Книга КГБ и тайна смерти Кеннеди, страница 126. Автор книги Олег Нечипоренко

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Cтраница 126

Eddowes M. The Oswald File. -N. Y.: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc. Publisher, 1977.

Epstein E.J. Legend. The secret world of Lee Harvey Oswald. - N. Y.: Reader's Digest Press McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1978.

Epstein E.J. The Assassination Chronicles. -N. Y.: Inguest, Counterplot, and Legend Carrol & Graf Publishers, Inc., 1992.

Final Report of the Committee to Study Governmental operations with respect to intelligence activities. V. S. Senate.

The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: Performance of the Intelligence Agencies. Book V. - Washington, 1976.

Garrison Jim. On the Trail of the Assassins. - Penguin Books, 1992.

Halpern S., Peake H. Did Angleton Jail Nosenko? // Internatinal Journal of lutelligence And Counterintelligence. Vol. 3. No. 4. - N. Y.: Jntel Publishing Croup, Inc., 1989.

Hinckle W., Turner W. The Fish is Red. The story of the secret war against Castro. - N. Y.: Harper and Row Publishers, 1981 (пер. с англ. М.: Прогресс, 1983).

Hougan J. Secret agenda. Watergate, Deep. Throat and the CIA. - N.Y.: Random House, 1984.

Kessler R. Inside the CIA. Revealing the Secret of the World's Most Powerful Spy Agency. -N. Y.: Pocket Books Adivision of Simon & Schuster Inc., 1992.

Knightley Ph. The Life and Views of the K.G.B. Masterspy. Andre Deutsch. М.: Республика, 1992.

Lifton D.S. Best Evidence, Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. -N. Y.: Carrol & Graf Publishers, 1980.

Marrs J. The Plot that killed Kennedy. - N. Y.: Carrol & Graf Publishers, Inc., 1989.

McDonald H., Moore R. L.B.J, and the J.F.K. Conspiracy. - Westport, Connecticut: Washington: Condor Publishing Company Inc., 1978.

McMillan P.J. Marina and Lee. - N. Y.: Hagerstown: San Francisco: L.: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977.

Meagher S. Accessories after the Fact The Warren Commission // The Authorities, and the report Vintage Books. - N. Y.: Adivision of Random Flouse, Inc., 1992.

Olgesby C. The J.F.K. Assassination. The facts and the Theories. - N. Y.: A Signet Book, 1992.

Ostrovsky V., Hoy C. By Way of Deception. - N. Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1990.

O'Toole G.J.A. The Encyclopedia of American Intelligence and Espionage from the Revolutionary War to the Present Facts on File. -N.Y.: Oxford, 1988.

The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary / By Marcus Wheeler Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1972.

Phillips D.A. The Night Watch Atheneum. - N. Y.: 1977.

Prouty L.F. The Secret Team. The CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the World. -N. Y.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.: Engle-wood Cliffs, 1973.

Report of the Select Committee. On Assassinations V. S. Flouse of Representatives Ninety-Fifth Congress Second session // Union Calendar № 962. Flouse Report № 95-1828. Part 2. March 29. - Washington, 1979.

Report of the Warren Commission. On the assassination of President Kennedy // Bantam Books. - October 1964.

Rusell D. The man who knew too much. — N. Y.: Carroll & Graf Publishers / Richard Gallen, 1992.

Sauvage L. The Oswald affair. An Examination of the Contradictions and Omissions of the Warren Report. - Cleveland: N. Y.: The World Publishing Company, 1966.

Smith J. B. Portrait of a Cold Warrior. - N. Y.: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1976.

Stone O., Sklar Z. J.F.K. The Book of the Film. The Documented Screenplay. - N. Y.: Applause Books 211 West 71 Street, 1992.

Summers A. Conspiracy. - N. Y.: Paragon Flouse, 1989 (Paperback ed.).

Summers A. Official and Confidential. The secret life of J. Edgar Floover. - L.: Victor Gollancz, 1993.

Ungar S.J. FBI. - Boston: Toronto: An Atlantic Monthly Press Book Little, Brown and Company, 1975.

Webster's New World Dictionary / David B. Guralnik (Gen. ed.) — Oxford & JBFI Publishing Co., 1975.

Wise D. Molehunt. The Secret Search for Traitors that Shattered the CIA. - N.Y.: Random Flouse, 1992.

Woodward R. Las guerras secretes de la CIA. - Mexico, S.A.: Editorial Grijalbo, 1988.

Периодические издания

Кто такой Юрий Носенко?// Совершенно секретно. — 1992. - № 6.

Газеты «Правда», «Известия» за ноябрь — декабрь 1963 г.

Отдельные статьи советских и зарубежных периодических изданий по проблеме убийства президента США Джона Кеннеди.

А также архивные материалы Службы внешней разведки Российской Федерации, Министерства безопасности Российской Федерации, КГБ Республики Беларусь.

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