Книга Чистый лист. Природа человека. Кто и почему отказывается признавать ее сегодня, страница 171. Автор книги Стивен Пинкер

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8. Lewontin, 1992, p. 123.

9. Précis of Lewontin, 1982, on the book jacket.

10. Lewontin, 1992, p. 123.

11. Montagu, 1973a.

12. S. Gould, "A time of gifts," New York Times, September 26, 2001.

13. Gould, 1998b.

14. Mealey, 1995.

15. Gould, 1998a, p. 262.

16. Bamforth, 1994; Chagnon, 1996; Daly & Wilson, 1988; Divale, 1972; Edgerton, 1992; Ember, 1978; Ghiglieri, 1999; Gibbons, 1997; Keeley, 1996; Kingdon, 1993; Knauft, 1987; Krech, 1994; Krech, 1999; Wrangham & Peterson, 1996.

17. Gould, 1998a, p. 262.

18. Gould, 1998a, p. 265.

19. Levins & Lewontin, 1985, p. 165.

20. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. ix.

21. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 76.

22. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 270.

23. Rose, 1997, pp. 7, 309.

24. Gould, 1992.

25. Hunt, 1999.

26. Quoted in J. Salamon, "A stark explanation for mankind from an unlikely rebel" (Review of the PBS series "Evolution"), New York Times, September 24, 2001.

27. D. Wald, "Intelligent design meets congressional designers," Skeptic, 8, 2000, p. 13. Lyrics from "Bad Touch" by the Bloodhound Gang.

28. Quoted in D. Falk, "Design or chance?" Boston Globe Magazine, October 21, 2001, pp. 14–23, quotation on p. 21.

29. National Center for Science Education, www.ncseweb.org/pressroom.asp?branch=statement. See also Berra, 1990; Kitcher, 1982; Miller, 1999; Pennock, 2000; Pennock, 2001.

30. Quoted in L. Arnhart, M. J. Behe, & W. A. Dembski, "Conservatives, Darwin, and design: An exchange," First Things, 107, November 2000, pp. 23–31.

31. Behe, 1996.

32. Behe, 1996; Crews, 2001; Dorit, 1997; Miller, 1999; Pennock, 2000; Pennock, 2001; Ruse, 1998.

33. R. Bailey, "Origin of the specious," Reason, July 1997.

34. D. Berlinski, "The deniable Darwin," Commentary, June 1996. See R. Bailey, "Origin of the specious," Reason, July 1997. The Pope's views on evolution are discussed in Chapter 11.

35. A 1991 essay, quoted in R. Bailey, "Origin of the specious," Reason, July 1997.

36. Quoted in R. Bailey, "Origin of the specious," Reason, July 1997.

37. R. Bailey, "Origin of the specious," Reason, July 1997.

38. L. Kass, "The end of courtship," Public Interest, 126, Winter 1997.

39. A. Ferguson, "The end of nature and the next man" (Review of F. Fukuyama's The great disruption), Weekly Standard, June 28, 1999.

40. A. Ferguson, "How Steven Pinker's mind works" (Review of S. Pinker's How the mind works), Weekly Standard, January 12, 1998.

41. T. Wolfe, "Sorry, but your soul just died," Forbes ASAP, December 2, 1996; reprinted in slightly different form in Wolfe, 2000. Ellipses in original.

42. T. Wolfe, "Sorry, but your soul just died," Forbes ASAP, December 2, 1996; reprinted in slightly different form in Wolfe, 2000.

43. C. Holden, "Darwin's brush with racism," Science, 292, 2001, p. 1295. Resolution HLS 01–2652, Regular Session, 2001, House Concurrent Resolution No. 74 by Representative Broome.

44. R. Wright, "The accidental creationist," New Yorker, December 13, 1999. Точно так же креационистский Институт Дискавери использовал атаки Левонтина на эволюционную психологию чтобы раскритиковать документальный сериал «Эволюция», вышедший в 2001 году на канале PBS television. www.reviewevolution.com.

45. Rose, 1978.

46. T. Wolfe, "Sorry, but your soul just died," Forbes ASAP, December 2, 1996; В слегка измененном виде перепечатано у Wolfe, 2000.

47. Gould, 1976b.

48. A. Ferguson, "The end of nature and the next man" (Review of F. Fukuyama's The great disruption), Weekly Standard, 1999.

49. See Dennett, 1995, p. 263, for a similar report.

50. E. Smith, "Look who's stalking," New York, February 14, 2000.

51. Alcock, 1998.

52. For example, the articles entitled "Eugenics revisited" (Horgan, 1993), "The new Social Darwinists" (Horgan, 1995), and "Is a new eugenics afoot?" (Allen, 2001).

53. New Republic, April 27, 1998, p. 33.

54. New York Times, February 18, 2001, Week in Review, p. 3.

55. Tooby & Cosmides, 1992, p. 49.

56. Chimps: Montagu, 1973b, p. 4. Heritability of IQ: Kamin, 1974; Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 116. IQ as reification: Gould, 1981. Personality and social behavior: Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, chap. 9. Sex differences: Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 156. Pacific clans: Gould, 1998a, p. 262.

57. Daly, 1991.

58. Alcock, 2001.

59. Buss, 1995; Daly & Wilson, 1988; Daly & Wilson, 1999; Etcoff, 1999; Harris, 1998a; Hrdy, 1999; Ridley, 1993; Ridley, 1997; Symons, 1979; Wright, 1994.

60. Plomin et al., 2001.


Глава 8. Страх неравенства

1. From The Rambler, no. 60.

2. From the Analects.

3. Charlesworth, 1987; Lewontin, 1982; Miller, 2000b; Mousseau & Roff, 1987; Tooby & Cosmides, 1990.

4. Tooby & Cosmides, 1990.

5. Lander et al, 2001.

6. Bodmer & Cavalli-Sforza, 1970.

7. Tooby & Cosmides, 1990.

8. Patai & Patai, 1989.

9. Sowell, 1994; Sowell, 1995a.

10. Patterson, 1995; Patterson, 2000.

11. Cappon, 1959, pp. 387–392.

12. Seventh Lincoln-Douglas debate, October 15, 1858.

13. Mayr, 1963, p. 649. Современный вариант этого же аргумента с точки зрения эволюционной биологии — Crow, 2002.

14. Chomsky, 1973, pp. 362–363. See also Segerstråle, 2000.

15. For further discussion, see Tribe, 1971.

16. Los Angeles Times poll, December 21, 2001.

17. Nozick, 1974.

18. Gould, 1981, pp. 24–25. For reviews, see Blinkhorn, 1982; Davis, 1983; Jensen, 1982; Rushton, 1996; Samelson, 1982.

19. Putnam, 1973, p. 142.

20. See the consensus statements by Neisser et al., 1996; Snyderman & Rothman, 1988; and Gottfredson, 1997; and also Andreasen et al., 1993; Caryl, 1994; Deary, 2000; Haier et al., 1992; Reed & Jensen, 1992; Thompson et al., 2001; Van Valen, 1974; Willerman et al., 1991.

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