Книга Загадка XIV века, страница 200. Автор книги Барбара Такман

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Онлайн книга «Загадка XIV века»

Cтраница 200

Ullman Walter. The Origins of the Great Schism. London, 1948.

Utley Francis L., ed. The Forward Movement of the 14th Century. Ohio University Press, 1961.

Vaissète Jean Joseph, Claude de Vic. Histoire générale de Languedoc, vol. IV. Paris, 1730—45.

Valeri Nino. L’ltalia nell’ Eta dei Principati (vol. V of Storia d’ltalia). Verona, 1949.

Vaois Noël. La France et le grand schisms d’occident. 4 vols. Paris, 1896–1902.

Vaughan Richard. Philip the Bold. London, 1962.

Vemot d’Aubeuff, Abbé Aubert de. Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de St. Jean de Jérusalem, vol. II. Amsterdam, 1781.

Viollet-le-Duc E. Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture de France du XIe au XVIe siècle. 10 vols. Paris, 1861—75.

Viollet-le-Duc E. Military Architecture of the Middle Ages. Trans. Oxford, 1860.

Vuatrin Gabriel. Etude historique sur le connétable. Paris, 1905.

White Lynn. «Medieval Astrologers and Late Medieval Technology». Viator, vol. VI, 1975.

White Lynn. Medieval Technology and Social Change. Oxford, 1962.

White Lynn. «Technology Assessment from the Stance of a Medieval Historian». American Historical Rev., February 1974.

White Lynn. «Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages». Speculum, vol. XV, 1940.

Wilkins Ernest Hatch. Petrarch’s Eight Years in Milan. Cambridge, 1958.

Workman Herbert. John Wyclif: A Study of the Medieval Church. Oxford, 1926.

Wright Edith. «Medieval Attitudes Toward Mental Illness». Bull, of the History of Medicine, vol. VII, no. 3, March 1939.

Wright Thomas. A History of Domestic Manners and Sentiment in England. London, 1862,

Wulf Maurice de. Philosophy and Civilization in the Middle Ages. Princeton, 1922.

Wylie James Hamilton. The Reign of Henry the Fifth. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1919.

Zacour Norman P. «Talleyrand: The Cardinal of Perigord 1301–1364», Trans, of Am. Philosophical Soc. New Series, vol. 50, part 7. Philadelphia, 1960.

Ziegler Philip. The Black Death. New York, 1969. (The best modern study.)

Zurlauben, Baron von Thum und. «Histoire d’Arnaut de Cervole, dit l’Archiprêtre». Histoire de l’Académie royale des inscriptions et belleslettres, vol. XXV. Paris, 1759.

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