Книга Голубые зоны на практике. Как стать долгожителем, страница 89. Автор книги Дэн Бюттнер

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Cтраница 89

Willcox, D. C., B. J. Willcox, H. Todoriki, J. D. Curb, and M. Suzuki. Caloric Restriction and Human Longevity: What Can We Learn From the Okinawans? Biogerontology (June 2006), 173–77.

Влияние вестернизации на питание и образ жизни обитателей Окинавы

Kagawa Y. Impact of Westernization on the Nutrition of Japanese: Changes in Physique, Cancer, Longevity and Centenarians. Preventive Medicine (June 1978), 205–217.

Miyagi, S., N. Iwama, T. Kawabata, and K. Hasegawa. Longevity and Diet in Okinawa, Japan: The Past, Present and Future. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (July 2003), S3–9.

Suzuki, M., C. Willcox, and B. Willcox. The Historical Context of Okinawan Longevity: Influence of the United States and Mainland Japan. Okinawan Journal of American Studies (2007), 46–61.

Todoriki, H., D. C. Willcox, and B. J. Willcox. The Effects of Post-War Dietary Change on Longevity and Health in Okinawa. Okinawan Journal of American Studies (2004), 52–61.

Физическая активность и социальное взаимодействие

Salen, P., and M. de Lorgeril. The Okinawan Diet: A Modern View of an Ancestral Healthy Lifestyle. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics (2011), 114–23.

Suzuki, M., M. Akisaka, I. Ashitomi, K. Higa, and H. Nozaki. Abstract of Chronological Study Concerning ADL among Okinawan Centenarians [in Japanese]. Nihon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi (June 1995); 32:416–23.

Willcox, D. C., B. J. Willcox, S. Shimajiri, S. Kurechi, and M. Suzuki. Aging Gracefully: A Retrospective Analysis of Functional Status in Okinawan Centenarians. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (March 2007), 252–56.

Потенциальное влияние генетических факторов на долголетие

Heilbronn, L. K., and E. Ravussin. Calorie Restriction and Aging: Review of the Literature and Implications for Studies in Humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (September 2003), 361–69.

Willcox, B. J., T. A. Donlon, Q. He, R. Chen, J. S. Grove, K. Yano, K. H. Masaki, D. C. Willcox, B. Rodriguez, and J. D. Curb. FOXO3A Genotype Is Strongly Associated With Human Longevity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. (September 16, 2008), 13987–92.

Willcox, D. C., B. J. Willcox, W.-C. Hsueh, and M. Suzuki. “Genetic Determinants of Human Longevity: Insights from the Okinawa Centenarian Study.” AGE (December 2006), 313–32.

Избранные вспомогательные исследования по вопросу о пользе диет, подобных окинавской традиционной диете

Ajala, O., P. English, and J. Pinkney. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Different Dietary Approaches to the Management of Type 2 Diabetes. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (March 2013), 505–16.

Khazrai, Y. M., G. Defeudis, and P. Pozzilli. Effect of Diet on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Review. Diabetes-Metabolism Research and Reviews (March 2014), 24–33.

O’Keefe, J. H., N. M. Gheewala, and J. O. O’Keefe. Dietary Strategies for Improving Post-Prandial Glucose, Lipids, Inflammation, and Cardiovascular Health. Journal of the American College of Cardiology (January 22, 2008), 249–55.

Rizza, W., N. Veronese, and L. Fontana. What Are the Roles of Calorie Restriction and Diet Quality in Promoting Healthy Longevity? Ageing Research Reviews (January 2014), 38–45.

Venn, B. J., and T. J. Green. Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load: Measurement Issues and Their Effect on Diet-Disease Relationships. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (December 2007), S122–31.


Carbini, L. Evoluzione del comportamento alimentare nei sardi dal secondo dopoguerra ad oggi. In L’Uomo in Sardegna, ed. Giovanni Floris. Zonza Editori, 1998. 153–73.

Carbini, L., T. Lantini, A. Peretti Padalino, and A. L. Scarpa. Nutritional Surveys in Some Centers of 3 Provinces of Sardinia. II. Nutrition and Tradition [in Italian]. Bolletino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (January 30, 1981), 226–28.

Carru, C., G. M. Pes, L. Deiana, G. Baggio, C. Franceschi, D. Lio, C. R. Balistreri, G. Candore, G. Colonna-Romano, and C. Caruso. Association between the HFE Mutations and Longevity: A Study in Sardinian Population. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (April 2003), 529–32.

Caselli, G., and R. M. Lipsi. Survival Differences among the Oldest Old in Sardinia: Who, What, Where, and Why? Demographic Research (March 2006), 267–94.

Caselli, G., L. Pozzi, J. W. Vaupel, L. Deiana, G. Pes, C. Carru, C. Franceschi, and G. Baggio. Family Clustering in Sardinian Longevity: A Genealogical Approach. Experimental Gerontology (August 2006), 727–36.

Deiana, L., L. Ferrucci, G. M. Pes, C. Carru, G. Delitala, A. Ganau, S. Mariotti, et al. AKEntAnnos: The Sardinia Study of Extreme Longevity. Aging (Milano) (June 1999), 142–49.

Franceschi, C., L. Motta, S. Valensin, R. Rapisarda, A. Franzone, M. Berardelli, M. Motta, et al. Do Men and Women Follow Different Trajectories to Reach Extreme Longevity? Italian Multicenter Study on Centenarians (IMUSCE).” Aging (Milano) (April 2000), 77–84.

Lio, D., G. M. Pes, C. Carru, F. Listì, V. Ferlazzo, G. Candore, G. Colonna-Romano, et al. Association Between the HLA-DR Alleles and Longevity: A Study in Sardinian Population. Experimental Gerontology (March 2003), 313–17.

Passarino, G., P. A. Underhill, L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, O. Semino, G. M. Pes, C. Carru, L. Ferrucci, et al. Y Chromosome Binary Markers to Study the High Prevalence of Males in Sardinian Centenarians and the Genetic Structure of the Sardinian Population. Human Heredity (September 2001), 136–39.

Pes, G. M., D. Lio, C. Carru, L. Deiana, G. Baggio, C. Franceschi, L. Ferrucci, et al. Association Between Longevity and Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms: A Study in Sardinian Centenarians. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research (June 2004), 244–48.

Pes, G. M., F. Tolu, M. Poulain, A. Errigo, S. Masala, A. Pietrobelli, N. C. Battistini, and M. Maioli. Lifestyle and Nutrition Related to Male Longevity in Sardinia: An Ecological Study. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases (March 2013), 212–19.

Polidori, M. C., E. Mariani, G. Baggio, L. Deiana, C. Carru, G. M. Pes, R. Cecchetti, C. Franceschi, U. Senin, and P. Mecocci. Different Antioxidant Profiles in Italian Centenarians: The Sardinian Peculiarity. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (July 2007), 922–24.

Poulain, M., G. M. Pes, C. Grasland, C. Carru, L. Ferrucci, G. Baggio, C. Franceschi, and L. Deiana. Identification of a Geographic Area Characterized by Extreme Longevity in the Sardinia Island: The AKEA study. Experimental Gerontology (September 2004), 1423–29.

Poulain, M., G. Pes, and L. Salaris. A Population Where Men Live as Long as Women: Villagrande Strisaili, Sardinia. Journal of Aging Research (2011), article ID 153756, 10 pp.

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