Книга История Средневекового мира. От Константина до первых Крестовых походов, страница 198. Автор книги Сьюзен Уайс Бауэр

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19. Vasiliev, p. 59; Sozomen, Ecclesiastical History, 2.4, in Schaff and Wace, vol. 2.

20. Eusebius, Life of Constantine, 3.47.

Глава 2. В поисках Небесного мандата

1. Luo Guanzhong, Three Kingdoms, trans. Moss Roberts (1991), pp. 922–924.

2. John MacGowan, The Imperial History of China (1897), p. 154.

3. Ibid., p. 155.

4. Guanzhong, p. 935.

5. С. P. Fitzgerald, China (1938), p. 255.

6. MacGowan, p. 160.

7. Ibid., p. 161.

8. Demetrius Charles Boulger, The History of China, vol. 1 (1972), pp. 134–135.

9. Franz Michael, China through the Ages (1986), p. 90; Ann Paludan, Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors (1998), p. 64; Rodney Leon Taylor, The Religious Dimensions of Confucianism (1990), p. 14.

10. Thomas J. Barfield, The Perilous Frontier (1989), p. 115.

11. Jacques Gernet, A History of Chinese Civilization, 2d ed., trans. J. R. Foster and Charles Hartman (1996), p. 187.

12. Marylin M. Rhie, Early Buddhist Art of China and Central Asia, vol. 2 (1999), p. 279.

13. MacGowan, p. 187; Barfield, p.117.

14. Gernet, p. 183.

15. Mohan Wijayaratna, Buddhist Monastic Life, trans. Claude Gransier and Steven Collins (1990), p. 3.

16. Michael, p. 101.

17. Kenneth Kuan Sheng Ch’en, Buddhism in China (1972), pp. 57–58; William Theodore de Вагу et. all, Sources of Chinese Tradition, Vol. 1 (1963), p. xxi.

Глава 3. Империя Мудрости

1. Ranbir Vohra, The Making of India (2001), p. 28.

2. K. A. Nilakanta Sastri, A History of South India from Prehistoric Times to the

Fall of Vijayanagari, 3d ed. (1966), p. 92.

3. Romila Thapar, Early India (2002), p. 282.

4. Ibid., p. 283.

5. John Keay, India (2000), pp. 138–139.

6. Stanley Wolpert, A New History of India, 7th ed. (2004), p. 85.

7. Keay, p. 132.

8. Thapar, Early India, p. 280.

9. The Kalinga Edict, trans, by Romila Thapar, Asoka and the Decline of the Mauryas, 3d rev. ed. (1998), p. 255.

10. Thapar, Early India, p. 238.

11. Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi, Literary and Historical Studies in Indology (1975), pp. 119–121.

12. Thapar, Early India, p. 286; Keay, p. 142.

13. Faxian, A record of Buddhistic kingdoms, trans. James Legge (1886), pp. 42–43, 79.

Глава 4. Персидская угроза

1. Richard N. Frye, The History of Ancient Iran (1983), p. 309; Muhammed ibn Jarir al-Tabari, The History of al-Tabari, vol. 5 (1999), pp. 51–52.

2. al-Tabari, History, vol. 5, pp. 54–55.

3. Ibid., pp. 52–53.

4. T. D. Barnes, «Constantine and the Christians of Persia». The Journal of Roman

Studies, 75 (1985), p. 132; also see Eusebius, Life of Constantine, 4.8

5. al-Tabari, History, vol. 5, p. 155.

6. Vahan M. Kurkjian, A History of Armenia (1958), pp. 119–120.

7. Schaff and Wace, Select Library, vol. 13, p. 244; Barnes, p. 128; Aphrahat, «Demonstration XXI: Of Persecution», in Schaff and Wace, Select Library, vol. 13, p. 519.

8. Barnes, p. 132; Eusebius, Life of Constantine, 4.56–57.

9. Scarre, p. 221; Eusebius, Life of Constantine, 4.75.

10. Frye, The History of Ancient Iran, p. 310.

11. Christopher S. Mackay, Ancient Rome (2004), p. 316.

12. Ibid., p. 317.

13. Frye, History of Ancient Iran, p. 310.

14. Ammianus Marcellinus, The History of Ammianus Marcellinus, (1982), vol. 1, 18.6.21–22.

15. Ibid., 18.8

16. Ibid., 19.3

Глава 5. Отступник

1. Vasiliev, p. 69; Mackay, p. 320.

2. Vasiliev, p. 75.

3. Quoted in E. A. Thompson, The Huns, rev. Peter Heather (1999), p. 23.

4. Vasiliev, pp. 72–73.

5. al-Tabari, History, vol. 5, p. 59; Ammianus Marcellinus,

The History of Ammianus Marcellinus, vol. 2 (1986), 23.5.10–11.

6. Ammianus, History, vol. 2 (1986), 25.3.15–23; Theodoret, Church History, 3.10, in Schaff and Wace, Select Library, vol. 3.

7. Ammianus, History, vol. 2, 25.5.4–6, 10.14–15; Mackay, p. 321.

8. al-Tabari, History, vol. 5, pp. 62–63.

9. Vasiliev, p. 78.

10. Ammianus II (1986), XXV.10.12–15.

Глава 6. Землетрясение и вторжение

1. Zosimus, book 4; Theodoret, Church History 4.4, in Schaff and Wace, Select

Library, vol. 3.

2. Ammianus Marcellinus, The Later Roman Empire, trans. Walter Hamilton (1986), 26.4.

3. Ibid.

4. Zosimus, book 4.

5. Vasiliev, p. 79; Socrates, Church History, 4.2, in Schaff and Wace, Select Library, vol. 2; Zosimus, book 4; Ammianus, Later Roman Empire, 26.5.

6. Gavin Kelly, «Ammianus and the Great Tsunami», The Journal of Roman Studies, (2004), p.

7. Ammianus, History, vol. 2, 26.10.16–18.

8. Ammianus, Later Roman Empire, 26.4.

9. Socrates, Church History, 4.5 in Schaff and Wace, Select Library, vol. 2.

10. Kelly, «Ammianus and the Great Tsunami», p. 143; Libanius, «On Avenging Julian (Or. 24.14)», quoted in Kelly, p. 147.

11. «Letter of Auxentius», trans. Peter Heather and John Matthews, The Goths in the Fourth Century (1991), p. 138.

12. Gerhard Herrn, The Celts, (1976), p. 226.

13. Quoted in Daithi О Hogain, The Celts (2003), p. 191.

14. Ibid., p. 205.

15.1. A. Richmond, Roman Britain (1955), p. 228.

16. О Hogain, p. 206.

17. Richmond, pp. 63–64.

18. Ammianus, History, vol. 3, 29.6.1.

19. Ibid., 29.6.5–6.

20. Ibid., 30.5.13–14.

21. Ibid., 30.6.3.

22. Ammianus, Later Roman Empire, pp. 412–415; Thompson, p. 26; Vasiliev, p. 86.

23. In Jordanes, The Gothic History of Jordanes, trans. Charles Christopher Mierow (1915), book 24.

24. Genesis 6: 1–4.

25. Vasiliev, p. 86.

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