Книга Тамплиеры и ассассины, страница 87. Автор книги Джеймс Вассерман

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Cтраница 87

26. Wingus, Neal. The Illuminoids. New York: Pocket Books, 1979.

27. Yallop, David A. In God’s Name. New York: Bantam Books, 1984.

28. Bastiat, Frederic. The Law. 1850. Trans. Dean Russell. Irvington-on-Hudson: The Foundation for Economic Education, 1994.

29. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. Garden City: Sun Dial Press, 1932.

30. Miller, Edith Starr (Lady Queenborough). Occult Theocracy. 1933. Reprint, Hawthorne, CA: Christian Book Club of America, 1980.

31. Orwell, George. Animal Farm. 1946. Reprint, New York: New American Library, 1964.

32. Robinson, John. Proofs of a Conspiracy. 1798. Reprint, Boston: Western Islands, 1967.

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