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Вторичные источники

Adams, S. L. (1973). The Protestant Cause: Religious Alliance with the West European Calvinist Communities as a Political Issue in England, 1585–1630. Unpublished Oxford D. Phil. dissertation.

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Alford, S. (1996). William Cecil and the British Succession Crisis of the 1560s. Unpublished St Andrews Ph. D. dissertation.

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Armstrong Davison, M. H. (1965). The Casket Letters: A Solution to the Mystery of Mary Queen of Scots and the Murder of Lord Darnley (London).

Axton, Marie (1977). The Queen’s Two Bodies: Drama and the Elizabethan Succession Question (London).

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Beckett, M. (2002). The Political Works of John Lesley, Bishop of Ross. Unpublished St Andrews Ph. D. dissertation.

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