Примечания книги Тридцать миллионов слов. Развиваем мозг малыша, просто беседуя с ним. Автор книги Дана Саскинд, Бет Саскинд, Лесли Левинтер-Саскинд

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Книга Тридцать миллионов слов. Развиваем мозг малыша, просто беседуя с ним
Научное исследование 1995 года показало, что речевая среда, окружающая малыша в первые три года жизни, определяет его будущую траекторию обучения. Мальчики и девочки в семьях, где родители много говорят с ними, лучше готовы к школе, владеют бóльшим лексиконом, лучше читают и даже сильнее в математике. Профессор и детский хирург Дана Саскинд вместе с коллегами разработали программу «Тридцать миллионов слов», которая объединяет теорию с практикой и дает родителям научно обоснованные и легко применимые рекомендации, как общаться с малышами. На русском языке публикуется впервые.

Примечания книги


Кохлеарный имплантат – медицинский прибор, позволяющий частично или полностью восстановить слух некоторым пациентам с выраженной или тяжелой потерей слуха сенсоневральной этиологии. Здесь и далее, если не указано иное, примечания редактора.


Хелен Келлер (1880–1968) американская писательница, лектор и политическая активистка. В результате перенесенного в раннем детстве заболевания полностью лишилась слуха и зрения.


Барриадас – кварталы стационарных самостроев; постоянные дома в местах проживания бедного населения Перу, в периферийных районах городов.


Регистрация коротколатентных слуховых вызванных потенциалов (КСВП) метод топической диагностики слуха, то есть выявления места поражения слуховой системы у детей и взрослых; считается единственным надежным объективным методом оценки снижения слуха у новорожденных и младенцев, а часто и у детей младшего возраста.


Синдром Ваарденбурга назван именем голландского офтальмолога, который в 1951 году впервые описал его признаки; это врожденное генетическое расстройство, основные проявления которого предполагают врожденную глухоту и определенные аномалии лица, включая необычную пигментацию волос, кожи и радужной оболочки обоих глаз. Прим. науч. ред.


Ослабление и нарушение обоняния у людей старшего возраста. Прим. науч. ред.


«Статуя Свободы», пер. Леонида Зуборева. (Известно также как «Новый Колосс».) Прим. пер.


Аврам Ноам Хомский (р. 1928) американский лингвист, философ и теоретик, автор классификации формальных языков, называемой иерархией Хомского. Беррес Фредерик Скиннер (1904–1990) американский психолог, писатель, изобретатель. Известен своей теорией оперантного обусловливания, объясняющей образование условных рефлексов за счет подкрепления или наказания.


Маргарет Мид (1901–1978) американский антрополог и этнограф, исследовала детскую психологию с позиций этнопсихологической школы и отношения между различными возрастными группами в традиционных (папуасы, самоа и др.) и современных обществах (разрыв поколений).


Иными словами, выработка условного рефлекса. Прим. науч. ред.


Чартерные школы – это государственные, но независимые общеобразовательные учебные заведения, финансируемые федеральным бюджетом, однако свободные от многих ограничений. Например, они могут сами выбирать программу. Как следствие – бóльшая свобода, использование прогрессивных методов в обучении.


Джеффри Евгенидис (р. 1960) американский писатель, лауреат Пулитцеровской премии.


Синаптический (нейрональный) прунинг – сокращение числа синапсов или нейронов для повышения эффективности работы мозга и удаления избыточных связей. Прим. науч. ред.


STEM (с англ. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics – естественные науки, технологии, инженерное дело и математика) принятое в США сокращенное название (акроним) учебных дисциплин.


Строго математически, приближенным числом называется число, незначительно отличающееся от точного и заменяющее его в вычислениях. Имеется в виду, что люди практически ничего не могут измерить абсолютно точно, даже измерительные приборы имеют погрешность.


Аарон Клуг (р. 1926) британский и южноафриканский ученый, биохимик, лауреат Нобелевской премии по химии.


Розалинд Франклин (1920–1958) английский биофизик и ученый-рентгенограф, занималась изучением структуры ДНК.


Издана на русском языке: Бейлок С. Момент истины. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2016.


Издана на русском языке: Дуэк К. Гибкое сознание. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2013.


Айн Рэнд (Алиса Зиновьевна Розенбаум, 1905–1982) известнейшая американская писательница российского происхождения и философ, создательница философского объективизма.


Издана на русском языке: Таф П. Как дети добиваются успеха. М.: Эксмо, 2013.


Издана на русском языке: Мишел У. Развитие силы воли. Уроки от знаменитого автора маршмеллоу-теста. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2015.


Издана на русском языке: Грант А. Брать или отдавать? Новый взгляд на психологию отношений. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2014.


Тачбол – разновидность американского футбола (игра без защиты).


На самом деле эта «мыльная опера» вначале транслировалась по радио и лишь в середине 50-х годов была показана по телевидению.


Издана на русском языке: Галински Э. Я сам! Или как мотивировать ребенка на успех. М.: Эксмо, 2010.


«Академия Хана» (Khan Academy) некоммерческая образовательная организация, созданная в 2008 году выпускником Массачусетского технологического института и Гарварда Салманом Ханом. Ее цель – «предоставление высококачественного образования каждому, всюду».


Women, Infants and Children («Женщины, младенцы, дети») специальная программа обеспечения дополнительного питания для женщин и детей грудного и раннего возраста. Прим. пер.


Трансляционная медицина – направление, применяющее достижения фундаментальных медико-биологических наук для поиска эффективных инновационных методов диагностики и лечения заболеваний человека.


National Institutes of Health, Fact sheet: Newborn hearing screening, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, 2010, www.report.nih.gov/nihfactsheets/Pdfs/NewbornHearingScreening(NIDCD). pdf.


National Institutes of Health, Fact sheet: Cochlear implants, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, 2010, www.report.nih.gov/nihfactsheets/Pdfs/CochlearImplants(NIDCD). pdf.


Dimity Dornan. “Hearing loss in babies is a neurological emergency”, Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (2009), www.hearandsayresearchandinnovation.com.au/UserFiles/files/Publications/Dornan%202009%20Hearing%20loss%20emergency.pdf.


Connie Mayer, “What really matters in the early literacy development of deaf children”, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 12.4 (2007): 411–431. Статистические данные цитируются со с. 412.


Joy Lesnick, Robert M. Goerge, and Cheryl Smithgall, “Reading on grade level in third grade: How is it related to high school performance and college enrollment”, Chicago: Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago (2010).


Ним Тоттенхэм: «Родители играют поистине большую роль в формировании мозга ребенка. И воспитание похоже на кислород. Его легко не замечать, пока не увидишь, как кому-то его не хватает». Фраза приписывается Ним Тоттенхэм в передаче Джона Гамильтона (Jon Hamilton) Orphans’ lonely beginnings reveal how parents shape a child’s brain (Первые годы жизни сироты свидетельствуют, как родители формируют мозг ребенка), Shots: Health News from National Public Radio, National Public Radio, February 24, 2014.


Betty Hart and Todd R. Risley, Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children (Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes, 1995).


Betty Hart and Todd Risley, “The early catastrophe: The 20 million word gap by age 3”, American Education (Spring 2003): 1, www.aft.org/sites/default/files/periodicals/TheEarlyCatastrophe.pdf.


Betty Hart and Todd Risley, Meaningful Differences. См. главу 1, “Intergenerational transmission of competence”, с. 1–20, где изложено полное обсуждение хода и результатов исследования Харт и Рисли.


T. R. Risley and B. Hart, “Promoting early language development”, in The Crisis in Youth Mental Health: Critical Issues and Effective Programs, vol. 4, Early Intervention Programs and Policies, pp. 83–88, ed. N. F. Watt, C. Ayoub, R. H. Badley, J. E. Puma, and W. A. LeBoef (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2006); также в открытом доступе представлена статья Todd R. Risley, “The everyday experience of American babies: Discoveries and implications”, Senior Dad, www.srdad.com/SrDad/EarlyChildhoodfiles/Todd%20Risley.pdf.


Ежегодное выступление президента Линдона Джонсона перед Конгрессом о положении страны, от 8 января 1964 года, LBJ Presidential Library, www.lbjlib.utexas.edu/johnson/archives.hom/speeches.hom/640108.asp.


R. V. Hall, R. L. Schiefelbuch, R. K. Hoyt, and C. R. Greenwod, “History, mission and organization of the Juniper Gardens Children’s Project”, Education and Treatment of Children, 12.4 (1989): 301–329. О баре C. L. Davis на с. 306.


“Spearhead – Juniper Gardens Children’s Project”, видео на YouTube, 7:04, размещено JuniperGardensKU, 30 января 2013 года, www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW77QiceqOE.


“Spearhead – Juniper Gardens Children’s Project”, видео на YouTube, 7:04, размещено JuniperGardensKU, 30 января 2013 года, www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW77QiceqOE.


Из телефонного интервью со Стивом Уорреном 20 февраля 2014 года.


Интервью Дэвида Бутона с Тоддом Рисли 14 декабря 2004 года, транскрипт на ресурсе Children of the Code («Кодированные дети»), www.childrenofthecode.org/interviews/risley.htm.


Marc N. Branch, “Operant conditioning”, в Encyclopedia of Human Development, ed. Neil J. Salkind (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2005), www.sage-ereference.com/view/humandevelopment/n458.xml?rskey=t8Ib4Landrow=5.


C. f. J. Michael Bowers, “Language acquisition device”, in Encyclopedia of Human Development, ed. Neil J. Salkind (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2005), www.sage-ereference.com/view/humandevelopment/n371.xml.


Noam Chomsky, “Review: Verbal behavior by B. F. Skinner”, Linguistic Society of America 35.1 (1959): 26–58.


Обсуждение влияния теории Ноама Хомского об универсальной грамматике на исследования, связанные с социальным неравенством при обучении языку на начальном этапе жизни, см. на с. 8 в работе A. Fernald and A. Weisleder, “Early language experience is vital to developing fluency in understanding”, в Handbook of Early Literacy Research, vol. 3, ed. S. Neuman and D. Dickinson (New York: Guildford Publications, 2011), с. 2–20. Также см. с. 184 в работе A. Fernald and V. A. Marcham, “Causes and consequences of variability in early language learning”, в Experience, Variation and Generalization: Learning a First Language, ed. I. Arnon and E. V. Clark (Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2011), с. 181–202.


Fernald and Marcham, “Causes and consequences”. См. с. 185, где обсуждается спорное утверждение, что модели развития, отмечаемые у детей из среднего класса, распространяются на детей всех социальных слоев.


Glen Dunlap and John R. Lutzker, “Todd R. Risley (1937–2007)”, Journal of Positive Behaviour Intervention 10.9 (2008): 148–149, www.pbi.sagepub.com/content/10/3/148.full.pdf+html. Цитата со с. 148.


Glen Dunlap and John R. Lutzker, “Todd R. Risley (1937–2007)”, Journal of Positive Behaviour Intervention 10.9 (2008): 148–149, www.pbi.sagepub.com/content/10/3/148.full.pdf+html. Цитата со с. 148.


James A. Sherman, “Todd R. Risley: Friend, colleague, visionary”, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 41.1 (2008): 7–10. Цитата со с. 9.


Из телефонного интервью со Стивом Уорреном 20 февраля 2014 года.


B. Hart and T. R. Risley, “American parenting of language-learning in children: Persisting differences in family-child interactions observed in natural home environments”, Developmental Psychology 28 (1992): 1096–1105.


Подробнее см. главу 3, “42 American Families”, в книге Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, pp. 53–74.


Подробнее см. главу 3, “42 American Families”, в книге Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 24.


Подробнее см. главу 3, “42 American Families”, в книге Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 24.


Подробнее см. главу 3, “42 American Families”, в книге Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 41.


Подробнее см. главу 3, “42 American Families”, в книге Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 46.


Todd R. Risley and Betty Hart, “Promoting early language development”, в The Crisis in Youth Mental Health: Critical Issues and Effective Programs, vol. 4, Early Intervention Programs and Policies, ed. N. F. Watt, C. Ayoub, R. H. Bradley, J. E. Puma, and W. A. LeBoeuf (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2006), pp. 83–88, цитируется по работе Рисли Everyday experiences of American babies.


Интервью с Рисли.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, p. 54.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 53–54.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 55.


Hart and Risley, Early catastrophe, p. 7.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, p. 60.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 64–66.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 132.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. xx и 124, рис. 9.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 126, 128, рис. 11, 12.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 66, 176, табл. 5.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 71; Hart and Risley, Early catastrophe, с. 8.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, pp. 197–198; Hart and Risley, Early catastrophe, p. 8.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, pp. 197–198.


Hart and Risley, Early catastrophe, p. 7.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, pp. 143–144.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. xx, 144.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 147.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 58.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 59.


Dale Walker, Charles Greenwood, Betty Hart, and Judith Carta, “Prediction of school outcomes based on early language production and socioeconomic factors”, Child Development 65 (1994): 606–621.


Дальнейшее обсуждение основано на личном общении с Флавио Кунья 18 мая 2014 года.


Hart and Risley, Early catastrophe, p. 8.


William Julius Wilson, The Truly Disadvantaged (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012).


S. B. Heath, “The children of Trackton’s children: Spoken and written language in social change”, в Cultural Psychology: Essays on Comparative Human Development, ed. J. W. Stilger, R. A. Shweder, and G. Herdt (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), pp. 496–519, цитируется по работе E. Hoff, “How social contexts support and shape language development”, Developmental Review 26 (2006): 55–88, p. 60.


Подробнее о зависимости количества и качества общения родителей с ребенком см. Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, гл. 6, “The early experience of 42 typical American children”, pp. 119–140.


Risley, Everyday experience of American babies, p. 3.


Risley, Everyday experience of American babies, p. 3.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, pp. 124–125.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 125–126.


Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, с. 126.


Hart and Risley, Early catastrophe, p. 8.


См. рис. 20 в работе Hart and Risley, Meaningful Differences, pp. 200, 253; на с. 253 содержится их развернутый анализ.


Личное общение с Шейном Эвансом 9 июня 2014 года.


Anne Fernald, “Why efficiency in processing language is important”, видео на YouTube, 2:24, опубликовано Treeincement 11 июня 2010 года, www.youtube.com/watch?v=verqCmPrnY8.


Anne Fernald, “Why efficiency in processing language is important”, видео на YouTube, 2:24, опубликовано Treeincement 11 июня 2010 года, www.youtube.com/watch?v=verqCmPrnY8.


Anne Fernald, “Why efficiency in processing language is important”, видео на YouTube, 2:24, опубликовано Treeincement 11 июня 2010 года, www.youtube.com/watch?v=verqCmPrnY8.


Anne Fernald, Virginia A. Marchman, and Adriana Weisleder, “SES differences in language processing skill and vocabulary are evident at 18 months”, Developmental Science 16.2 (2013): 234–248.


National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, “The timing and quality of early experiences combine to shape brain architecture” (working paper 5, Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2007), цитируется по с. 2, www.developingchild.net.


“Toxic Stress Derails Healthy Development”, видео Центра исследований детского развития при Гарвардском университете, 1:53, 2014, www.developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/multimedia/videos/three_core_concepts/toxic_stress/.


National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, “Timing and quality”.


Edward Tronick, “Still face experiment: Dr. Edward Tronick”, видео на YouTube, 2:49, опубликовано “UMass Boston”, 30 ноября 2009 года: www.youtube.com/watch?v=apzXGEbZht0.


National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, “Timing and quality”, p. 8.


“Five numbers to remember about early childhood development”, Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, 2014, www.developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/multimedia/interactive_features/five-numbers/.


National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, “Timing and quality”, pp. 2–3.


Martha Constantine-Paton, “Pioneers of cortical plasticity: Six classic papers by Wiesel and Hubel”, Journal of Neurophysiology 99.6 (2008): 2741–2744; Joel Davis, “Brain and visual perception: The story of a 25-year collaboration”, Color Research and Application (2005): 3.


Alyssa A. Botelho, “David H. Hubel, Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist, dies at 87”, The Washington Post, September 23, 2013, www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/david-h-hubel-nobel-prize-winning-neuroscientist-dies-at-87/2013/09/23/5a227c2c-7167-11e2-ac36-3d8d9dcaa2e2_story.html.


Alyssa A. Botelho, “David H. Hubel, Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist, dies at 87”, The Washington Post, September 23, 2013, www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/david-h-hubel-nobel-prize-winning-neuroscientist-dies-at-87/2013/09/23/5a227c2c-7167-11e2-ac36-3d8d9dcaa2e2_story.html.


Botelho, “David H. Hubel”.


Eric R. Kandel, “An introduction to the work of David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel», Journal of Physiology 587.12 (2009): 2733–2741; цитируется по с. 2733.


Liz Schroeder, S. Petrou, C. Kennedy, D. McCann, C. Law, P. M. Watkin, S. Worsfold, and H. M. Yuen, “The economic costs of congenital bilateral permanent childhood hearing impairment”, Pediatrics 117.4 (2006): 1101–1112.


Charlene Chamberlain, Jill P. Morford, and Rachel I. Mayberry, eds., Language Acquisition by Eye (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000).


Keith E. Stanovich, “Matthew effects in reading: Some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy”, Reading Research Quarterly (1986): 360–407.


Harry G. Lang, “Higher education for deaf students: Research priorities in the new millennium”, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 7.4 (2002): 267–280. Статистика в отношении высшего образования у глухих в США дана на с. 268.


C. Reilly and S. Qi, “Snapshot of deaf and hard of hearing people, postsecondary attendance and unemployment”, 2011, www.research.gallaudet.edu/Demographics/deaf-employment-2011.pdf; Bonnie B. Blanchfield, Jacob J. Feldman, Jennifer L. Dunbar, and Eric N. Gardner, “The severely to profoundly hearing-impaired population in the United States: prevalence estimates and demographics”, Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 12.4 (2001): 183–189; John M. McNeil, “Employment, earnings, and disability” (документы к 75-й Ежегодной конференции Западной экономической ассоциации, Ванкувер, 29 июня – 3 июля 2000 года), www.vocecon.com/resources/ftp/Bibliography/mcnempl.pdf.


Marcie Sillman, “Brain waves: Peeking under the hood”, радиопрограмма KUOW News, Вашингтон, 2010 года. 14 января 2015 года.


Патрицию Кул цитирует Меери Ким (Meeri Kim) в “Babies grasp speech before they utter first word, a study finds”, The Washington Post, July 19, 2014, www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/babies-grasp-speech-before-they-utter-their-first-word-a-study-finds/2014/07/19/c4854b46-0ea8-11e4-8c9a-923ecc0c7d23_story.html.


Patricia Kuhl, “The first year ‘computational geniuses’” National Geographic, 2015, www.ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2015/01/baby-brains/geniuses-video.


Christine Moon, Hugo Lagercrantz, and Patricia K. Kuhl, “Language experienced in utero affects vowel perception after birth: A two-country study”, Acta Paediatrica 102.2 (2013): 156–160.


Isaac Stone Fish, “Mark Zuckerberg speaks Mandarin like a seven-year-old”, Foreign Policy, Passport, October 22, 2014, www.foreignpolicy.com/2014/10/22/mark-zuckerberg speaks-mandarin-like-a-seven-year-old/.


David Goldman and Sophia Yan, “Zuckerberg, in all-Chinese Q&A, says Facebook has ‘11 mobile users.’” CNN Money, October 23, 2014, www.money.cnn.com/2014/10/23/technology/social/zuckerberg-chinese/index.html?hpt=ob_articlefooterandiid=obnetwork.


Patricia Kuhl, “The linguistic genius of babies”, снято в октябре 2010 года, TED video, 10:17, www.ted.com/speakers/patricia_kuhl.


Теория магнетизма при обучении родному языку. Подробнее см. Patricia K. Kuhl, “Psychoacoustics and speech perception: Internal standards, perceptual anchors, and prototypes”, в Developmental Psychoacoustics, ed. Lynne A. Werner and Edwin W. Rubel (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1992); Patricia K. Kuhl, “Learning and representation in speech and language”, Current Opinion in Neurobiology 4.6 (1994): 812–822. Дополненная концепция изложена в работе Patricia K. Kuhl, Barbara T. Conboy, Sharon Coffey-Corina, Denise Padden, Maritza Rivera-Gaxiola, and Tobey Nelson, “Phonetic learning as a pathway to language: New data and native language magnet theory expanded (NLM-e)”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 363.1493 (2008): 979–1000.


Данное исследование обсуждается в работе Alison Gopnik, Andrew N. Meltzoff, and Patricia K. Kuhl, The Scientist in the Crib: Minds, Brains, and How Children Learn (New York: Harper, 1999), pp. 104–110.


Подробнее о социально-эволюционной природе изучения языка см. Ralph Adolphs, “Cognitive neuroscience of human social behaviour”, Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4.3 (2003): 165–178; Robin I. M. Dunbar, “The social brain hypothesis”, Evolutionary Anthropology 6 (1998): 178–190; Friedemann Pulvermüller, “Brain mechanisms linking language and action”, Nature Reviews Neuroscience 6.7 (2005): 576–582.


О том, как мозг слышит и понимает значимые звуковые сегменты, см. в работе Allison J. Doupe and Patricia K. Kuhl, “Birdsong and human speech: common themes and mechanisms”, Annual Review of Neuroscience 22.1 (1999): 567–631; Cristopher S. Evans and Peter Marler, “Language and animal communication: Parallels and contrasts”, в Comparative Approaches to Cognitive Science, ed. Herbert L. Roitblat and Jean-Arcady Meyer (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995), pp. 341–382; Peter Marler, “Song-learning behavior: the interface with neuroethology”, Trends in Neurosciences 14.5 (1991): 199–206.


Доходчивое резюме исследования изложено в работе Patricia K. Kuhl “Linguistic genius of babies”.


Хороший обзор исследований Такао Хенша дан Джоном Бардином: Jon Bardin, “Neurodevelopment: Unlocking the brain”, Nature 487.7405 (2012): 24–26, www.nature.com/news/neurodevelopment-unlocking-the-brain-1.10925.


Хороший обзор исследований Такао Хенша дан Джоном Бардином: Jon Bardin, “Neurodevelopment: Unlocking the brain”, Nature 487.7405 (2012): 24–26, www.nature.com/news/neurodevelopment-unlocking-the-brain-1.10925.


Хороший обзор исследований Такао Хенша дан Джоном Бардином: Jon Bardin, “Neurodevelopment: Unlocking the brain”, Nature 487.7405 (2012): 24–26, www.nature.com/news/neurodevelopment-unlocking-the-brain-1.10925.


Jon Hamilton, “How your brain is like Manhattan”, Shots: Health News from NPR, National Public Radio, March 29, 2012, www.npr.org/blogs/health/2012/03/29/149629657/how-your-brain-is-like-manhattan.


Sebastian Seung, Connectome: How the Brain’s Wiring Makes Us Who We Are (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012), xv.


James Gorman, “Learning how little we know about the brain”, The New York Times, Science section, November 10, 2014, www.nytimes.com/2014/11/11/science/learning-how-little-we-know-about-the-brain.html?_r=0.


Sebastian Seung, “I am my connectome”, снято в феврале 2010 года, TED video, 19:25, www.ted.com/talks/sebastian_seung.


Elizabeth Green, “Why do Americans stink at math?” The New York Times, July 23, 2014, www.nytimes.com/2014/07/27/magazine/why-do-americans-stink-at-math.html?_r=0.


A. Alfred Taubman, Threshold Resistance: The Extraordinary Career of a Luxury Retailing Pioneer (New York: Harper Business, 2007).


Домашняя страница, eBroselow, 2015, www.eBroselow.com.


Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, “Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Results from PISA 2012”, Country Note: United States, 2012, www.oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/PISA-2012-results-US.pdf.


Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, “Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Results from PISA 2012”, Country Note: United States, 2012, www.oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/PISA-2012-results-US.pdf.


Stephanie Simon, “PISA results show ‘educational stagnation’ in U.S”., Politico, December 3, 2013, www.politico.com/story/2013/12/education-international-test-results-100575.html#ixzz3JonddFu.


Jae H. Paik, Loes van Gelderen, Manuel Gonzales, Peter F. de Jong, and Michael Hayes, “Cultural differences in early math skills among US, Taiwanese, Dutch, and Peruvian preschoolers”, International Journal of Early Years Education 19.2 (2011): 133–143.


В качестве примера см. следующие работы: Paik et al., “Cultural differences in early math skills”; David C. Geary, Liu Fan, and C. Christine Bow-Thomas, “Numerical cognition: Loci of ability differences comparing children from China and the United States”, Psychological Science 3.3 (1992): 180–185; Robert S. Siegler and Julie L. Booth, “Development of numerical estimation in young children”, Child Development 75.2 (2004): 428–444; Robert S. Siegler and Yan Mu, “Chinese children excel on novel mathematics problems even before elementary school”, Psychological Science 19.8 (2008): 759–763.


Kevin Miller, Susan M. Major, Hua Shu, and Houcan Zhang, “Ordinal knowledge: Number names and number concepts in Chinese and English”, Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale 54.2 (2000): 129–140.


Xin Zhou, Jin Huang, Zhengke Wang, Bin Wang, Zhenguo Zhao, Lei Yang, and Zhengzheng Yang, “Parentchild interaction and children’s number learning”, Early Child Development and Care 176.7 (2006): 763–775.


Prentice Starkey and Alice Klein, “Sociocultural influences on young children’s mathematical knowledge”, Contemporary Perspectives on Mathematics in Early Childhood Education (2008): 253–276.


David P. Weikart, The Cognitively Oriented Curriculum: A Framework for Preschool Teachers (Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1971), цитируется по работе: Starkey and Klein, “Sociocultural influences on young children’s mathematical knowledge”.


Richard W. Copeland, How Children Learn Mathematics: Teaching Implications of Piaget’s Research (New York: Macmillan, 1970), 374, цитируется по работе: Starkey and Klein, “Sociocultural influences on young children’s mathematical knowledge”.


Véronique Izard, Coralie Sann, Elizabeth S. Spelke, and Arlette Streri, “Newborn infants perceive abstract numbers”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106.25 (2009): 10382–10385.


Ariel Starr, Melissa E. Libertus, and Elizabeth M. Brannon, “Number sense in infancy predicts mathematical abilities in childhood”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110.45 (2013): 18116–18120.


Hilary Barth, Kristen La Mont, Jennifer Lipton, and Elizabeth S. Spelke, “Abstract number and arithmetic in preschool children”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102.39 (2005): 14116–14121; Camilla K. Gilmore, Shannon E. McCarthy, and Elizabeth S. Spelke, “Non-symbolic arithmetic abilities and mathematics achievement in the first year of formal schooling”, Cognition 115.3 (2010): 394–406; Koleen McCrink and Elizabeth S. Spelke, “Core multiplication in childhood”, Cognition 116.2 (2010): 204–216; Koleen McCrink and Karen Wynn, “Large-number addition and subtraction by 9-month-old infants”, Psychological Science 15.11 (2004): 776–781.


Greg J. Duncan, C. J. Dowsett, A. Claessens, K. Magnuson, A. C. Huston, P. Klebanov, L. S. Pagani, et al., “School readiness and later achievement”, Developmental Psychology 43.6 (2007): 1428–1446.


Tyler W. Watts, Greg J. Duncan, Robert S. Siegler, and Pamela E. Davis-Kean, “What’s past is prologue: Relations between early mathematics knowledge and high school achievement”, Educational Researcher 43.7 (2014): 352–360.


Susan C. Levine, Linda Whealton Suriyakham, Meredith L. Rowe, Janellen Huttenlocher, and Elizabeth A. Gunderson, “What counts in the development of young children’s number knowledge?”, Developmental Psychology 46.5 (2010): 1309–1319.


Aaron Klug, “From macromolecules to biological assemblies” (нобелевская лекция от 8 декабря 1982 года), www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1982/klug-lecture.pdf.


William Harms, “Learning spatial terms improves children’s spatial skills”, UChicago-News, November 9, 2011, news.uchicago.edu/article/2011/11/09/learning-spatial-terms-improves-childrens-spatial-skills.


Alicia Chang, Catherine M. Sandhofer, and Christia S. Brown, “Gender biases in early number exposure to preschool-aged children”, Journal of Language and Social Psychology 30.4 (2011): 440–450.


Rebecca Carr, “Women in the Academic Pipeline for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math: Nationally and at AAUDE Institutions”, Association of American Universities Data Exchange, April 2013, aaude.org/system/files/documents/public/reports/report-2013-pipeline.pdf.


Pascal Huguet and Isabelle Régner, “Counterstereotypic beliefs in math do not protect school girls from stereotype threat”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45.4 (2009): 1024–1027; Emmanuelle Neuville and Jean-Claude Croizet, “Can salience of gender identity impair math performance among 7–8 years old girls? The moderating role of task difficulty”, European Journal of Psychology of Education 22.3 (2007): 307–316.


Подробнее о том, как стереотипы влияют на успехи в науке, технологиях, инженерной мысли и математике, см. Albert Bandura, Claudio Barbaranelli, Gian Vittorio Caprara, and Concetta Pastorelli, “Self-efficacy beliefs as shapers of children’s aspirations and career trajectories”, Child Development 72.1 (2001): 187–206; Carol Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (New York: Ballantine Books, 2006); Peter Häussler and Lore Hoffmann, “An intervention study to enhance girls’ interest, self-concept, and achievement in physics classes”, Journal of Research in Science Teaching 39.9 (2002): 870–888.


Janet S. Hyde, Sara M. Lindberg, Marcia C. Linn, Amy B. Ellis, and Caroline C. Williams, “Gender similarities characterize math performance”, Science 321.5888 (2008): 494–495; Janet S. Hyde and Janet E. Mertz, “Gender, culture, and mathematics performance”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106.22 (2009): 8801–8807.


Stephen J. Ceci, Donna K. Ginther, Shulamit Kahn, and Wendy M. Williams, “Women in academic science: A changing landscape”, Psychological Science in the Public Interest 15.3 (2014): 75–141.


Pamela M. Frome and Jacquelynne S. Eccles, “Parents’ influence on children’s achievement related perceptions”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 74.2 (1998): 435–452.


Sandra D. Simpkins, Pamela E. Davis-Kean, and Jacquelynne S. Eccles, “Math and science motivation: A longitudinal examination of the links between choices and beliefs”, Developmental Psychology 42.1 (2006): 70–83, dx.doi.org/10.1037/0012–1649.42.1.70


Martha M. Bleeker and Janis E. Jacobs, “Achievement in math and science: Do mothers’ beliefs matter 12 years later?”, Journal of Educational Psychology 96.1 (2004): 97–109.


Jennifer Herbert and Deborah Stipek, “The emergence of gender differences in children’s perceptions of their academic competence”, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 26.3 (2005): 276–295.


Sian Beilock, Choke: What the Secrets of the Brain Reveal About Getting It Right When You Have To (New York: Free Press, 2010).


Sian L. Beilock, Elizabeth A. Gunderson, Gerardo Ramirez, and Susan C. Levine, “Female teachers’ math anxiety affects girls’ math achievement”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107.5 (2010): 1860–1863.


Sian L. Beilock, Elizabeth A. Gunderson, Gerardo Ramirez, and Susan C. Levine, “Female teachers’ math anxiety affects girls’ math achievement”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107.5 (2010): 1860–1863.


Sian L. Beilock, Elizabeth A. Gunderson, Gerardo Ramirez, and Susan C. Levine, “Female teachers’ math anxiety affects girls’ math achievement”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107.5 (2010): 1860–1863.


Dweck, Mindset.


Dweck, Mindset, с. 51.


Nathaniel Branden, The Psychology of Self-Esteem: A Revolutionary Approach to Self-Understanding That Launched a New Era in Modern Psychology (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1969).


California State Department of Education, Sacramento, “Toward a state of esteem: The final report of the California task force to promote self-esteem and personal and social responsibility” (1990).


California State Department of Education, Sacramento, “Toward a state of esteem: The final report of the California task force to promote self-esteem and personal and social responsibility” (1990).


Carol S. Dweck, “Caution – praise can be dangerous”, American Educator 23.1 (1999): 4–9.


См. результаты исследования в работе: Claudia M. Mueller and Carol S. Dweck, “Praise for intelligence can undermine children’s motivation and performance”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 75.1 (1998): 33–52, p. 36.


Elizabeth A. Gunderson, Sarah Gripshover, Carissa Romero, Carol S. Dweck, Susan Goldin-Meadow, and Susan Cohen Levine, “Parent praise to 1-to3-year-olds predicts children’s motivational frameworks 5 years later”, Child Development 84.5 (2013): 1526–1541.


S. Gripshover, N. Sorhagen, E. A. Gunderson, C. S. Dweck, S. Goldin-Meadow, and S. C. Levine, “Parent praise to toddlers predicts fourth grade academic achievement via children’s incremental mindsets” (рукопись в процессе редактирования).


Geoffrey L. Cohen, Julio Garcia, Nancy Apfel, and Allison Master, “Reducing the racial achievement gap: A social-psychological intervention”, Science 313.5791 (2006): 1307–1310.


Professor Mischel’s work is described in detail in his book: Walter Mischel, The Marshmallow Test: Mastering Self-control (New York: Little, Brown, 2014).


Clancy Blair, “Stress and the development of self-regulation in context”, Child Development Perspectives 4.3 (2010): 181–188; National Institutes of Health, “Stress in poverty may impair learning ability in young children”, National Institutes of Health: Turning Discovery into Health, 2013, www.nih.gov/news/health/aug2012/nichd-28.htm.


“Vygotskian approach: Lev Vygotsky”, Tools of the Mind, 2015, www.toolsofthemind.org/philosophy/vygotskian-approach/.


О влиянии языковых трудностей на развитие самоорганизованности см. Lucy A. Henry, David J. Messer, and Gilly Nash, “Executive functioning in children with specific language impairment”, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 53.1 (2012): 37–45. О влиянии глухоты на развитие самоорганизованности см. B. Figueras, L. Edwards, and D. Langdon, “Executive function and language in deaf children”, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 13.3 (2008): 362–377.


Susan Hendler Lederer, “Efficacy of parent-child language group intervention for latetalking toddlers”, Infant-Toddler Intervention: The Transdisciplinary Journal 11 (2001): 223–235.


Michael D. Niles, Arthur J. Reynolds, and Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, “Early childhood intervention and early adolescent social and emotional competence: Second-generation evaluation evidence from the Chicago Longitudinal Study”, Educational Research 50.1 (2008): 55–73.


Michael D. Niles, Arthur J. Reynolds, and Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, “Early childhood intervention and early adolescent social and emotional competence: Second-generation evaluation evidence from the Chicago Longitudinal Study”, Educational Research 50.1 (2008): 55–73.


Adam Winsler, J. R. De León, B. A. Wallace, M. P. Carlton, and A. Willson-Quayle, “Private speech in preschool children: Developmental stability and change, across-task consistency, and relations with classroom behaviour”, Journal of Child Language 30.03 (2003): 583–608.


Natalie Yvonne Broderick, “An investigation of the relationship between private speech and emotion regulation in preschool-age children”, Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B: The Sciences and Engineering 61.11 (2001): 6125.


Laura E. Berk and Ruth A. Garvin, “Development of private speech among low-income Appalachian children”, Developmental Psychology 20.2 (1984): 271–286.


Clancy Blair and C. Cybele Raver, “Closing the achievement gap through modification of neurocognitive and neuroendocrine function: Results from a cluster randomized controlled trial of an innovative approach to the education of children in kindergarten”, PLOS ONE 9.11 (2014): e112393, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112393.


Интервью автора с Клэнси Блэр от 5 января 2015 года.


Brian E. Vaughn, Claire B. Kopp, and Joanne B. Krakow, “The emergence and consolidation of self-control from eighteen to thirty months of age: Normative trends and individual differences”, Child Development (1984): 990–1004.


Christopher M. Conway, David B. Pisoni, and William G. Kronenberger, “The importance of sound for cognitive sequencing abilities the auditory scaffolding hypothesis”, Current Directions in Psychological Science 18.5 (2009): 275–279.


W. G. Kronenberger, J. Beer, I. Castellanos, D. B. Pisoni, and R. T. Miyamoto, “Neurocognitive risk in children with cochlear implants”, JAMA Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (2014), doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2014.757; William G. Kronenberger, D. B. Pisoni, S. C. Henning, and B. G. Colson, “Executive functioning skills in long-term users of cochlear implants: A case control study”, Journal of Pediatric Psychology 38.8 (2013): 902–914.


Célia Matte-Gagné and Annie Bernier, “Prospective relations between maternal autonomy support and child executive functioning: Investigating the mediating role of child language ability”, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 110.4 (2011): 611–625.


Существует обширная литература по психологии развития. Обсуждение взаимосвязи взрослой оценки детских попыток самоконтроля и развития саморегуляции см. Grazyna Kochanska and Nazan Aksan, “Children’s conscience and self-regulation”, Journal of Personality 74.6 (2006): 1587–1618; Peggy Estrada, William F. Arsenio, Robert D. Hess, and Susan D. Holloway, “Affective quality of the mother-child relationship: Longitudinal consequences for children’s school-relevant cognitive functioning”, Developmental Psychology 23.2 (1987): 210–215; Robert C. Pianta, Sheri L. Nimetz, and Elizabeth Bennett, “Mother-child relationships, teacher-child relationships, and school outcomes in preschool and kindergarten”, Early Childhood Research Quarterly 12.3 (1997): 263–280; Robert C. Pianta, Michael S. Steinberg, and Kristin B. Rollins, “The first two years of school: Teacher-child relationships and deflections in children’s classroom adjustment”, Development and Psychopathology 7.02 (1995): 295–312.


О влиянии родительской речи на то, как ребенок пользуется внутренним диалогом с целью самоконтроля, см. Rafael M. Diaz, A. Winsler, D. J. Atencio, and K. Harbers, “Mediation of self-regulation through the use of private speech”, International Journal of Cognitive Education and Mediated Learning 2.2 (1992): 155–167; Adam Winsler, “Parent-child interaction and private speech in boys with ADHD”, Applied Developmental Science 2.1 (1998): 17–39; Adam Winsler, Rafael M. Diaz, and Ignacio Montero, “The role of private speech in the transition from collaborative to independent task performance in young children”, Early Childhood Research Quarterly 12.1 (1997): 59–79.


Подробнее см. Annemiek Karreman, C. V. Tuijl, and A. G. Marcel, “Parenting, co-parenting, and effortful control in preschoolers”, Journal of Family Psychology 22.1 (2008): 30–40; Grazyna Kochanska and Amy Knaack, “Effortful control as a personality characteristic of young children: Antecedents, correlates, and consequences”, Journal of Personality 71.6 (2003): 1087–1112.


Susan H. Landry, K. E. Smith, P. R. Swank, and C. L. Miller-Loncar, “Early maternal and child influences on children’s later independent cognitive and social functioning”, Child Development 71.2 (2000): 358–375.


См. Alfred L. Baldwin, Behavior and Development in Childhood (Fort Worth, TX: Dryden Press, 1955); Claire B. Kopp, “Antecedents of self-regulation: A developmental perspective”, Developmental Psychology 18.2 (1982): 199–214.


Подробнее см. Jay Belsky and Michael Pluess, “Beyond diathesis stress: Differential susceptibility to environmental influences”, Psychological Bulletin 135.6 (2009): 885–908; W. Thomas Boyce and Bruce J. Ellis, “Biological sensitivity to context: I. An evolutionary-developmental theory of the origins and functions of stress reactivity”, Development and Psychopathology 17.02 (2005): 271–301.


“Cognitive advantages of bilingualism”, Wikipedia, Wikipedia Foundation, June 9, 2014, www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_advantages_of_bilingualism


Elizabeth Peal and Wallace E. Lambert, “The relation of bilingualism to intelligence”, Psychological Monographs: General and Applied 76.27 (1962): 1–23.


Цитируется по Alexandra Ossola, “Are bilinguals really smarter?: Despite what you may have read, it’s not so cut and dry”, Science Line, July 29, 2014, www.scienceline.org/2014/07/are-bilinguals-really-smarter/.


Примеры исследований профессора Хофф в этой области приводятся в работах: Erika Hoff, R. Rumiche, A. Burridge, K. M. Ribot, and S. N. Welsh, “Expressive vocabulary development in children from bilingual and monolingual homes: A longitudinal study from two to four years”, Early Childhood Research Quarterly 29.4 (2014): 433–444; Silvia Place and Erika Hoff, “Properties of dual language exposure that influence 2-year-olds’ bilingual proficiency”, Child Development 82.6 (2011): 1834–1849.


Негативное влияние неродного языка на когнитивное развитие зафиксировано при исследовании детей в возрасте 24 месяцев по шкале Бейли. Adam Winsler, Margaret R. Burchinal, Hsiao-Chuan Tien, Ellen Peisner-Feinberg, Linda Espinosa, Dina C. Castro, Doré R. LaForett, Yoon Kyong Kim, and Jessica De Feyter, “Early development among dual language learners: The roles of language use at home, maternal immigration, country of origin, and socio-demographic variables”, Early Childhood Research Quarterly (2014): 750–764.


Adam Grant, Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success (New York: Viking, 2013).


Adam Grant, “Raising a moral child”, The New York Times, April 11, 2014, www.nytimes.com/2014/04/12/opinion/sunday/raising-a-moral-child.html?_r=0.


Adam Grant, “Raising a moral child”, The New York Times, April 11, 2014, www.nytimes.com/2014/04/12/opinion/sunday/raising-a-moral-child.html?_r=0.


Adam Grant, “Raising a moral child”, The New York Times, April 11, 2014, www.nytimes.com/2014/04/12/opinion/sunday/raising-a-moral-child.html?_r=0.


G. Hollich, K. Hirsh-Pasek, and R. M. Golinkoff, “Breaking the language barrier: An emergentist coalition model for the origins of word learning”, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 65.3, serial no. 262 (2000).


Anne Fernald and Patricia Kuhl, “Acoustic determinants of infant preference for motherese speech”, Infant Behavior and Development 10 (1987): 279–293; A. Fernald, T. Taeschner, J. Dunn, M. Papousek, B. de Boysson-Bardies, and I. Fukui, “A cross-language study of prosodic modifications in mothers’ and fathers’ speech to preverbal infants”, Journal of Child Language 16.3 (1989): 477–501; A. Kelkar, “Marathi baby talk”, Word 20 (1965): 40–54; P. B. Meegaskumbura, “Tondol: Sinhala baby talk”, Word 31.3 (1980): 287–309; Nobuo Masataka, “Motherese in a signed language”, Infant Behavior and Development 15.4 (1992): 453–460.


P. W. Jusczyk and E. A. Hohne, “Infants’ memory for spoken words”, Science 277.5334 (1997): 1984–1986.


Подробнее см работы: Engle and Ricciuti, “Psychosocial aspects of care and nutrition”; C. M. Heinicke, N. R. Fineman, G. Ruth, S. L. Recchia, D. Guthrie, and C. Rodning, “Relationship-based intervention with at-risk mothers: outcomes in the first year of life”, Infant Mental Health Journal 20 (1999): 249–274; N. Eshel, B. Daelmans, M. Cabral de Mello, and J. Martines, “Responsive parenting: interventions and outcomes”, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 84 (2006): 992–999.


C. S. Tamis-LeMonda and M. H. Bornstein, “Habituation and maternal encouragement of attention in infancy as predictors of toddler language, play, and representational competence”, Child Development 60 (1989): 738–751.


Подробнее об эффективной реакции родителей см.: J. P. Shonkoff and D. A. Phillips, eds., From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Child Development (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2000); L. Richter, The Importance of Caregiver-Child Interactions for the Survival and Health Development of Young Children: A Review (Geneva: World Health Organization, 2004); P. L. Engle and H. N. Riccituti, “Psychological aspects of care and nutrition”, Food and Nutrition Bulletin 16 (1995): 356–377.


G. Miller and E. Chen “Unfavorable socioeconomic conditions in early life presage expression of proinflammatory phenotype in adolescence”, Psychosomatic Medicine 69.5 (2007): 402–409.


R. Paul, Language Disorders from Infancy Through Adolescence, 2nd ed. (St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 2001).


LENA Research Foundation, “Our story”, www.lenafoundation.org/about-us/founders-story/. О ролевых играх см. G. S. Ashiabi, “Play in the preschool classroom: Its socioemotional significance and the teacher’s role in play”, Early Childhood Education Journal 35 (2007): 199–207; L. E. Berk, T. D. Mann, and A. T. Ogan, “Make-believe play: Wellspring for development of self-regulation”, в Play = Learning: How Play Motivates and Enhances Children’s Cognitive and Social-Emotional Growth, ed. D. Singer, R. M. Golinkoff, and Hirsh-Pasek (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006); J. F. Jent, L. N. Niec, and S. E. Baker, “Play and interpersonal processes”, в Play in Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based Approaches, ed. S. W. Russ and L. N. Niec (New York: Guilford Press, 2011); S. W. Russ, Play in Child Development and Psychotherapy (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004); A. L. Seja and S. W. Russ, “Children’s fantasy play and emotional understanding”, Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 28 (1999): 269–277.


См. примечания к главе 2, где дано полное описание данного исследования.


L. Baker, R. Serpell, and S. Sonnenschein, “Opportunities for literacy learning in the homes of urban preschoolers”, in Family Literacy Connections in Schools and Communities, ed. L. Morrow (Newark, NJ: IRA, 1995), 236–252; C. Snow and P. Tabors, “Intergenerational transfer of literacy”, in Family Literacy: Directions in Research and Implications for Practice, ed. L. A. Benjamin and J. Lord (Washington, DC: Office of Education Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, 1996).


S. B. Piasta, L. M. Justice, A. S. McGinty, and J. N. Kaderavek, “Increasing young children’s contact with print during shared reading: Longitudinal effects on literacy achievement”, Child Development 83.3 (2012): 810–820.


C. Peterson, B. Jesso, and A. Mc-Cabe, “Encouraging narratives in preschoolers: An intervention study”, Journal of Child Language 26.1 (1999): 49–67.


S. Franceschini, S. Gori, M. Ruffino, K. Pedrolli, and A. Facoetti, “A causal link between visual spatial attention and reading acquisition”, Current Biology 22.9 (2012): 814–819; Jonathan Wai, David Lubinski, and Camilla P. Benbow, “Spatial ability for STEM domains: Aligning over 50 years of cumulative psychological knowledge solidifies its importance”, Journal of Educational Psychology 101.4 (2009): 817–835.


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Annette Lareau, Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race and Family Life (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003), 343.


Annette Lareau, Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race and Family Life (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003), 343.


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Lareau, “Question and Answers”, p. 1.


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Lareau, Unequal Childhoods, p. 5.


Lareau, Unequal Childhoods, p. 5.


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Lareau, Unequal Childhoods, quote on p. 3.


Lareau, Unequal Childhoods, с. 147.


Lareau, Unequal Childhoods, с. 386.


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