Книга От Милана до Рима. Прогулки по Северной Италии, страница 167. Автор книги Генри Воллам Мортон

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Онлайн книга «От Милана до Рима. Прогулки по Северной Италии»

Cтраница 167

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Morris James. Venice. Faber. 1960.

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Nicolson Harold. Byron, the Last Journey. Constable. 1948. Noyes Ella. The Story of Ferrara. Dent. 1904.

Noyes Ella. The Story of Milan. Dent. 1908.

Okey Thomas. The Story of Venice. Dent. 1907.

Oliphant, Margaret. Francis of Assisi. Macmillan. 1902.

Origo Iris. The Last Attachment. Cape and Murray. 1949.

Origo Iris. The World of San Bernardino. Cape. 1963.

Parks G. B. The English Traveller in Italy, Vol I. The Middle Ages (to 1525). Edizioni di Stork e Letteratura. Rome. 1954.

Peniakoff Vladimir. Private Army. Cape. 1950.

Pope-Hennesey John. Italian High Renaissance and Baroque Sculpture. Phaidon Press. 1955–1963.

Prescott H. F. M. Jerusalem Journey. Eyre and Spottiswoode. 1954.

Quennell Peter. Byron in Italy. Penguin Books. 1955.

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Ruskin John. The Stones of Venice. Dent. Everyman. 1935.

Schevill Ferdinand. The Medici. Gollancz. 1950.

Sells A. L. The Italian Influence in English Poetry. Allen and Unwin. 1955.

Shirley-Price L.(new trs.). The Little Flowers of St Francis. Penguin Classics. 1959.

Sismondi J. C. L. History of the Italian Republics in the Middle Ages. Routledge. n.d.

Staley Edgcumbe. The Guilds of Florence. Methuen. 1906.

Stendhal (M. H. Beyle). Rome, Naples and Florence. John Calder. 1950.

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Stoye John Walter. English Travellers Abroad 1604–1667. Cape. 1952.

Symonds J. A. Renaissance in Italy. Smith, Elder. 1897.

Symonds Margaret and Lina Duff Gordon. The Story of Perugia. Dent. 1904.

The New Cambridge Modem History, I. The Renaissance. Cambridge University Press, 1957.

Trevelyan J. P. A Short History of the Italian People. Allen and Unwin. 1956.

Treves C. A. The Golden Ring, the Anglo-Florentines 1847–1862. Longmans Green. 1956.

Underbill Evelyn. Mysticism. Methuen, University Paperbacks. 1960.

Vasari Giorgio. The Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects. Dent, Everyman. 1949.

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Villari Pasquale. The Life and Times of Girolamo Savonarola. Fisher Unwin, n.d.

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