Книга Лгуны или фантазеры. Правда о детской лжи, страница 57. Автор книги Пол Экман

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6 C. Stem и IV. Stem. Monographien uber die seelische Entwicklung des Kindes. s. Brand: Erinnerung. Aussage und Luge in der mten Kindheit (Leipzig: Barth, 1931; первая публикация 1909), 4-е издание. (По цитате Wimmer, Gruber и Pemer. Young Children's Conception of Lying, p. 28.)

7Eugenie Andruss Leonard. A Parents' Study of Children's Lies, The Pedagogical Seminary 27, Ne 2 (June 1920), p. 130.

8 C. C. Peterson, J. L. Peterson и D. Seeto. Developmental Changes in Ideas About Lying, Child Development 54 (1983): 1529-35.

9 Эта цитата из исследования, посвященного детской лжи, проведенного Marie Е. Vasek. Lying: The Development of Children's Understanding of Deception, Master's thesis, Clark University, Worcester, Mass., 1984.

10 Там же.

11 Там же.

12Walt Harrington. Revenge of the Dupes, The Washington Post Magazine, 27 December 1987, p. 17-21.

13Magda Stouthamer-Loeber. Lying as a Problem Behavior in Children: A Review, Clinical Psychology Review 6 (1986): 267-89.

14 Об этих возможностях упоминала Magda Stouthamer-Loeber, там же.

15 Я обнаружил эту цитату у Thomas Lickona. Raising Good Children (New York: Bantam, 1983), p. 117.

16 См. обзор В. DePaulo и A. Jordan. Age Changes in Deceiving and Detecting Deceit, в Robert S. Feldman, Development of Nonverbal Behavior in Children (New York: Springer Veriag, 1982), p. 151-80.192 Notes.

17P. Ekman. Telling Lies (New York: W. W. Norton, 1985); P. Ekman и M. O'Sullivan. Hazards in Detecting Deceit, в D. Raskin, ed., Psychological Methods for Investigation and Evidence (New York: Springer, in press); P. Ekman. Why Lies Fail and What Behaviors Betray a Lie, в J. C. Yuille, ed., Credibility Assessment-A Unified Theoretical and Research Perspective (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, в прессе); P. Ekman, W. V. Friesen и M. O'Sullivan. Smiles when Lying, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 54 (1988): 414-20; P. Ekman и W. V. Friesen. Felt, False and Miserable Smiles, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 6 (1982): 238-52; P. Ekman и W. V. Friesen. Detecting Deception from Body or Face, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 29 (1974): 288-98; P. Ekman и W. V. Friesen. Nonverbal Leakage and Clues to Deception, Psychiatry 32 (1969): 88-105.

18 R. S. Feldman, L. Jenkins и О. Popoola. Detection of Deception in Adults and Children via Facial Expressions, Child Development 50 (1979): 350-55 (цитата, c. 351).

19Nancy Lee Morency и Robert M. Krauss. Children's Nonverbal Encoding and Decoding of Affect, в Feldman, Development of Nonverbal Behavior in Children, p. 181-200.

20William A. Shennum и Daphne B. Bugental. The Development of Control over, Affective Expression, там же, с. 101-21.

21 Цитата из исследования Vasek.

22 Для обсуждения роли игр в развитии навыков, необходимых для обмана, см.: Н. Sacks. Everyone Has to Lie, в M. Sanches и В. G. Blount, Sociocultural Dimensions of Language Use (New York: Academic Press, 1975), p. 57-79.

23 J. G. de Villiers и P. A. de Villiers. Language Acquisition (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1977); M. Shatz и R. Gelman. The Development of Communication Skills: Modification in the Speech of Young Children as a Function of the Listener, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 38 (1973): 1-38; см. суждение, предлагаемое Васеком.

24 P. Ekman, G. Roper и J. C. Hager. Deliberate Facial Movement, Child Development 51 (1980): 886-91. Notes 193.

25Michael F. Hoyt. Secrets in Psychotherapy: Theoretical and Practical Considerations, International Review of Psychoanalysis 5, vol. 2 (1978): 223-41.

26 Там же.

27 £. Turiel. The Development of Social Concepts, в D. DePalma и J. Foley, eds. Moral Development (Hillsdale, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1975). Цитируется no Damon.

28 Выражаю мою признательность Robert Coles, который в своей увлекательной книге The Moral Life of Children (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1986) напомнил мне об этом высказывании Анны Фрейд из ее книги The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (New York: International University Press, 1936).

29 Краткое изложение см.: L. Kohlberg. Moral Stages and Moralization: The Cognitive-Developmental Approach, в Lickona, Moral Development and Behavior, p. 31-53.

30 См. ссылку 15 выше.

31Turiel. The Development of Social Concepts, p. 155.

32 Cm.: J. R. Rest. Morality, в: P. H. Mussen, The Handbook of Child Psychology, 4th ed. (New York: Wiley, 1983), vol. 3, p. 556-629, для критического анализа. Если вас заинтересует увлекательный анализ детских социальных суждений, проведенный с другой точки зрения, см.: William Damon, The Social World of the Child (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1977).

33A. Blasi. Bridging Moral Cognition and Oral Action: A Critical Review of the Literature, Psychological Bulletin 88 (1980): 1-45.

34Carl I. Malinowski и Charles P. Smith. Moral Reasoning and Moral Conduct: An Investigation Prompted by Kohlberg's Theory, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 49 (1985): 1016-27.

Глава 4

1Lickona. Raising Good Children, p. 168.

Глава 5

1Kraut и Price. Machiavellianism; M. Lewis. Parental Attitudes.

2Bruno Bettelheim. The Uses of Enchantment (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1976), p. 9.

3H. Hartshome и M. A. May. Studies in Deceit.

4 Cm.: Rutter, Tizard и Whitmore, Education, Health and Behavior; Shepherd, Oppenheim и Mitchell. Childhood Behavior and Mental Health.

5 New York Times, 24 January, 1987.

6 Там же.

7 Более подробно стадии нравственного развития по Колбергу обсуждаются в главе 3.

8]odi Stewart. The Story Behind «Pig Boy», San Francisco Chronicle, 24 July 1988.

9M. Hoffman и H. Saltzstein. Parent Discipline and the Child's Moral Development, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 5 (1967): p. 45.

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