Книга Наследие тамплиеров, страница 52. Автор книги Оддвар Ольсен

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Онлайн книга «Наследие тамплиеров»

Cтраница 52

Matthews, D. King Stephen. London: Habledon and London, 2002.

Michell, Jonh. New Light on the Ancient Mysteries of Glastonbury. Glastonbury: Gothic Image Publications, 1991.

Riall, N. Henry de Blois, Bishop of Wincherster – A Patron of the Twelfth-Century Renaissance, Vol. V. Hampshire County Council, 1994.

Scott, John. The Early History of Glastonbury: An Edition, Translation and Study of William of Malmesbury's De Antiquitate Glastonie Ecclesie. New York: Boydell Press, 2001.

Weir, Alison. Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Life. New York: Ballantine Books, 2001.

Winchester Cathedral (Pitkin Guide). Hampshire: Jarrold Publishing, 1998.

Абраксас: Печать Внутреннего ордена тамплиеров?

Barber Malcolm. The Trial of the Templars. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Becker Udo, ed. The Continuum Encyclopedia of Symbols. Trans. Lance W. Garmer, New York: Continuum International Publishing, 1992.

Drury, Nevil and S. Skinner. The Search for Abraxas. Lincoln: Spearman, 1972.

Holroyd, Stuart. The Elements of Gnosticism. Dorset: Element Books, 1994.

Partner, P. The Murdered Magicians. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

Room, Adrian, Ed. Brewer's Dictionary of Phrases and Fables. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Segal, R. The Gnostic Jung. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992.

Орден тамплиеров в Кельведоне (Уэссекс)

Hamilton, Andrew. The Lion Inn, Kelvedon. (c. 1890).

Kentish, Basil. Kelvedon and Its Antiquities. West Sussex: Phillimore, 1974.

Gardner, Laurence. Bloodline of the Holy Grail. Cloucherste, Mass.: Fair Winds Press, 2004.

Simon, Edith. The Piebald Standard. Brooklyn: AMS Press, 1977.

Wright, Thomas. The History and Topography of the County of Essex. G. Virtue Publishing, 1842.

Руссильонские тамплиеры

Hammot, Ben. «Saunieres Treasure Tomb». Journal of the Rennes Alchemist (October, 2003).

Littleton, С. From Scythia to Camelot. New York: Garland, 2000.

Mazeires, M. Society of Arts and Sciences of Carcassonne, Tome III, 4-th Series. (1984).

Wallace-Hadrill, J. M. Long-Haired Kings and Other Studies in Frankish History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982.

Wolfram, Herwig. The History of the Goths. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.

Шихаллион: Гора Сион на Далеком Севере

The Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.

Поклонялись ли тамплиеры голове?

Barber, Malcolm. The Trial of the Templars. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Schonfield, Hugh. The Essene Odyssey. Dorset: Element Books, 1993.

Nicholson, H. The Knights Templars – a New History. Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing, 2001. Coulton, G. С Five Centuries of Religions. London: Octagon Books, 1979, p. 93–93.

Глава 5. Прецептории Тамплиеров

Шотландский храм: Балантрадох

Baigent, Michael, and Richard Leigh. The Temple and the Lodge. New York: Arcade Publishing, 1991.

Begg, Deike and Ean. In Search of the Holy Grail and the Preicious Blood. New York: Thorsons Publishing, 1995.

Edwards, John. «The Knights Templars in Scotland». Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1913.

Gardner, Laurence. Bloodline of the Holy Grail. Glouchester, Mass.: Fair Winds Press, 2004.

Gorebridge Yesterdays: The 1983 Yearbook of Gorebridge and District Local History Society. N. p.: n. d.

Johnstone, Iain. Temple Old Parish Church. N. p., n. d.

Liddell, Eric. An Abstract History: Knights Templar and Freemasons in Scotland. N. p., n. d.

MacGibbon, Ross. The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Scotland. Vol. 2. Edinburgh: Mercat Press, 1995.

Midlothian. An Illustrated Architectural Guide. N. p.: 1995.

Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries. «Temple, Midlothian». N. p.: 1911/1912.

«Royal Commission on the Ancient Historical Monuments of Scotland». N. p.: 1929.

«The Knights Templar in Scotland». The Scottish Review. N. p.: 1898.

Vernon, Stephen. «Temple». Cockpen Bazaar Book. October, 1897.

Церковь Св. Михаила в Гарвее

Barber, Malcolm. The Trial of the Templars. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Tapper, A. A Brief History of Cristianity 500 A. D. – 2000 A. D. N. p., n. d.

Tull, George. Traces of the Templars. Rotherham: The King's England Press, 2000.

Yates, J. F. The Church of St. Michael, Garway. N. p., n. d.

Глава 6. Масонство

История масонов-тамплиеров в Канаде

Dafoe, Stephen. «Masonic Templarism». Http://www.templarhistory.com/masomc.html.

Dafoe, Stephen. «Masonic Templarism in Canada: An Interview With the Grand Historian». Templar History Magazine. Vol. 1. N. p., n. d.

Dafoe, Stephen. «The Shriners: the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine». Http:/ /www.thelodgeroom.com/shrine.html.

Kaulback, Michael. «The First Knights Templar in the United

States». http://www.guigue. org/guitex28. htm.

Sovereign Great Priory of Canada. Christian Chivalry and Freemansory. N. p., n. d.

Sovereign Great Priory of Canada. «Annual Proceedings». N. p.: 1967.

Sovereign Great Priory of Canada. «Annual Proceedings». N. p.: 1984.

Sovereign Great Priory of Canada. «Annual Proceedings». N. p.: 1991.

Sovereign Great Priory of Canada. «Annual Proceedings». N. p.: 1998.

Sovereign Great Priory of Canada. «Annual Proceedings». N. p.: 1999.

Sovereign Great Priory of Canada. «Annual Proceedings». N. p.: 2000.

Sovereign Great Priory of Canada. «Annual Proceedings». N. p.: 2001.

Ramsay Oration. N. p., n. d.

United Grand Lodge of England. Articles of Union. N. p.: 1813.

Ранняя история франкмасонов

Calendar of State Papers Relating to Scotland, 1581–1583, Vol. 13. London: n. p., 1910.

Edwards. G. P. «William Elphinstone: His College Chapel and the Second of April». Aberdeen University Review, Ii 1985) p. 1–17.

Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland.

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