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John Cloud, “Minds on the Edge,” Time (January 19, 2009): 42–46.
John G. Gunderson, “Borderline Personality Disorder: Ontogeny of a Diagnosis,” American Journal of Psychiatry 166 (2009): 530–539.
Bridget F. Grant, S. Patricia Chou, Rise B. Goldstein, et al., “Prevalence Correlates, Disability, and Comorbidity of DSM-IV Borderline Personality Disorder: Results from the Wave 2 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 69 (2008): 533–544.
John G. Gunderson, Borderline Personality Disorder (Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 1984).
Klaus Lieb, Mary C. Zanarini, Christian Schmahl, et al., “Borderline Personality Disorder,” Lancet 364 (2004): 453–461.
Mark Zimmerman, Louis Rothschild, and Iwona Chelminski, “The Prevalence of DSM-IV Personality Disorders in Psychiatric Outpatients,” American Journal of Psychiatry 162 (2005): 1911–1918.
На данный момент действует DSM-V, введено в 2013 году, заменив собой предыдущее руководство. – Примеч. пер.
Donna S. Bender, Andrew E. Skodol, Maria E. Pagano, et al., “Prospective Assessment of Treatment Use by Patients with Personality Disorders,” Psychiatric Services 57 (2006): 254–257.
Marvin Swartz, Dan Blazer, Linda George, et al., “Estimating the Prevalence of Borderline Personality Disorder in the Community,” Journal of Personality Disorders 4 (1990): 257–272.
James J. Hudziak, Todd J. Boffeli, Jerold J. Kreisman, et al., “Clinical Study of the Relation of Borderline Peronality Disorder to Briquet’s Syndrome (Hysteria), Somatization Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Substance Abuse Disorders,” American Journal of Psychiatry 153 (1996): 1598–1606.
Mary C. Zanarini, Frances R. Frankenburg, John Hennen, et al., “Axis I Comorbidity in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: 6-Year Follow-Up and Prediction of Time to Remission,” American Journal of Psychiatry 161 (2004): 2108–2114.
Craig Johnson, David Tobin, and Amy Enright, “Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Borderline Patients in an Eating-Disordered Population,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 50 (1989): 9–15.
Joel Paris and Hallie Zweig-Frank, “A 27-Year Follow-Up of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder,” Comprehensive Psychiatry 42 (2001): 482–484.
Alexander McGirr, Joel Paris, Alain Lesage, et al., “Risk Factors for Suicide Completion in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Case-Control Study of Cluster B Comorbidity and Impulsive Aggression,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 68 (2007): 721–729.
Thomas Widiger and Paul T. Costa Jr., “Personality and Personality Disorders,” Journal of Abnormal Psychology 103 (1994): 78–91.
John M. Oldham, “Guideline Watch: Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder,” Focus 3 (2005): 396–400.
Robert L. Spitzer, Michael B. First, Jonathan Shedler, et al., “Clinical Utility of Five Dimensional Systems for Personality Diagnosis,” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 196 (2008): 356–374.
American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., Text Revision (Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 2000): 706–710.
Lisa Laporte and Herta Guttman, “Traumatic Childhood Experiences as Risk Factors for Borderline and Other Personality Disorders,” Journal of Personality Disorders 10 (1996): 247–259.
Mary C. Zanarini, Lynne Yong, Frances R. Frankenburg, et al., “Severity of Reported Childhood Sexual Abuse and Its Relationship to Severity of Borderline Psychopathology and Psychosocial Impairment Among Borderline Inpatients,” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 190 (2002): 381–387.
По аналогии с американским фильмом «В поисках мистера Гудбара», где главная героиня ищет «идеального мужчину», которого называет «мистером Гудбаром». – Примеч. пер.
Carolyn Z. Conklin and Drew Westen, “Borderline Personality Disorder in Clinical Practice,” American Journal of Psychiatry 162 (2005): 867–875.
Thomas H. McGlashan, “The Chestnut Lodge Follow-Up Study III, Long-Term Outcome of Borderline Personalities,” Archives of General Psychiatry 43 (1986): 20–30.
Louis Sass, “The Borderline Personality,” New York Times Magazine (August 22, 1982): 102.
Mary C. Zanarini, Frances R. Frankenburg, John Hennen, et al., “Prediction of the 10-Year Course of Borderline Personality Disorder,” American Journal of Psychiatry 163 (2006): 827–832.
Mary C. Zanarini, Frances R. Frankenburg, D. Bradford Reich, et al., “Time to Attainment of Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder and Stability of Recovery: A 10-Year Prospective Follow-Up Study,” American Journal of Psychiatry 168 (2010): 663–667.
J. Christopher Perry, Elisabeth Banon, and Floriana Ianni, “Effectiveness of Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders,” American Journal of Psychiatry 156 (1999): 1312–1321.
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Jerold J. Kreisman and Hal Straus, Sometimes I Act Crazy: Living with Borderline Personality Disorder (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2004): 13.
Jess G. Fiedorowicz and Donald W. Black, “Borderline, Bipolar, or Both?” Current Psychiatry 9 (2010): 21–32.
Henrik Anckarsater, Ola Stahlberg, Tomas Larson, et al., “The Impact of ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders on Temperament, Character, and Personality Development,” American Journal of Psychiatry 163 (2006): 1239–1244.
Carlin J. Miller, Janine D. Flory, Scott R. Miller, et al., “Childhood Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and the Emergence of Personality Disorders in Adolescence: A Prospective Follow-Up Study,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 69 (2008): 1477–1484.
Alexandra Philipsen, Mathias F. Limberger, Klaus Lieb, et al., “Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as a Potentially Aggravating Factor in Borderline Personality Disorder,” British Journal of Psychiatry 192 (2008): 118–123.
Andrea Fossati, Liliana Novella, Deborah Donati, et al., “History of Childhood Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Borderline Personality Disorder: A Controlled Study,” Comprehensive Psychiatry 43 (2002): 369–377.
Pavel Golubchik, Jonathan Sever, Gil Zalsman, et al., “Methylphenidate in the Treatment of Female Adolescents with Co-occurrence of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder: A Preliminary Open-Label Trial,” International Clinical Psychopharmacology 23 (2008): 228–231.
Randy A. Sansone and Lori A Sansone, “Borderline Personality and the Pain Paradox,” Psychiatry 4 (2007): 40–46.
James J. Hudziak, Todd J. Boffeli, Jerold J. Kreisman, et al., “Clinical Study of the Relation of Borderline Personality Disorder to Briquet’s Syndrome (Hysteria), Somatization Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Substance Abuse Disorders,” American Journal of Psychiatry 153 (1996): 1598–1606.
Vedat Sar, Gamze Akyuz, Nesim Kugu, et al., “Axis I Dissociative Disorder Comorbidity in Borderline Personality Disorder and Reports of Childhood Trauma,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 67 (2006): 1583–1590.
Richard P. Horevitz and Bennett G. Braun, “Are Multiple Personalities Borderline?” Psychiatric Clinics of North America 7 (1984): 69–87.
Julia A. Golier, Rachel Yehuda, Linda M. Bierer, et al., “The Relationship of Borderline Personality Disorder to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Events,” American Journal of Psychiatry 160 (2003): 2018–2024.
Andrew E. Skodol, John G. Gunderson, Thomas H. McGlashan, et al., “Functional Impairment in Patients with Schizotypal, Borderline, Avoidant, or Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder,” American Journal of Psychiatry 159 (2002): 276–283.
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Mary C. Zanarini, Frances R. Frankenburg, John Hennen, et al., “Axis I Comorbidity in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: 6-Year Follow-Up and Prediction of Time to Remission,” American Journal of Psychiatry 161 (2004): 2108–2114.
Drew Westen and Jennifer Harnden-Fischer, “Personality Profiles in Eating Disorders: Rethinking the Distinction Between Axis I and Axis II,” American Journal of Psychiatry 158 (2001): 547–562.
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Alexander McGirr, Joel Paris, Alain Lesage, et al., “Risk Factors for Suicide Completion in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Case-Control Study of Cluster B Comorbidity and Impulsive Aggression,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 68 (2007): 721–729.
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Распространенное в народе название членов секты «Церковь объединения», от англ. «Moonies», по имени основателя Мун Сон Мена. – Примеч. пер.
Barbara Stanley, Marc J. Gameroff, Venezia Michalsen, et al., “Are Suicide Attempters Who Self-Mutilate a Unique Population?” American Journal of Psychiatry 158 (2001): 427–432.
Randy A. Sansone, George A. Gaither, and Douglas A. Songer, “Self-Harm Behaviors Across the Life Cycle: A Pilot Study of Inpatients with Borderline Personality,” Comprehensive Psychiatry 43 (2002): 215–218.
Paul H. Soloff, Kevin G. Lynch, and Thomas M. Kelly, “Childhood Abuse as a Risk Factor for Suicidal Behavior in Borderline Personality Disorder,” Journal of Personality Disorders 16 (2002): 201–214.
Nikolaus Kleindienst, Martin Bohus, Petra Ludascher, et al., “Motives for Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Among Women with Borderline Personality Disorder,” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 196 (2008): 230–236.
Thomas H. McGlashan, Carlos M. Grilo, Charles A. Sanislow, et al., “Two-Year Prevalence and Stability of Individual DSM-IV Criteria for Schizotypal, Borderline, Avoidant, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders: Toward a Hybrid Model of Axis II Disorders,” American Journal of Psychiatry 162 (2005): 883–889.
Randy A. Sansone and Lori A. Sansone, “The Families of Borderline Patients: The Psychological Environment Revisited,” Psychiatry 6 (2009): 19–24.
Jerold J. Kreisman and Hal Straus, Sometimes I Act Crazy: Living with Borderline Personality Disorder (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2004): 13–15.
Eric Lis, Brian Greenfield, Melissa Henry, et al., “Neuroimaging and Genetics of Borderline Personality Disorder: A Review,” Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 32 (2007): 162–173.
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Нация мародеров (англ.). – Примеч. пер.
«Американский идол» (англ.) – телешоу, где участники борются за звание лучшего песенного исполнителя. – Примеч. пер.
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Структура, порядок (англ.). – Примеч. пер.
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Лестница (англ.). Расшифровывается следующим образом: Постановка целей (Setting goals), Доверие (Trusting), Управление гневом (Anger management), Контроль импульсивности (Impulsivity control), Поведение в отношениях (Relationship behavior), Написание сценария (Writing a script), Тренировка уверенности в себе (Assertiveness training), Твой путь (Your journey), Пересмотр схем (Schemas revisiting). – Примеч. пер.
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