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Aristophanes, Acharnians, Knights, ed. & tr. B. Bickley Rogers. Cambridge, Mass., 1930

Aristotle, The Art of Rhetoric, ed. & tr. J. Freese. Cambridge, Mass., 1947

Poetics, ed. & tr. S. Halliwell. Cambridge, Mass., 1995

Politics, ed. & tr. H. Rackham. Cambridge, Mass., 1932

Arrian, The Anabasis of Alexander, ed. & tr. P. Brunt. 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1976–83

Indike, ed. & French tr. P. Chantraine. Paris, 1927

Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists [The Learned Banqueters], ed. & tr. S. Olson & С Gulick. 7 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1927–41

Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, ed. & tr. J. Rolfe. 3 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1961–8

Aurelius Victor, De Caesaribus [On the Caesars], tr. H. Bird. Liverpool, 1994

Cicero, On the Agarian Law against Rullus, in Pro Quinctio [etc.], ed. & tr. J. Freese. Cambridge, Mass., 1930

On Behalf of Scaurus, in Pro Milone [etc.], ed. & tr. N. Watts. Cambridge, Mass., 1992

On Catiline, in In Catinilam [etc.], ed. & tr. L. Lord. Cambridge, Mass., 1937

On Divination Book I, ed. & tr. D. Wardle. Oxford, 2006 — Letters to Friends, ed. & tr. D. Shackleton Bailey. 3 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 2001

M. Tulli Ciceronis de imperio Cn. Pompei ad Quirites oratio [etc.] [Onthe CommandofGnaeus Pompey], ed. C. Macdonald. London, 1966

On the Nature of the Gods, in De Natura Deorum [etc.], ed. & tr. H. Rackham. Cambridge, Mass., 1933

Philippics, ed. & tr. W Kerr. Cambridge, Mass., 1969

The Republic, Laws, in De Re Publico [etc.], ed. & tr. С Keyes. Cambridge, Mass., 1994

The Verrine Orations, ed. & tr. L. Greenwood. 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1928–35

CIS = Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum. Pars Prima Inscnptiones Phoenicias Continens. Paris, 1881

Cleitarchus, Scholia Platonica, ed. W. Greene. Chicago, 1981

Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis [Miscellanies], ed. O. Stahlin. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1906–9

Columella, On Agriculture, ed. & tr. E. Forster & E. Heffner. 3 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1941–55

Cornelius Nepos, Hamilcar, Hannibal, Timoleon, in Lives of Eminent Commanders, ed. & tr. J. Rolfe. London, 1929

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Berlin, 1863

Corpus luris Civilis, vol. 1, ed. T. Mommsen & P. Kraeger. Berlin, 1954; ed. & tr. A. Watson. 4 vols. Rev. edn. Philadelphia, 2009

De Viris Illustribus [Deeds of Famous Men], ed. & tr. W Sherwin. Norman, Okla., 1973

Dio Cassius, Roman History, ed. & tr. E. Cary. 9 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1917–27

Diodoras Siculus, The Library of History, ed. & tr. C. Oldfather et al. 12 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1960–67

Diogenes Laertius, Clitomachus, Herillus, in Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, ed. & tr. H. Hicks. 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1925

Dionysius of Halicarnassus, The Roman Antiquities, ed. & tr. E. Cary. 7 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1948–50

Epitome of the Philippic History ofPompeius Tragus, ed. & tr. J. Yard-ley & R. Develin. Atlanta, Ga., 1994

Eusebius of Caeserea, Evangelica Praeparatio [Preparation for the Gospel], ed. H. Gifford. Oxford, 1903

Eutropius ('Eutrope'), Abrege d'histoire romaine [An Abridged History of Rome], ed. & French tr. J. Hellegouarch. Paris, 1999

Fabius Pictor, Fragments, in H. Beck (ed.), Diefruhen romischen Historiker. Band I: Von Fabius Pictor bis Cn. Gellius. Darmstadt, 2001. 55–136

Festus Rufus Avienus, Ora Maritima or Description of the Seacoast, ed. & tr. J. Murphy. Chicago, 1999

FGH = E Jacoby et al. (eds.), Die Fragmente dergriechischen Histori-ker. Leiden/Berlin, 1923-

Florus, Epitome of Roman History, ed. & tr. E. Forster. Cambridge, Mass., 1984

Frontinus, Stratagems, Aqueducts, ed. & tr. С Bennett. Cambridge, Mass., 1925

Hanno the Carthaginian, Periplus or Circumnavigation [of Africa], ed. & tr. A. Oikonomides & M. Miller. Chicago, 1995

Herodotus, The Persian Wars, ed. & tr. A. Godley. 4 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1920–25

Hesiod, Theogony, ed. & tr. G. Most. Cambridge, Mass., 2007

Homer, Iliad, ed. & tr. A. Murray & W. Wyatt. 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1999

Odyssey, ed. & tr. A. Murray. 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1984

Horace, The Complete Odes andEpodes, tr. D. West. Oxford, 2000

Iamblichus, On the Pythagorean Life, tr. G. Clark. Liverpool, 1989

ILLRP = Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Publicae, ed. H. Degrassi. 2 vols. Florence, 1957–63

Isocrates, To Nicocles, ed. & tr. S. Usher. Warminster, 1990

Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, ed. & tr. H. Thackeray et al. 13 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1930–65

Justin, Apologies, ed. A. Blunt. Cambridge, 1911

Justinian, Digest, ed. T. Mommsen, tr. A. Watson. Philadelphia, 1985

KAI = H. Donner & W. Rollig (eds.), Kanaanaische und aramaische Inschriften, 3rd edn, 3 vols. Wiesbaden, 1964

Lactantius, Divine Institutes, ed. & tr. A. Bowen & P. Garnsey. Liverpool, 2003

Livy, History of Rome [inc. Epitome], ed. & tr. B. Foster et al. 14 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1961–7

Lydus, Ioannes Laurentius Qohn Lydus), Liber de Mensibus [On the Months], ed. R. Wuensch. Leipzig, 1898

Lysias, Olympiacus, ed. & tr. W Lamb. Cambridge, Mass., 2000

Macrobius, The Saturnalia, ed. & tr. P. Davies. New York, 1969

Martial, Epigrams, ed. & tr. D. Shackleton Bailey. 3 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1993

Naevius, Belli Punici Carminis Quae Supersunt [The Punic War], ed. W Strzelecki. Leipzig, 1964

Nonnus, Dionysiaca, ed. & tr. W Rouse. 3 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1940

Onasander, The General, ed. & tr. Illinois Greek Club. Cambridge, Mass., 1923

Oratorum Romanorum Fragmenta Liberae Rei Publicae, ed. H. Malcovati. Paravia, 1955

Orosius ('Paul Orose'), Histoires contre lespaiens [History against the Pagans], ed. & French tr. M.-P. Arnaud-Lindet. 3 vols. Paris, 1990-91

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