Книга Чистый лист. Природа человека. Кто и почему отказывается признавать ее сегодня, страница 170. Автор книги Стивен Пинкер

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77. Adams et al., 2000.

78. Tooby & Cosmides, 1992; Williams, 1966.

79. Gallistel, 2000; Hauser, 2000.

80. Barkow, Cosmides, & Tooby, 1992; Burnham & Phelan, 2000; Wright, 1994.

81. Brown, 1991.

82. Hirschfeld & Gelman, 1994; Pinker, 1997, chap. 5.

83. Baron-Cohen, 1995; Gopnik, Meltzoff, & Kuhl, 1999; Hirschfeld & Gelman, 1994; Leslie, 1994; Spelke, 1995; Spelke et al., 1992.

84. Baron-Cohen, 1995; Fisher et al., 1998; Frangiskakis et al., 1996; Hamer & Copeland, 1998; Lai et al., 2001; Rossen et al., 1996.

85. Bouchard, 1994; Plomin et al., 2001.

86. Caspi, 2000; McCrae et al., 2000.

87. Bouchard, 1994; Harris, 1998a; Plomin et al., 2001; Turkheimer, 2000.

88. См. ссылки к этой главе.


1. Глава 6. Ученые-политики

2. Weizenbaum, 1976.

3. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p.x.

4. Herrnstein, 1971.

5. Jensen, 1969; Jensen, 1972.

6. Herrnstein, 1973.

7. Darwin, 1872/1998; Pinker, 1998.

8. Ekman, 1987; Ekman, 1998.

9. Wilson, 1975/2000.

10. Sahlins, 1976, p. 3.

11. Sahlins, 1976, p. x.

12. Allen et al., 1975, p. 43.

13. Chorover, 1979, pp. 108–109.

14. Wilson, 1975/2000, p. 548.

15. Wilson, 1975/2000, p. 555.

16. Wilson, 1975/2000, p. 550.

17. Wilson, 1975/2000, p. 554.

18. Wilson, 1975/2000, p. 569.

19. Segerstråle, 2000; Wilson, 1994.

20. Wright, 1994.

21. Trivers & Newton, 1982.

22. Trivers, 1981.

23. Trivers, 1981, p. 37.

24. Gould, 1976a; Gould, 1981; Gould, 1998a; Lewontin, 1992; Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984; Rose & Rose, 2000; Rose, 1997.

25. Только в названиях работ мы встречаем слово «детерминизм» у Гулда, 1976a; Роуза, 1997; Роуза и Группы диалектической биологии, 1982; и в четырех из девяти глав у Левонтина, Роуза и Камина, 1984.

26. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 236.

27. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 5.

28. Dawkins, 1976/1989, p. 164.

29. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 11.

30. Dawkins, 1985.

31. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 287.

32. Dawkins, 1976/1989, p. 20, ударение добавлено.

33. Levins & Lewontin, 1985, pp. 88, 128; Lewontin, 1983, p. 68; Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 287; Lewontin, 1982, p. 18, здесь перефразировано «управляется нашими генами".

34. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 149.

35. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 260.

36. Rose, 1997, p. 211.

37. Freeman, 1999.

38. Письмо Тернера и Спонсела можно найти на сайте Коннектикутского университета uconn.edu/gradstudents/dhume/darkness_in_el_dorado.

39. Chagnon, 1988; Chagnon, 1992.

40. Tierney, 2000.

41. University of Michigan Report on the Ongoing Investigation of the Neel-Chagnon Allegations (www.umich.edu/~urel/darkness.html); John J. Miller, "The Fierce People: The wages of anthropological incorrectness," National Review, November 20, 2000.

42. John Tooby, "Jungle fever: Did two U. S. scientists start a genocidal epidemic in the Amazon, or was The New Yorker duped?" Slate, October 24, 2000; University of Michigan Report on the Ongoing Investigation of the Neel-Chagnon Allegations (www.umich.edu/~urel/darkness.html); John J. Miller, "The Fierce People: The wages of anthropological incorrectness," National Review, November 20, 2000; "A statement from Bruce Alberts," National Academy of Sciences, November 9, 2000, www.nas.org; John Tooby, "Preliminary Report," Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara, December 10, 2000 (www.anth.ucsb.edu/ucsbprelimnaryreport.pdf; see also www.anth.ucsb.edu/chagnon.html); Lou Marano, "Darkness in anthropology," UPI, October 20, 2000; Michael Shermer, "Spin-doctoring the Yanomamö," Skeptic, 2001; Virgilio Bosh & eight other signatories, "Venezuelan response to Yanomamö book," Science, 291, 2001, pp. 985–986; "The Yanomamö and the 1960s measles epidemic": letters from J. V. Neel, Jr., K. Hill, and S. L. Katz, Science, 292, June 8, 2001, pp. 1836–1837; "Yanomamö wars continue," Science, 295, January 4, 2002, p. 41; yahoo,com/group/evolutionary-psychology/files/aaa.html. November 2001. Расширенное собрание документов, касающихся дела Тьерни, можно найти на сайте www.anth.uconn.edu/gradstudents/dhume/index4.htm.

43. Edward Hagen, "Chagnon and Neel saved hundreds of lives," The Fray, Slate, December 8, 2000 (www.anth.uconn.edu/gradstudents/dhume/dark/darkness.0250.html); S. L. Katz, "The Yanomamö and the 1960s measles epidemic" (letter), Science, 292, June 8, 2001, p. 1837.

44. In the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, quoted in John J. Miller, "The Fierce People: The wages of anthropological incorrectness," National Review, November 20, 2000.

45. Chagnon, 1992, chaps. 5–6.

46. Valero & Biocca, 1965/1996.

47. Ember, 1978; Keeley, 1996; Knauft, 1987.

48. Tierney, 2000, p. 178.

49. Redmond, 1994, p. 125; quoted in John Tooby, Slate, October 24, 2000.

50. Sponsel, 1996, p. 115.

51. Sponsel, 1996, pp. 99, 103.

52. Sponsel, 1998, p. 114.

53. Tierney, 2000, p. 38.

54. Neel, 1994.

55. John J. Miller, "The Fierce People: The wages of anthropological incorrectness," National Review, November 20, 2000.

56. Tierney, 2000, p.xxiv.

Глава 7. Святая троица

1. Hunt, 1999.

2. Halpern, Gilbert, & Coren, 1996.

3. Allen et al., 1975.

4. Gould, 1976a.

5. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 267.

6. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 267.

7. Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 14.

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