Книга Мой лучший друг - желудок. Еда для умных людей, страница 85. Автор книги Елена Мотова

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24. McFarlane, T., Polivy, J. and Herman, C. (1998). Ef ects of false weight feedback on mood, self-evaluation, and food intake in restrained and unrestrained eaters. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 107(2), pp.312–318.

25. Pelchat, M., Johnson, A., Chan, R. et al. (2004). Images of desire: food-craving activation during fMRI. NeuroImage, 23(4), pp.1486–1493.

26. Polivy, J. and Herman, C. (2002). If at f rst you don’t succeed: False hopes of self-change. American Psychologist, 57(9), pp.677–689.

Глава 3. Еда и эмоции


1. Больше о неконтролируемом стрессе можно узнать на сайте «Постнаука» по ссылке: https://postnauka.ru/faq/26597.

2. Oliver, G., Wardle, J. and Gibson, E. (2000). Stress and food choice: A laboratory study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 62(6), pp.853–865.

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5. Berridge, K. (2009). «Liking» and «wanting» food rewards: Brain substrates and roles in eating disorders. Physiology & Behavior, 97(5), pp.537–550.


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14. Рекомендуемые уровни физической активности для детей и молодых людей 5–17 лет (ВОЗ) доступны по ссылке: http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/factsheet_young_people/ru/.


15. Polivy, J. and Herman, C. (1984). A boundary model for the regulation of eating. In: A. Stunkard and E. Stellar, ed., Eating and Its Disorders. New York: Raven Press, pp.141–156.

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18. Вульф, Н. Миф о красоте: Стереотипы против женщин / Наоми Вульф; пер. с англ. – М.: Альпина Нон-фикшн, (2013).

19. Polivy, J. and Herman, C. (2004). Sociocultural idealization of thin female body shapes: An introduction to the special issues on body image and eating disorders. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 23(1), pp.1–6.

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21. Harriger, J., Calogero, R., Witherington, D. et al. (2010). Body size stereotyping and internalization of the thin ideal in preschool girls. Sex Roles, 63(9–10), pp.609–620.

22. Определения расстройств приёма пищи в Международной классификации болезней (МКБ–10) доступны по ссылке: http://mkb–10.com/index.php?pid=63475.

23. American Psychiatric Association (ed). (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. 5th ed. Washington, DC.

24. Uher, R. and Rutter, M. (2012). Classif cation of feeding and eating disorders : Re vie w of e vidence and prop o sals for IC D–11. World Psychiatry, 11(2), pp.80–92.

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30. Dean, J. (2013). Making Habits, Breaking Habits: Why We Do T ings, Why We Don’t and How to Make Any Change Stick. Da Capo Lifelong Books.

31. Lally, P. , Chipperf eld, A. and Wardle, J. (2008). Healthy habits: Ef cacy of simple advice on weight control based on a habit-formation model. International Journal of Obesity, 32(4), pp.700–707.

32. Gardner, B., Lally, P. and Wardle, J. (2012). Making health habitual: T e psychology of ‘habit–formation’ and general practice. British Journal of General Practice, 62(605), pp.664–666.

33. Программа формирования привычек Tiny Habits (автор B. J. Fogg, PhD; Director, Persuasive Tech Lab, Stanford University) доступна по ссылке: http://tinyhabits.com/join/.

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