Книга Краткая история. Монголы, страница 68. Автор книги Джордж Лейн

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Cтраница 68

3. David Nicolle and Viacheslav Shpakovsky. Kalka River 1223: Genghiz Khan’s Mongols Invade Russia. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2001; см.: Leo de Hartog. Genghis Khan: Conqueror of the World. London: I.B. Tauris, 2004. P. 121.

4. См.: Denis Sinor. Horse and pasture in Inner Asian history // Oriens Extremus 19/1–2 (1972). P. 181, 182.

5. Stephen Haw. The death of two khaghans: a comparison of events in 1242 and 1260 // Bulletin of the School of Oriental and Asian Studies 76/3 (2013). P. 361–371.

6. См.: Jean Aubin. L’ethnogénèse des Qaraunas // Turcica 1 (1969). P. 65–94.

7. Juzjani. P. 218, Raverty. P. 1292; см. также: Jackson. The dissolution. P. 223, 224.

8. См.: George Lane. The Dali Stele // I. Binbaş and N. Kiliс-Schubel (eds). Horizons of the World: Festchrift for Isenbike Togan. Istanbul: I’thaki, 2011. P. 79–118.

9. Ivan Andreevski (ed.). A treaty between Novgorod and the Hanseatic League, 1270 // Mediaeval Russia: A Source Book 900–1700. Basil Dmytryshyn (ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973. P. 132–137.

10. Henry H. Howorth. History of the Mongols: From the 9th to the 19th Century. Boston: Elibron Classics, 2003. Part. 2, div. 2. P. 139.

11. См.: Colin Heywood. Filling the black hole: the emergence of the Bithynian atamanates // Ottomanica and Meta-Ottomanica: Studies In and Around Ottoman History, 13–18th Centuries Istanbul: The Isis Press, 2013.

12. Sharaf al-Din Wassaf. Tārīkh-i-Wassāf, facsimile edn. Tehran: Ketāb-khāna Ibn Sīnā, 1959. P. 398, 399; Abdol Mohammad Ayati. Tahrir-I Tarikh-I Vassaf. Tehran: Institute for Cultural Studies and Research, 1993. P. 221, 222; Howorth. Part. 3, div. 1. P. 146.

13. Rashid al-Din. P. 748, 1299.

14. Mustawfi. Zafarnama // Zafarnamā of Mustawfī. L.J. Ward (ed.). 3 vols. PhD diss., Manchester University, 1983. Vol. 2. P. 539.

15. О торговле на Черном море и роли Чингисидов в ней см.: Nicola di Cosmo. Mongols and Merchants on the Black Sea // Mongols, Turks, and Others: Eurasian Nomads and the Sedentary World. Reuven Amitai and Michal Biran (eds). London and Leiden: Brill, 2005. P. 391–424.

16. Howorth. Part. 3, div. 1. P. 149, 150.

17. Mustawfi. Zafarnama. Ward (tr.). Vol. 3. P. 630, 631.

18. Howorth. Part. 3, div. 1. P. 173.

19. Габриэль де Муссис, цит. по: Rosemary Horrox. The Black Death. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1994. P. 17.

20. См.: Nicola di Cosmo. Mongols and Merchants on the Black Sea // Mongols, Turks, and Others: Eurasian Nomads and the Sedentary World. Reuven Amitai and Michal Biran. London and Leiden: Brill, 2005. P. 413–415.

21. Khwandamir // Classical Writings of the Mediaeval Islamic World: Persian Histories of the Islamic World. Wheeler M. Thackston (tr.). London: I.B. Tauris, 2012. Vol. 2. P. 42.

22. Ibid. P. 294.

23. Ibid. P. 130.

24. Ibid. P. 42; Zayn al-Din Mustawfi Qazvini. Dayl-i Tārīkh-i Guzīda, Iraj Afshar (ed.). Tehran: Mawqufat-i-Duktur Mahmud Afshar Yazdi, 1993. P. 57, 58.

25. Khwandamir. P. 132; см. также: Ibn Bazzaz Ardibili. Ghulamreza Tabataba’i Majd (ed.). Satwat al-Safā. Tabriz: Intersharat-i-Zaryab, 1376/1997. P. 1081.

26. Zayn al-Din Mustawfi Qazvini. P. 63.

27. Ibid. P. 64; об этом эпизоде см.: P. 59–65.

28. Kamal al-Din ‘Abd al-Razzaq Samarqandi. Matla’-i Sa’dayn wa Majma’-i Bahrayn. Tehran: Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2004. Vol. 1, pt. 1. P. 315.

29. Zayn al-Din Mustawfi Qazvini. P. 64.

Глава 5

1. См.: Kirakos Ganjakets’i. History of the Armenians. Robert Bedrosian (tr.). New York: Sources of the Armenian Tradition, 1986. Ch. 20

2. Khwandamir // Classical Writings of the Mediaeval Islamic World: Persian Histories of the Islamic World. Wheeler M. Thackston (tr.). London: I.B. Tauris, 2012. Vol. 2. P. 83.

3. О Хайду см.: Michal Biran. Qaidu and the Rise of the Independent Mongol State in Central Asia. Richmond: Curzon, 1997.

4. Jamal al-Din Abu al-Qasim Qashani. Tārīkh-i-Uljaytū. Mahin Hambly (ed.). Tehran: B.T.N.K., 1969. P. 32.

5. Khwandamir // Wheeler M. Thackston (tr.). Classical Writings of the Mediaeval Islamic World: Persian Histories of the Islamic World. London: I.B. Tauris, 2012. Vol. 2. P. 51.

6. Ibid.

Глава 6

1. Hamdallah Mustawfi. Ẓafarnāmah und Shāhnāma. Facsimile of British Library doc. Tehran and Vienna: Iran University Press, 1999. P. 1166; L.J. Ward (tr.). Zafarnamā of Mustawfī. 3 vols. PhD diss., Manchester University, 1983. Vol. 2. P. 5–6.

2. Baidawi. Melville (tr.) // From Adam to Abaqa: Qādī Baidāwī’s rearrangement of history. Part II. Studia Iranica 36/1 (2007). P. 52, 53.

3. Mustawfi. Zafarnama. P. 10. Пер. Л. Уорда, если не указано другое.

4. Mohammad b. Ali b. Mohammad Shabankara‘i, Majma’ al-‘Ansāb, Mir Hashem Mohadith (ed). Tehran: Amir Kabir, 1363/1984. P. 259, 260; анонимный Tārīkh-i Shāhī. Ibrahim Parizi (ed). Tehran: Baniard Farhang, Iran, 2535/1976. P. 287, 289.

5. Sheila S. Blair. The Ilkhanid Palace // Ars Orientalis 23 (1993). P. 243, 244; Oleg Grabar and Sheila Blair. Epic Images and Contemporary History: The Illustrations of the Great Mongol Shahnama. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980. P. 25; Abolala Soudavar. The saga of Abu-Sa‘id Bahādor Khān: the Abu-Sa‘idnāme // Teresa Fitzherbert and Julian Raby (eds). The Court of the Ilkhans, 1290–1340. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. P. 97; Bernard O’Kane. Persian poetry on Ilkhanid art and architecture // Linda Komaroff (ed.). Beyond the Legacy of Genghis Khan. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2006. P. 353; Marianna Shreve-Simpson. In the beginning: frontispieces and front matter in Ilkhanid and Injuid manuscripts // Linda Komaroff (ed.). Beyond the Legacy of Genghis Khan. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2006. P. 241.

6. См.: George Lane. Soghaghtani Beki // Natana J. DeLong-Bas (ed.). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. URL: http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t355/e0360

7. Bar Hebraeus or Ibn al-’Ibri. Kitāb mukhtaşar al-duwal. A. Salihani (ed.). 2nd edn. Beirut: al-Maṭba’at al-Kāthūlīkiyeh. 1890, rpt 1985. P. 281.

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