в зависимости от источника, но все они свидетельствуют об одном: о росте продуктивности скважины.

33. Lacey, The Kingdom, 256 и Holden and Johns, 121.

34. Yergin, 284.

35. William E. Mulligan, «Air Raid! A Sequel.» Aramco World, 27:4 (1976) 2–3.

36. Yergin, 285, Thomas Lippman, «The Pioneers», Aramco World, 55:3 (2004) 14–21, и Wallace Stegner, «The Frontier closes», Aramco World, 21:4 (1970) 9–21.

37. Confidential Aramco Memorandum, undated, National Archives, ARC2071559 Box 213 Folder 3, and «Ambassador Childs to the Secretary of State», December 4, 1947, RG 59, NA, 890F.00/12–447.

38. Memorandum by the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs (Henderson) to the Secretary of State, Washington, January 26, 1948. FRUS1948, V: I 217–218.

39. Childs, 149.

Глава 2

1. Childs, 137.

2. Ibid, 137.

3. Ibid, 138.

4. Ibid, 20.

5. Ibid, 55.

6. Ambassador James B. Smith, interview with the author, Washington, D.C., January 11, 2016.

7. Childs,142.

8. Ibid, 140.

9. Confidential Aramco Memorandum, undated, National Archives, ARC2071559 Box 213 Folder 3.

10. «Duce, James Terry», William E. Mulligan Papers Box 1 Folder 17, Georgetown University.

11. Ibid.

12. Laton McCartney, Friends in High Places: The Bechtel Story (New York: Ballantine Books, 1989), 88.

13. Ibid, 86.

14. http://www.forbes.com/largest-private-companies/list/.

15. McCartney, 80.

16. «Letter from Tom Borman to Steve Bechtel», October 27, 1949, Box 4 Folder 4, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, American Heritage Center University of Wyoming (AHCUW).

17. McCartney, 89.

18. «Letter from John M. Rogers to Steve Bechtel», December 4, 1949, Box 4 Folder 4, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.

19. «Letter from John M. Rogers to Steve Bechtel, ‘Jeddah Situation,’» December 18, 1949, Box 4 Folder 5, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.

20. Lacey, The Kingdom, 285–286.

21. McCartney, 89–91.

22. «Letter from Van Rosendahl to Steve Bechtel», London, England, December 5, 1949. Box 4 Folder 4 Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.

23. Inventory of the C. Stribling Snodgrass papers, 1918–1977, University of Wyoming. American Heritage Center, http://rmoa.unm.edu/docviewer.php?docId=wyu-ah06571.xml.

24. McCartney, 121.

25. «Notes of Meeting with Mark — Tuesday evening September 5th, 1950», Box 4 Folder 7, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.

26. «Memorandum of Understanding between Cornelius S. Snodgrass and Representative of U. S. Government», December 20, 1951. Допущено к публикации Центральным разведывательным управлением 22 августа 2016 года.

27. «Agreement between The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and International Bechtel, Inc.», Box 4 Folder 7, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.

28. «Letter from C. Snodgrass to Steve Bechtel, ‘SAG Government Program (1950),’» January 17, 1950, Box 4 Folder 4, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.

29. «Letter from Snodgrass to Steve Bechtel, ‘SAG Program,’» January 21, 1950, Box 4 Folder 4, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.

30. Ibid.

31. «Paper Prepared in the Department of State, ‘Middle East Oil,’» Washington, September 1950, FRUS1950, V, 78.

32. http://www.exim.gov/about/mission.cfm and http://www.exim.gov/75th/bank_history.cfm.

33. «Letter from Snodgrass to Steve Bechtel, ‘SAG Program,’» January 21, 1950, Box 4 Folder 4, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.

34. Ibid.

35. «Letter from Rogers to Rosendahl, ‘Saudi Arab Government Project,’» March 19, 1950, Box 4 Folder 4, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.

36. «Cable to Aramco, Jeddah», February 1, 1951, Box 4 Folder 7, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.

37. Executive and Technical Staff: Petroleum Administration for Defense, January 2, 1952. Box 52 Folder 7, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW, 1–2.

38. «Visit to Your office by Messrs. Bechtel and Snodgrass», January 16, 1951, Saudi Arabia, Bechtel Int’l Corp. 1951, General Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). (Далее используется аббревиатура RG 59, NA.)

39. «Memorandum of Conversation», June 5, 1951, RG 59, NA 886.2553/6–551.

40. «American Embassy, Jidda to Department of State», Washington, July 2, 1951, RG 59, NA 886.2553/7–251.

41. «Letter from Earl F. English to Van Rosendahl», June 22, 1951 and «Enclosure 1», RG 59 NA 886A.2553/7–251.

42. «Boyhood Dream Come True in Big Way», The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pittsburgh, PA) February 2, 1953.

43. «U. S. Embassy, Jidda to Department of State, Washington. Subject: Contract Negotiations between the Saudi Government and Michael Baker Jr. Inc. of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania», August 25, 1951 RG 59, NA 886A.2553/8–2551.

44. Robert Vitalis, America’s Kingdom (New York: New Left Books, 2009), 169.

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