Книга История Древнего мира. От истоков цивилизации до падения Рима, страница 247. Автор книги Сьюзен Уайс Бауэр

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23. Suetonius, Tiberius, in Lives of the Caesars, p. 131.

24. Garthwaite, p. 80.

25. Suetonius, The Deified Augustus 98, in Lives of the Caesars, p. 95.


1. Twitchett and Loewe, p. 225.

2. Clyde Bailey Sargent, trans. Wang Mang: A Translation of the Official Account of His Rise to Power (1977), p. 55.

3. Ibid., p. 178.

4. Hucker, p. 129.

5. Бань Гу, историк эпохи Хань, цит. в: J. A. G. Roberts, p. 57.

6. J. A. G. Roberts, p. 57.

7. Paludan, p. 45.

8. J. A. G. Roberts, p. 59.

9. Michael, p. 82. 10. Fenton, p. 141.


1. Suetonius, Tiberius 25, in Lives of the Caesars, p. 111.

2. Ibid.

3. Suetonius, Tiberius 43, in Lives of the Caesars, p. 119.

4. Suetonius, Tiberius 75, in Lives of the Caesars, p. 134.

5. Acts of Thomas, 2.4.

6. Ibid., 1.16.

7. Rom. 6:8–14, NIV.

8. Josephus, Wars of the Jews, II.184–203.

9. Tacitus, Annals of Imperial Rome, 12.62, 280.

10. I. A. Richmond, Roman Britain (1978), p. 30.

11. Ibid., p. 33.

12. Dio Cassius, Roman History (1916), 62.16–1.

13. Tacitus, Annals of Imperial Rome, 15.44.

14. Sulpicius Severus, «The Sacred History of Sulpicius Severus», in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. 11, edited by Philip Schaff and Henry Wace (1974), book 2, chapter 29.

15. Suetonius, Nero 57, in Lives of the Caesars, p. 227.

16. Suetonius, Galba, in Lives of the Caesars, pp. 236–237.

17. Hooper, p. 393.


1. Hooper, p. 403.

2. Pliny, Letter 6.20 in The Letters of the Younger Pliny (1963).

3. De Vita Caesarum: Domitianus, in Suetonius, edited by J. C. Rolfe (1914), vol. 2, 339–385.

4. Domitian 13, in Suetonius, Lives of the Caesars, sec. 13, p. 289.

5. Tacitus, «Life of Cnaeus Julius Agricola», in Complete Works of Tacitus, translated by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb (1964), pp. 707–708.

6. Scarre, p. 83.

7. Scarre, p. 88.

8. Trajan, in Anthony Birley, Lives of the Later Caesars (1976), p. 44.

9. Epictetus, «Discourses 4», in Discourses, Books 3 and 4, translated by P. E. Matheson (2004),

I. 128–131.

10. Dio Cassius, Roman History, p. lxix.

11. Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, translated by A. C. McGiffert, 1890.

12. Ibid.


1. J. A. G. Roberts, p. 60.

2. Hucker, p. 131.

3. J. A. G. Roberts, p. 60.

4. Fairbank and Goldman, p. 60.

5. Hucker, p. 131.

6. Michael, p. 84.

7. Ibid.


1. Scarre, p. 110.

2. Marcus Antoninus 2, in Birley, p. 110.

3. Birley, Marcus Antoninus 7, in Birley, p. 115.

4. Birley, Marcus Antoninus 12, in Birley, p. 122.

5. Birley, Marcus Antoninus 17, in Birley, p. 125.

6. Marcus Aurelius, The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, translated by George Long (1909), 6.2.

7. Ibid., 30.

8. Marcus Antoninus 28, in Birley, p. 136.

9. Scarre, p. 122.

10. Commodus 9, in Birley, p. 170.

11. Commodus 16, in Birley, p. 175.

12. Rafe de Crespigny, trans., To Establish Peace, vol. 1 (1996), p. xi.

13. Ibid., p. 17.

14. Michael, p. 133; Paludan, p. 55.

15. de Crespigny, vol. 1, p. xxxviii.

16. Ibid., vol. 2, p. 396.

17. Hucker, p. 133.

18. Caracallus 2, in Birley, p. 251.

19. Caracallus 4, in Birley, p. 253.

20. Darab Dastur Peshotan Sanjana. The Karname i Artakhshir i Papakan, Being the Oldest Surviving Records of the Zoroastrian Emperor Ardashir Babakan, the Founder of the Sasanian Dynasty in Iran (1896), 1.6.

21. Scarre, p. 147.

22. Birley, Heliogabalus 5, in Birley, p. 293.


1. al-Mas’udi, El Masudi’s Encyclopedia, Entitled «Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems», Book 2 (1841).

2. Curris, p. 61.

3. «Yasna 12: The Zoroastrian Creed», translated by Joseph H. Peterson (electronic text at www. avesta.org, 1997), sections 1, 3, 9.

4. Jordanes, The Origin, and Deeds of the Goths, translated by Charles C. Mierow (1908) 1.9

5. Jordanes, 2.20.

6. Lactantius, «Of the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died», in The Anti-Nicene Fathers, vol 7, Fathers of the Third and Fourth Centuries, edited by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson (1974)

7. Ibid.

8. Eutropius, Abridgement of Roman History, translated by John Selby Watson (Bohn, 1853) 9.13.

9. Ibid., 9.14.

10. Scarre, p. 193.

11. Eusebius, «The Oration of the Emperor Constantine», 24, in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series, Vol. I, edited by Philip Schaff and Henry Wace (1974).

12. Eutropius, 9.18.

13. Ibid., 9.18.

14. Ibid., 9.20.

15. Lactantius, «On the Manner in Which the Persecutors Died»

16. Ibid.

17. Eutropius, 9.23.

18. Ibid., 9.27.

19. Eusebius, «Life of Constantine», in Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. I, edited by Philip Schaff and Henry Wace (1974), 26.

20. Ibid., 28, 29.

21. Ibid., 38.

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