Книга 5 O'clock и другие традиции Англии, страница 70. Автор книги Анна Павловская

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5 O'clock и другие традиции Англии

Биг-Бен – башня с часами, телефонная будка и двухэтажный автобус, по сей день являются символами Лондона

Humphry Mrs (“Madge” of “Truth”). Manners for Women, n.d. (reprinted in 1993)

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Mail, Antony. Xenophobe’s guide to the English. Horsham, 1993.

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Martin, Sam. How to Mow the Lawn. 2003.

Mather, Victoria, Macartney-Snape, Sue. Absolutely Typical. The Best Social Stereotypes from the Telegraph Magazine. L., 1996.

Mikes George. How to be a Brit. Penguin Books, 1984.

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Mingay, G.E. Rural Life in Victorian England. L, 1976.

Mistress of Charlecote. The Memoirs of Mary Elizabeth Lucy. L., 1983.

Mohen, Jean-Pierre. Standing Stones. 2002.

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Moon, Rosemary and Suthering, Janie. A Fine Tradition of Tea. Fortnum & Mason. 1998.

Moxham, Roy. Tea. Addiction, Exploitation and Empire. L, 2003.

Musgrave, Toby; Gardner, Chris; Musgrave, Will. Th Plant Hunters. 2000.

Newsome, David. The Victorian World Picture. L., 1998.

Nicole Nobody: the Autobiography of the Duchess of Bedford. L., 1974.

Nimmo, Derek. Not in Front of the Servants! L., 1987.

Noksvig, Sandi & Nightingale, Sandy. The Travels of Lady “Bulldog” Burton. GB, 2002.

Oxford Illustrated History of Britain. Edited by Kenneth O. Morgan. Oxford. 1984.

Palgrave, Sir Francis. History of the Anglo-Saxons. Twickenham, 1998.

Paston-Williams, Sara. The Art of Dining. A History of Cooking & Eating. L., 1999.

Pastoureau, Michel. Heraldry. Its Origins and Meaning. 2001.

Patten, Marguerite. Victory Cookbook. Nostalgic Food and Facts from 1940–1954. L., 2002.

Paxman Jeremy. The English. Penguin Books, 1999.

Pepys Samuel. The Diaries of Samuel Pepys: A Selection. Penguin Classics, 2003.

Pettigrew Jane. A Social History of Tea. London, 2001.

Picard, Liza. Dr. Johnson’s London. L., 2000.

Picard, Liza. Restoration London. L., 1997.

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Quest-Ritson Charles. The English Garden. A Social History. London, 2001.

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Shall We Join the Ladies? A Lighthearted Look at Women & their Ways. Edited by Jilly Cooper & Tom Hartman. 1980.

Smith Delia. Food in England. L., 1954.

Smith Edward. Foreign Visitors to England and what they have thought of us. L., 1889.

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