Книга История Средневекового мира. От Константина до первых Крестовых походов, страница 211. Автор книги Сьюзен Уайс Бауэр

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21. George, pp. 187–188; Reilly, p. 109.

Глава 80. Появление турок

1. Psellus, pp. 53, 57.

2. Ibid., pp. 64–65.

3. Ibid., p. 81.

4. Shaun Tougher, «Byzantine Eunuchs: An Overview, with Special Reference to Their Creation and Origin», in Liz James, ed., Women, Men, and Eunuchs (1997), pp. 178–179.

5. Psellus, p. 93.

6. Ibid., p. 116.

7. Ibid., pp. 138–139.

8. Ibid., p. 155.

9. Ibid., p. 158.

10. Luscome and Riley-Smith, p. 230.

11. Grousset, p. 150.

12. Izz al-Din Ibn al-Athir, The Annals of the Saljuq Turks, trans. D. S. Richards (2002), pp. 67–68; Ibrahim Kafesoglu and Gary Leiser, A History of the Seljuks (1988), pp. 40–41.

13. Psellus, pp. 224–225.

14. Ibid., p. 300.

15. Archer Jones, The Art of War in the Western World (1987), p. 100.

16. Ibid., p. 101.

17. Psellus, pp. 365–366.

Глава 81. Падение династии Сун

1. Ruth W. Dunnell, The Great State of White and High (1996), p. 37.

2. Ibid., pp. 38–39.

3. Ebrey, pp. 140–141.

4. Lorge, p. 45.

5. Lorge, p. 46.

6. Gernet, pp. 310–311; Needham et al., pp. 93–94.

7. Twitchett et al., pp. 216, 219.

8. Lee et al., Sourcebook of Korean Civilization, p. 275; Lee, New History of Korea, p. 126.

9. Lee, New History of Korea, pp. 127–128.

10. Twitchett et ah, p. 222.

11. Stephen Eskildsen, The Teachings and Practices of the Early Quanzhen Taoist Masters (2004), pp. 192–193.

12. Lorge, pp. 50–51.

13. David R. Olson and Michael Cole, Technology, Literacy and the Evolution of Society (2006), pp. 60–61.

14. Lorge, pp. 53–54.

15. Ebrey, p. 170.

Глава 82. Хождение в Каноссу

1. Fuhrmann, р. 52.

2. Ian S. Robinson, Henry IV of Germany (2000), p. 43.

3. Thatcher and McNeal, pp. 417–418.

4. Robinson, Henry IV of Germany (2000), pp. 110–111.

5. Ibid., p. in.

6. R. W. Southern, Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages (1970), p.

102; H. E. J. Cowdrey, The Register of Pope Gregory VII, 1073–1085 (1998), p. 557.

7. Blumenthal, pp. 110–113; Cowdrey, pp. 130–131.

8. Cowdrey, pp. 133–134.

9. Ibid., p. 134.

10. Ibid., p. 137.

11. Ibid., p. 138.

12. Ibid., p. 141.

13. Fuhrmann, p. 65.

14. Ibid., p. 156.

15. Fuhrmann, pp. 65–66.

Глава 83. Призыв

1. Psellus, р. 369 and n. I, pp. 369–370; Ostrogorsky, pp. 347–348.

2. Saunders, History of Medieval Islam, pp. 149–150.

3. Armstrong, Jerusalem, pp. 268–269.

4. Ostrogorsky, pp. 348–349.

5. Comnena, 3.8–9.

6. Robinson, Henry TV of Germany, pp. 194–196.

7. Ibid., p. 204.

8. Comnena, 3.10.

9. Robinson, Henry IV of Germany, pp. 229–231.

10. Cowdrey, p. 446.

11. Dante, Inferno, trans. Allen Mandelbaum (1982), canto 28, lines 13–16.

12. Daftary, A Short History of the Ismailis, p. 125.

13. Thomas Asbridge, The First Crusade (2004), p. 32.

14. Thatcher and McNeal, pp. 513–517.

Глава 84. Борьба за Иерусалим

1. Comnena, 10.5–6.

2. William of Tyre, A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea, vol. 1, trans. Emily Atwater Babcock and A. C. Krey (1976), pp. 98–99.

3. Comnena, 10.5.

4. Ibid., pp. 105–106; John France, The Crusades and the Expansion of Catholic

Christendom, 1000–1714 (2005), pp. 65–66.

5. William of Tyre, p. 109.

6. Comnena (1969), 10.9-10.

7. Asbridge, p. 158; France, pp. 76–77.

8. William of Tyre, pp. 214–215; France, p. 77.

9. Ibn Al-Qala nisi, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades, trans. Hamilton Gibb (2003), p. 43; Jean de Joinville and Geoffrey de Villehardouin, Chronicle of the Crusades, trans. M. R. B. Shaw, p. 8; Asbridge (2004), pp. 150–151; William of Tyre, pp. 239–240.

10. Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 1 (1951), pp. 227–228.

11. France, p. 79; Comnena, 10.11.

12. William of Tyre, p. 258.

13. Ibid., pp. 270–274.

14. William of Tyre, p. 281; Runciman, History of the Crusades, vol. 1, pp. 244–245.

15. France, p. 84.

16. William of Tyre, pp. 352–353; France, pp. 86–87.

17. William of Tyre, p. 368; France, pp. 88–89.

18. Ibn AI-Qala nisi, p. 48. 102 Notes

Глава 85. Последствия

1. Clay Stalls, Possessing the Land (1995), p. 37.

2. Olivia Remie Constable, Medieval Iberia (1997). pp. 156–157.

3. Comnena, 9.8.

4. Malcolm Barber and A. K. Bate, eds., The Templars (2002), p. 27; William of Tyre, pp. 524–525.

5. Barber and Bate, p. 32.

Использованные источники

Abd Allah b. Buluggin. The Tibyan: Memoirs of Abd Allah B. Buluggin, Last Zirid Amir of Granada. Trans. Amin T. Tibi. Leiden: Brill, 1986.

Adams, Richard E. W. Ancient Civilizations of the New World. Boulder, Colo.: Wesrview Press, 1997.

Agathias. The Histories. Trans. Joseph D. Frendo. Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae. Vol. 2A. Series Berolinensis. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter, 1975. al-Hakam, Ibn Abd. The History of the Conquest of Spain. Trans. John Harris Jones. New York: Burt Franklin, 1858.

al-Makkari, Ahmed ibn Mohammed. The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain. Trans. Pascual de Gayangos. London: Roudedge, 2002. al-Radi, Muhammad ibn al-Husayn Sharif. Nahjul Balagha: Sermons, Letters, and Sayings of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib. Trans. Mohammad Askari Jafery. Elmhurst, N.Y.: Tahrike Tarsile Quran, 1984.

al-Tabari, Muhammad ibn Jarir. The History ofal-Tabari. Bibliotheca Persica, ed. Ehsan Yar-Shater. Vol. 5: The Sasanids, the Byzantines, the Lakhmids, and Yemen. Trans. Clifford Edmund Bosworth. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999.

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