Книга GET FEEDBACK. Как негативные отзывы сделают ваш продукт лидером рынка, страница 54. Автор книги Джей Бэр

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63. Joe Causon, «Customer Complaints Made Via Social Media on the Rise», Guardian, May 21, 2015, http://www.theguardian.com/ media-network/2015/may/21/customer-complaints-social-media-rise? CMP=new_1194&CMP (Сентябрь 11, 2015).

64. Andrea Ayers, «Why Customer Service Jobs Will Grow and Grow», Forbes, February 25, 2010, http://www.forbes.com/2010/02/25/ customer-service-jobs-leadership-managing-marketing.html (Сентябрь 11, 2015).

65. Conversocial, Definitive Guide to Social Customer Service.

66. DiJulius III, Customer Service Revolution.

67. «Umpqua Holdings Corporation», Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umpqua_Holdings_Corporation (Сентябрь 11, 2015).

68. Там же.

69. Barlow and Moller, A Complaint Is a Gift.

70. Cheryl Lin Rodsted, Instagram, https://instagram.com/p/1ew XhJPAZ1/ (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

71. Ibid.

72. Judith E. Glaser and Richard D. Glaser, «The Neurochemistry of Positive Conversations», Harvard Business Review, June 12, 2014, https:// hbr.org/ 2014/ 06/ the-neurochemistry of positive-conversations/ (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

73. Там же.

74. Lee Cockerell, The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service (New York: Crown Business, 2013), Kindle edition.

75. «Subaru for the Win!’ Dealership Hits Back at Union Protest with Kick-Ass Sign», Twitchy, March 14, 2014, http://twitchy.com/2014/03/14/subaru-for-the-win-dealership-hits-back at union-protest-with-kick-ass-sign-pics-video/ (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

76. «Social Commerce: Bad Reviews Are Good for Business», Reevoo, February 11, 2002, https://www.reevoo.com/news/social-commerce 203-bad-reviews-are-good-for-business/ (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

77. Daniel Lemin, Manipurated: How Business Owners Can Fight Fraudulent Online Ratings and Reviews (Fresno, CA: Quill Driver Books, 2015), advance electronic copy.

78. Mara Siegler, «Hotel Fines $500 for Every Bad Review Posted Online», New York Post, Page Six, August 4, 2014, http://pagesix.com/2014/08/04/ hotel-charges‐500-for-every-bad-review – posted-online/ (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

79. Amy Langfield, «Hotel’s $500 ‘Joke’ Led to 3, 000 Bad Reviews», Today, August 5, 2014, http://www.today.com/news/union-street – guest-houses‐500-joke-led 3 000-bad‐1D80024902 (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

80. Rabith Z, Yelp, November 21, 2013, http://www.yelp.com/biz/ union-street-guest-house-hudson?hrid=_pR59VY-c19Nmxt 4r9X9w (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

81. Cockerell, The Customer Rules.

82. Reichheld and Sasser, «Zero Defections».

83. Luke Brynley-Jones, «Can Customer Service Deliver a Higher ROI Than Marketing?» Our Social Times, September 18, 2014, http://oursocialtimes.com/can-customer-service-deliver a higher-roi-than-marketing/ (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

84. Frank Eliason, @ Your Service: How to Attract New Customers, Increase Sales, and Grow Your Business Using Simple Customer Service Techniques (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2012), Kindle edition.

85. Matthew Dixon, Karen Freeman, and Nicholas Toman, «Stop Trying to Delight Your Customers», Harvard Business Review, July – August 2010, https://hbr.org/2010/07/stop-trying to delight – your-customers (Сентябрь 14, 2015).


86. Steve Curtin, «Delta Connections», Steve Curtin Customer Enthusiast (blog), February 25, 2011, http://www.stevecurtin.com/blog/2011/ 02/15/delta-connections/ (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

87. Dixon, Freeman, and Toman, «Stop Trying to Delight Your Customers».

88. Cynthia J. Grimm, «When to Offer Fewer Customer Service Chan-nels», Harvard Business Review, May 19, 2015, https://hbr.org/ 2015/05/when to offer-fewer-customer-service-channels (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

89. Barlow and Moller, A Complaint Is a Gift.

90. Dixon, Freeman, and Toman, «Stop Trying to Delight Your Custom ers», http://www.nedbankgroup.co.za/financials/2008Sustainability/ pdf/Section%204.pdf.

91. Thunderhead.com and Populus Research, «Engagement 3.0: A New Model for Customer Engagement», February 2014, https:// hmn-uploads eu.s3.amazonaws.com/thunderhead-production/ uploads/2014/02/Engagement_3–0_US_Report-PDF-web.pdf (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

92. Ibid.

93. Cockerell, The Customer Rules.

94. Helen Leggatt, «Email Customer Service Response Times Lengthen, Twitter Improves», BizReport. March 23, 2015, http://www.bizreport.com/2015/03/email-customer-service-response-times-lengthen-twitter-impro.html (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

«2014 State of Multichannel Customer Service Survey», Parature.


95. Drew Hester, Twitter, May 16, 2015, https://twitter.com/drew hester12/status/599648186031087618 (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

96. Indy Motor Speedway, Twitter, May 16, 2015, https://twitter.com/

97. IMS/status/599648720326529026 (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

98. Conversocial, Definitive Guide to Social Customer Service.

99. Harry Mills, PhD, «Physiology of Anger», MentalHelp.net, June 25, 2015, https://www.mentalhelp.net/articles/physiology of anger/ (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

100. Scott Stratten, Twitter, October 9, 2014, https://twitter.com/ unmarketing/status/520378536730050560 (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

101. Spotify, Twitter, October 10, 2014, https://twitter.com/SpotifyCares/ status/520586270545043456 (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

102. Scott Stratten, Twitter, October 10, 2014, https://twitter.com/ unmarketing/status/520587938154160128 (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

103. Grimm, «When to Offer Fewer Customer Service Channels».

104. Manitoba Telecom Services’ Facebook page, June 11, 2015, https:// www.facebook.com/MTSTalks/posts/1079156565445293:0 (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

105. Ibid.

106. Subway’s Facebook page, May 22, 2015, https://www.facebook.com/subway/posts/10153392648904974:0 (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

107. Ibid.

108. Anthony Ha, «More Than Half a Billion People Access Facebook Solely from Mobile», TechCrunch, January 28, 2015, http://techcrunch.com/2015/01/28/facebook-mobile-only 2/ (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

109. Whitney Fowler, Twitter, December 18, 2014, https://twitter.com/whitlash/status/545657613741199360 (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

110. Warby Parker, Twitter, December 18, 2014, https://twitter.com/WarbyParker/status/545684354044006400 (Сентябрь 14, 2015).


111. Customers 2020, Walker.

112. Neil Davey, «Self-Service Warning: Why You Can Still Lose in a Win-Win Game», MyCustomer, July 3, 2014, http://www.mycustomer.com/feature/experience/can-anything-derail-self-service-revolution/167451 (Сентябрь 14, 2015).

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