Книга Цифры не лгут. 71 факт, важный для понимания всего на свете, страница 48. Автор книги Вацлав Смил

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Почему так трудно предсказать масштаб текущей пандемии?

NHCPRC (National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China). March 29: Daily briefing on novel coronavirus cases in China. March 29, 2020. http://en.nhc.gov.cn/ 2020-03/29/c_78447.htm

Wong J. Y., et al. Case fatality risk of influenza A (H1N 1pdm09): A systematic review // Epidemiology 24, № 6 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1097/EDE.0b013e3182a67448

А мы все выше

Floud R., et al. The Changing Body. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.

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Долголетие на пределе?

Riley J. C. Rising Life Expectancy: A Global History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Robert L., et al. Rapid increase in human life expectancy: Will it soon be limited by the aging of elastin? // Biogerontology 9, № 2 (April 2008): 119–133.

Как пот помог в охоте

Jablonski N. G. The naked truth // Scientific American Special Editions 22, 1s (December 2012). https://doi.org/10.1038/scientificamericanhuman1112–22.

Taylor N. A. S., and C. A. Machado-Moreira. Regional variations in transepidermal water loss, eccrine sweat gland density, sweat secretion rates and electrolyte composition in resting and exercising humans // Extreme Physiology and Medicine 2, № 4 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1186/2046-7648-2-4

Сколько строителей было у Великой пирамиды?

Lehner M. The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries. L.: Thames and Hudson, 1997.

Mendelssohn K. The Riddle of the Pyramids. L.: Thames and Hudson, 1974.

Почему цифры безработицы не дают полной картины

Knight K. G. Unemployment: An Economic Analysis. L.: Routledge, 2018.

Summers L. H., ed. Understanding Unemployment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990.

В чем наше счастье?

Heliwell J. F., R. Layard, and J. D. Sachs, eds. World Happiness Report 2019. N. Y.: Sustainable Development Solutions Network, 2019. https://s3.amazonaws.com/happiness-report/2019/WHR 19.pdf

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Расцвет городов-гигантов

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Страны. Нации в эпоху глобализации

Первая мировая война: долгое эхо трагедий

Bishop C., ed. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War I. N. Y.: Sterling Publishing, 2014.

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Бесспорна ли исключительность США?

Gilligan T. W., ed. American Exceptionalism in a New Era: Rebuilding the Foundation of Freedom and Prosperity. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 2018.

Hodgson G. The Myth of American Exceptionalism. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2009.

Почему Европе есть чем гордиться

Bootle R. The Trouble with Europe: Why the EU Isn’t Working, How It Can Be Reformed, What Could Take Its Place. Boston, MA: Nicholas Brealey, 2016.

Leonard D., and M. Leonard, eds. The Pro-European Reader. L.: Palgrave/Foreign Policy Centre, 2002.

Брексит: важнейшие реалии без изменений

Clarke H. D., M. Goodwin, and P. Whiteley. Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Merritt G. Slippery Slope: Brexit and Europe’s Troubled Future. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

Тревога за Японию

Cannon M. E., M. Kudlyak, and M. Reed. Aging and the economy: The Japanese experience // Regional Economist (October 2015). https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/october‐2015/aging-and-the-economy-the-japanese-experience

Glosserman B. Peak Japan: The End of Great Ambitions. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2019.

Как далеко зайдет Китай?

Dotsey M., W. Li, and F. Yang. Demographic aging, industrial policy, and Chinese economic growth // Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Working Papers (2019): 19–21. https://doi.org/10.21799/frbp.wp.2019.21

Paulson Jr., H. M. Dealing with China: An Insider Unmasks the New Economic Superpower. N. Y.: Twelve, 2016.

Индия против Китая

Dreze J., and A. Sen. An Uncertain Glory: India and Its Contradictions. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2015.

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Производство по-прежнему важно

Haraguchi N., C. F. C. Cheng, and E. Smeets. The importance of manufacturing in economic development: Has this changed? // Inclusive and Sustainable Development Working Paper Series WP1, 2016. https://www.unido.org/sites/default/files/2017-02/the_importance_of_manufacturing_in_economic_development_0.pdf

Smil V. Made in the USA: The Rise and Retreat of American Manufacturing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013.

Россия и США: ничего не меняется

Divine R. A. The Sputnik Challenge: Eisenhower’s Response to the Soviet Satellite. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

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Крушение империй: ничто не ново под луной

Arbesman S. The life-spans of empires // Historical Methods 44, № 3 (2011): 127–129. https://doi.org/10.1080/01615440.2011.577733

Smil V. Growth: From Microorganisms to Megacities. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019.

Машины, конструкции, приборы. Изобретения, которые сформировали современный мир

1880-е: колыбель современности

Smil V. Creating the Twentieth Century: Technical Innovations of 1867–1914 and Their Lasting Impact. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.

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