Grimes, E. B. "Man May Now Fly at Will." Technical World Magazine, Vol. 5, June 1906.
Kelly, Fred C. "Orville Wright Takes Look Back on 40 Years Since First Flight; Despite Air War, Has No Regrets." St. Louis Post-Dispatch, November 7, 1943.
"Leonardo da Vinci as Aviation Engineer." Scientific American Monthly, April 1921.
Meader, J. R. "Miss Katharine Wright." Human Life, June 1909.
Mouillard, Louis Pierre. "The Empire of the Air: An Ornithological Essay on the Flight of Birds," extracted and translated from L'Empire de l'Air: Essai d'Ornithologie appliquee a l'Aviation. G. Masson: Paris, 1881.
Newcomb, Simon. "Is the Airship Coming?" McClure's Magazine, September 17, 1901.
Prendergast, James. "The Bicycle for Women." American Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, August 1, 1896.
Root, A. I. "Our Homes." Gleanings in Bee Culture, September 1, 1904, and January 1, 1905.
Ruhl, Arthur. "History at Kill Devil Hill." Collier's Weekly, May 30, 1908.
–. "Up in the Air with Orville." Collier's Weekly, July 2, 1910.
Saunders, William O. "Then We Quit Laughing: Interview with John T. Daniels." Collier's Weekly, September 17, 1927.
Stimson, Dr. Richard. "Paul Laurence Dunbar: The Wright Brothers' Friend." The Wright Stories,
Taylor, Charles E., as told to Robert S. Ball. "My Story of the Wright Brothers." Collier's Weekly, December 25, 1948.
Tobin, James. "The First Witness: Amos Root at Huffman Prairie." Presentation at Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 28, 2001.
Vernon. "The Flying Man." McClure's Magazine, Vol. 3, 1894.
Weiller, M. Lazare. "De Montgolfier a Wilbur Wright," from a report of the 52nd meeting of La Societe Archeologique le Vieux Papier. December 22, 1908.
Wright, Orville, as told to Leslie Quick. "How I Learned to Fly." Boys' Life, September 1914.
Wright, Orville, and Wilbur Wright. "Tribute to Our Mother." West Side News, July 3, 1889.
–. "The Wright Brothers' Aeroplane." Century Magazine, No. 5, September 1908.
Wright, Wilbur. "Experiments and Observations in Soaring Flight." Presented before the Western Society of Engineers, June 24, 1903, Journal of the Western Society of Engineers, August 1903.
–. "Remarks given by Wilbur Wright." Twenty-fourth Annual Banquet of the Ohio Society of New York, January 10, 1910, Reports of Proceedings, 1910, New York: Ohio Society of New York, 1910.
Газеты и журналы
Aero Club of America Bulletin
Aero Club of America News
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Chicago Examiner
Chicago Inter-Ocean
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Collier's Weekly
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Gleanings in Bee Culture
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Paris Daily Mail
Paris Herald
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Philadelphia Inquirer
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Scientific American
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
U. S. Air Services
La Vie Au Grand Air
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Washington Herald
Washington Post
Washington Times
West Side News
World Magazine
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