Онлайн книга
Примечания книги
Помощник или заместитель профессора. – Прим. ред.
Перевод В. Марковой и И. Лихачева.
Российский аналог – «Своя игра». – Прим. пер.
Или миллионов миллиардов. – Прим. ред.
Маленькие внутриклеточные пузырьки, защищенные мембраной, в которых запасаются или транспортируются питательные вещества. – Прим. ред.
То есть когда независимо от результата фактически вы остаетесь в «минусе». – Прим. ред.
Участники стихийных протестов, проходивших в конце XVIII – начале XIX века против использования машин на производстве: луддиты считали, что станки отнимут у них рабочие места. – Прим. ред.
Рожденные между 1946 и 1964 гг. – Прим. ред.
Рожденные между 1965 и 1982 гг. – Прим. ред.
Английский термин shortcut сочетает в себе ряд значений, в том числе «кратчайший путь», «наиболее рациональный метод достижения чего-либо», «ярлык для быстрого запуска программы», «стереотип» и «автоматическая реакция». – Прим. пер.
Перевод с английского Александра Громбаха, 1913 г.
Способность человека исходить из того, что другие люди – тоже мыслящие существа. Это умение учитывать психическое состояние других людей, анализировать их поведение, мотивы их поступков, и т. д. – Прим. пер.
Тот, кто обеспечивает успешную групповую коммуникацию: соблюдение процедуры деловой встречи и ее регламента, а также помогает участникам сконцентрироваться на целях и содержании встречи. – Прим. ред.
Стиль управления, характеризующийся высокой степенью свободы для сотрудников и неформальным общением между ними. – Прим. ред.
Цит. по: Шопенгауэр А. О трескотне и шуме / А. Шопенгауэр. Собр. соч. в 6 т. – М.: Терра, 2001.
Откладывание дел на потом, которое приводит к негативным последствиям. – Прим. ред.
Один из первых коммуникаторов с большим экраном. – Прим. пер.
Зависимости, пагубной привычки. – Прим. ред.
То есть людей, родившихся и выросших в эпоху компьютеров. – Прим. ред.
Поражения нервов из-за местной компрессии в патологически измененных мышечных каналах (туннелях), через которые проходят нервные стволы. – Прим. ред.
В США содержание алкоголя в крови измеряется в процентах (1 % это 1 г этилового спирта на 100 мл крови). ― Прим. ред.
Лишения. – Прим. ред.
Термин «джетлаг» (jetlag) возник с появлением реактивной авиации (jet – реактивный, lag – запаздывание) и раньше обозначал сбой биологических часов человека в результате резкой смены часовых поясов. Сейчас под ним чаще всего понимают все множество болезненных состояний, которые человек испытывает, выпадая из своего привычного суточного ритма. – Прим. пер.
То есть знания субъекта о своей когнитивной системе и умения управлять ею. – Прим. пер.
Мобильная операционная система, разрабатываемая и выпускаемая компанией Apple. – Прим. пер.
34-й президент США Дуайт Дэвид Эйзенхауэр был человеком очень занятым. Чтобы успевать за день сделать больше, он создал собственный эффективный инструмент тайм-менеджмента. – Прим. ред.
Названный по имени итальянского социолога и экономиста начала XX века Вильфредо Парето. – Прим. ред.
Французская бизнес-школа и исследовательский институт. – Прим. ред.
От латинского словосочетания pro сrastinus – «на завтра»: откладывание дел на потом. – Прим. ред.
Концепция управления производством, которая базируется на минимизации дефектов. – Прим. ред.
Принцип управления заводом или фабрикой, при котором рабочие добровольно собираются для выявления проблем, влияющих на эффективность производства и качество продукции. – Прим. ред.
Концепция управления предприятием, основанная на стремлении к устранению всех видов потерь. – Прим. ред.
Arthur Schopenhauer: On Noise. 1851, translation by T. Bailey Saunders. Смотрите также
The Brain’s Last Stand. Stephen Levvy. May 1997, Newsweek.
The Chess Master and the Computer. Garry Kasparov. The New York Review of Books. February 11, 2010.
The Chess Master and the Computer. Garry Kasparov. The New York Review of Books. February 11, 2010.
“After Setbacks, Online Courses Are Rethought”, Online CoNew York Times. December 10, 2013.
“Over bevlogen, enthousiasmerend en inspirerend onderwijs”. Theo Compernolle in “Van jongemensen, de dingen die gaan en komen” Theo Doreleijers. 2013. Uitg. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Targeting Glia Cells: Novel Perspectives for the Treatment of Neuro-psychiatric Diseases. B. Di Benedetto and R. Rupprecht; Current Neuropharmacology, 2013, 11, 2.
Nonlinear dendritic integration of sensory and motor input during an active sensing task. Ning-long Xu, Mark T. Harnett, Stephen R. Williams, Daniel Huber, Daniel H. O’Connor, Rarel Svoboda & Jeffrey C. Magee; Nature 492. 247–251 (13 December 2012).
Dendrites. Yuh-Nung Jan and Lily Yeh Jan. Genes & Dev. 2001. 15: 2627–2641.
Dendritic computation. Michael London and Michael Häusser. Annual Review of Neuroscience. Vol. 28: 503–532.
Active dendrites: colorful wings of the mysterious butterflies, Daniel Johnston, Rishikesh Narayanan, Trends in Neurosciences. Volume 31. Issue 6. June 2008, pp. 309–316.
Dendritic spikes enhance stimulus selectivity in cortical neurons in vivo. Spencer L. Smith, Ikuko T. Smith, Tiago Branco & Michael Häusser. Nature. Letter 27 October 2013.
Orientation and Direction Selectivity of Synaptic Inputs in Visual Cortical Neurons: A Diversity of Combinations Produces Spike Tuning, Cyril Monier, Frédéric Chavane, Pierre Baudot, Lyle J. Graham, Yves Frégnac, Neuron. Volume 37, Issue 4. February 20 2003, pp. 663–680.
Wave Propagation Along Spiny Dendrites. Paul C. BressloffWaves. Neural Media. Lecture Notes on Mathematical Modelling in the Life Sciences 2014, pp. 101–136.
Machine, heal thyself, Build yourself a brain, Paul Marks, New Scientist. February 16, 2013.
Paul Marks, Computer that heals itself uses nature’s randomness to work. New Scientist, Volume 217, Issue 2904, 16 February 2013, p. 21.
SpiNNaker: A 1-W 18-Core System-on-Chip for Massively-Parallel Neural Network Simulation. S.B. Painkras, E.; Plana, L.A.; Garside, J.; Temple, S.;Galluppi, F.; Patterson, C.; Lester, D.R.; Brown, A.D.; Furber, Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of, Issue Date: Aug. 2013,
Power analysis of large-scale, real-time neural networks on SpiNNaker. Evangelos Stromatias, Francesco Galluppi, Cameron Patterson and Steve Furber. 2013.
Improving the Interconnection Network of a Brain Simulator. Jonathan Heathcote. 2013
SpiNN aker: A 1-W 18-Core System-on-Chip for Massively-Parallel Neural Network Simulation. Painkras, E.; Plana, L.A.; Garside, J.; Temple, S.; Galluppi, F.; Patterson, C.; Lester, D.R.; Brown, A.D.; Furber, S.B. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of, Issue Date: Aug. 2013.
Large-scale brain networks in affective and social neuroscience: towards an integrative functional architecture of the brain, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Ajay Bhaskar Satpute, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 23, Issue 3, June 2013, pp. 361–372.
A functional architecture of the human brain: emerging insights from the science of emotion. K.A. Lindquist, T.D. Wager, H. Kober, E. Bliss-Moreau, L.F. Barrett. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, November 2012, Vol. 16, № 11 533.
Clarify Brain Affective Processing Without Necessarily Clarifying Emotions.
Peter Walla and Jaak Panksepp. Novel Frontiers of Advanced Neuroimaging 2013. Chapter 6.
Dynamics of Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Adult Humans, Kirsty L. Spalding, Olaf Bergmann, Kanar Alkass, Samuel Bernard, Mehran Salehpour, Hagen B. Huttner, Emil Boström, Isabelle Westerlund, Celine Vial, Bruce A. Buchholz, Göran Possnert, Deborah C. Mash, Henrik Druid, Jonas Frisén, Cell, Volume 153, Issue 6, 6 June 2013, pp. 1219–1227.
Превосходный обзор нынешнего положения дел и последних открытий в этой области смотрите в недавнем выпуске (№ 80) журнала Neuroimage от 15 октября 2013 года, статья “Mapping the Connectome”.
Introduction to the NeuroImage Special Issue “Mapping the Connectome”, Steve Smith, NeuroImage, Volume 80, 15 October 2013, p. 1.
Functional interactions between intrinsic brain activity and behavior, Sepideh Sadaghiani, Andreas Kleinschmidt, NeuroImage, Volume 80, 15 October 2013, pp. 379–386.
What we can and cannot tell about the wiring of the human brain, Richard E. Passingham, NeuroImage, Volume 80, 15 October 2013, pp. 14–17.
Function in the human connectome: Task-fMRI and individual differences in behavior, Deanna M. Barch, and many others, NeuroImage, Volume 80, 15 October 2013, pp. 169–189.
Dynamic functional connectivity: Promise, issues, and interpretations, Deanna M. Barch, and many others, NeuroImage, Volume 80, 15 October 2013, pp. 360–378.
Здесь можно найти прекрасный обзор: Dual-Processing Accounts of Reasoning, Judgment, and Social Cognition. Jonathan St. B. T. Evans. Annual Review of Psychology. 2007/2008 Vol. 59: 255–278. An evaluation of dual-process theories of reasoning. MAGDA OSMAN. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Volume 11, Number 6 (2004), 988–1010 2004.
Explaining modulation of reasoning by belief. Goel, V. and Dolan, R.J. (2003) Cognition 87, B11–B22.
Stress: Vriend en Vijand. T. Compernolle Uitgeverij Lannoo Belgium. 2012. 14th edition. Четвертое обновленное издание на английском языке «Stress: Friend and Foe» выпущено в начале 2015 г. Некоторые материалы доступны на сайте
Control of goal-directed and stimulus-driven attention in the brain. Corbetta, M., & Shulman, G. L. (2002). Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 3, 201–215.
Thinking fast and slow. Daniel Kahneman. Penguin Books. 2012. (Канеман Д. Думай медленно, решай быстро. – М.: АСТ, 2013.)
Ramscar, M., Hendrix, P., Shaoul, C., Milin, P., & Baayen, H. (2014). The Myth of Cognitive Decline: Non-Linear Dynamics of Lifelong Learning. Topics in cognitive science.
The human brain is intrinsically organized into dynamic, anticorrelated functional networks. Fox M.D., Snyder A.Z., Vincent J.L., Corbetta M., Van Essen D.C., Raichle M.E.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Jul 5; 102(27): 9673–8.
Functional connectivity in the resting brain: a network analysis of the default mode hypothesis. Greicius M.D., Krasnow B., Reiss A.L., Menon V. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Jan. 7; 100(1): 253–8. Default network connectivity during a working memory task. Bluhm R.L., Clark C.R., McFarlane A.C., Moores K.A., Shaw M.E., Lanius R.A. Hum Brain Mapp. 2011 Jul.; 32(7): 1029–35. Epub 2010 Jul. 20.
Individual Differences and the Belief Bias Effect: Mental Models, Logical Necessity, and Abstract Reasoning. Donna Torrens. Thinking & Reasoning. Volume 5, Issue 1, 1999. pp. 1–28.
More evidence for a dual-process model of conditional reasoning. Henry Markovits, Hugues Lortie Forgues and Marie-Laurence Brunet. MEMORY & COGNITION. Volume 40, Number 5 (2012), 736–747.
General intellectual ability. Mithen, Steven. In Steven W. Gangestad & Jeffrey A. Simpson (eds.), The Evolution of Mind: Fundamental Questions and Controversies. 2006a. pp. 319–324. New York: The Guilford Press.
Divided Representation of Concurrent Goals in the Human Frontal Lobes. Sylvain Charron, Etienne Koechlin. Science 16 April 2010: Vol. 328 no. 5976, pp. 360–363.
Control of Attention Shifts between Vision and Audition in Human Cortex. Sarah Shomstein and Steven Yantis. The Journal of Neuroscience, November 24, 2004. 24(47): 10702–10706.
Visual attention is a single, integrated resource. Alexander Pastukhov, Laura Fischer, Jochen Braun. Vision. Research. Volume 49, Issue 10, 2 June 2009, pp. 1166–1173.
Divided Representation of Concurrent Goals in the Human Frontal Lobes. Sylvain Charron, Etienne Koechlin. Science 16 April 2010: Vol. 328 no. 5976, pp. 360–363.
Is dual-task slowing instruction dependent? By Levy, Jonathan; Pashler, Harold. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Vol. 27(4), Aug. 2001, 862–869.
Рене Маруа, нейробиолог из Университета Вандербилта. Цит. по:
Understanding email interaction increases organizational productivity. T. Jackson. Ray Dawson. Darren Wilson. Communications of the ACM – Program compaction CACM Volume 46 Issue 8, Aug. 2003. pp. 80–84.
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A computational theory of executive cognitive processes and multiple-task performance: Part I. Basic mechanisms. Meyer, David E.; Kieras, David E. Psychological Review, Vol. 104(1), Jan. 1997, 3–65.
Juggling on a high wire: Multitasking effects on performance. Rachel F. Adlera, Raquel Benbunan-Fich. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Volume 70, Issue 2, Febuary 2012, pp. 156–168.
Investigating the effects of computer mediated interruptions: An analysis of task characteristics and interruption frequency on financial performance. K. Asli Basoglu, Mark A. Fuller,John T. Sweeney. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems. Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2009, pp. 177–189.
Executive Control of Cognitive Processes in Task Switching. Rubinstein, J. S., Meyer, D. E. & Evans, J. E. (2001). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27, 763–797.
Task switching and the measurement of “switch costs”. Glenn Wylie, Alan Allport. Psychological Research. Aug. 2000, Volume 63, Issue 3–4, pp. 212–233.
An integrated model of cognitive control in task switching. Altmann, Erik M.; Gray, Wayne D. Psychological Review, Vol. 115(3), Jul. 2008, 602–639.
The cost of a voluntary task switch, C.M. Arrington, G. Logan, Psychological Science September 2004 vol. 15 no. 9, 610–615.
The role of inner speech in task switching: A dual-task investigation. M.J. Emerson, Akira Miyake, Journal of Memory and Language, 2003. 48(1): 148.
The effects of attentional load on saccadic task switching, Jason L. Chan, Joseph F. X. DeSouza, Experimental Brain Research, June 2013, Volume 227, Issue 3, pp. 301–309.
Burnout and impaired cognitive functioning: The role of executive control in the performance of cognitive tasks, Stefan Diestela, Marlen Cosmar & Klaus-Helmut Schmidt. Work & Stress: An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations. Volume 27, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 164–180.
Self-interruptions in discretionary multitasking, Rachel F. Adler, Raquel Benbunan-Fich, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 29, Issue 4, Jul 2013, pp. 1441–1449.
MRI reveals reciprocal inhibition between social and physical cognitive domains, Anthony I. Jack, Abigail J. Dawson, Katelyn L. Begany, Regina L. Leckie, Kevin P. Barry, Angela H. Ciccia, Abraham Z. Snyder, NeuroImage, Volume 66, 1 February 2013, pp. 385–401.
Voluntary Task Switching: Chasing the Elusive Homunculus. Arrington, Catherine M.; Logan, Gordon D. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Vol 31(4), Jul 2005, pp. 683–702.
Understanding email interaction increases organizational productivity. T. Jackson. Ray Dawson. Darren Wilson. Communications of the ACM – Program compaction CACM Volume 46 Issue 8, Aug. 2003. pp. 80–84.
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Florian Waszak, Bernhard Hommel, Alan Allport, Task-switching and long-term priming: Role of episodic stimulusm priming: Role of episodicn costs, Cognitive Psychology, Volume 46, Issue 4, June 2003, pp. 361–413, Task switching, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Stephen Monsell, Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2003, pp. 134–140,
Task-switching: Positive and negative priming of task-set. Allport, Alan; Wylie, Glenn Humphreys, Glyn W. (Ed); Duncan, John (Ed); Treisman, Anne (Ed), (1999). Attention, space, and action: Studies in cognitive neuroscience, pp. 273–296.
Task-Set Inertia, Attitude Accessibility,and Compatibility-Order Effects: New Evidence for a Task-Set Switching Account of the Implicit Association Test Effect. Karl Christoph Klauer Pers. Soc. Psychol. Bulletin, February 2005 vol. 31, № 2, pp. 208–217.
Inhibition, interference, and conflict in task switching, Russell E. Costa, Frances J. Friedrich, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, December 2012, Volume 19, Issue 6, pp. 1193–1201.
Neural substrates of cognitive switching and inhibition in a face processing task, Camille Piguet, Virginie Sterpenich, Martin Desseilles, Yann Cojan, Gilles Bertschy, Patrik Vuilleumier, NeuroImage, Volume 82, 15 November 2013, pp. 489–499.
The role of inhibition in task switching: A review. Iring Koch, Miriam Gade, Stefanie Schuch, Andrea M. Philipp, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, February 2010, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp. 1–14.
Concurrent task effects on memory retrieval. Doug Rohrer, Harold E. Pashler. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. March 2003, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp. 96–103.
Divided Representation of Concurrent Goals in the Human Frontal Lobes. Sylvain Charron,Etienne Koechlin. Science, 16 April 2010: Vol. 328 no. 5976, pp. 360–363.
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Strategic modulation of response inhibition in task-switching. Kai Robin Grzyb and Ronald Hübner. Front Psychol. 2013; 4: 545. C3749430/
The effects of attentional load on saccadic task switching. Jason L. Chan, Joseph F. X. DeSouza. Experimental Brain Research. Июнь 2013, Volume 227, Issue 3, pp. 301–309.
The effects of attentional load on saccadic task switching. Jason L. Chan, Joseph F. X. DeSouza. Experimental Brain Research. June 2013, Volume 227, Issue 3, pp. 301–309.
Modulation of competing memory systems by distraction. Karin Foerde, Barbara J. Knowlton, and Russell A. Poldrack. PNAS. PNAS, 1 Aug. 2006, vol. 103 no. 31, pp. 11778–11783.
Enhanced Media Multitasking: The restorative cognitive effects of temporarily escaping the multitasking mindset. Jordan McCarthy. Thesis submission for the degree of master of arts in Communication. Stanford University. 7 June, 2013.
fMRI reveals reciprocal inhibition between social and physical cognitive domains, Anthony I. Jack, Abigail J. Dawson, Katelyn L. Begany, Regina L. Leckie, Kevin P. Barry, Angela H. Ciccia, Abraham Z. Snyder, NeuroImage, Volume 66, 1 February 2013, pp. 385–401.
Are women better than men at multi-tasking? Gijsbert Stoet, Daryl B. O’Connor, Mark Conner, Keith R. Laws, BMC Psychology. October 2013, 1:18.
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Интервью Клиффорда Насса в программе PBS Frontline.
Supertaskers: Profiles in extraordinary multitasking ability. Jason M. Watson and David L. Strayer. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 2010, 17 (4), pp. 479–485.
Distracted driving in elderly and middle-aged drivers. Kelsey R. Thompson et al. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Volume 45, March 2012, pp. 711–717.
Aging and dual-task performance: A meta-analysis.Verhaeghen, Paul; Steitz, David W.; Sliwinski, Martin J.; Cerella, John. Psychology and Aging, Vol. 18(3), Sep, 2003, pp. 443–460.
Distracted driving in elderly and middleaged drivers. Kelsey R. Thompson et al. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Volume 45, March 2012, pp. 711–717.
Deficit in switching between functional brain networks underlies the impact of multitasking on working memory in older adults. Wesley C. Clapp, Michael T. Rubens, Jasdeep Sabharwal, and Adam Gazzaley. PNAS, 26 April, 2011 vol. 108.
Training effects on dual-task performance: Are there age-related differences in plasticity of attentional control? Bherer, Louis; Kramer, Arthur F.; Peterson, Matthew S.; Colcombe, Stanley; Erickson, Kirk; Becic, Ensar. Psychology and Aging, Vol. 20 (4), Dec. 2005, pp. 695–709.
Интервью в журнале BDW, 11 апреля 2013 г., стр. 6.
Terry Judd, Making sense of multitasking: The role of Facebook, Computers & Education, Volume 70, Jan. 2014, pp. 194–202.
GENERATION M2. Media in the Lives of 8– to 18-Year-Olds. Victoria J. Rideout, M.A.Ulla G. Foehr, Ph.D.and Donald F. Roberts, Ph.D.A Kaiser Family Foundation Study. JANUARY 2010.
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BMRB International (Бюро исследований британского рынка), исследование ‘Increasing Screen Time [цитируется в “DOES NOT COMPUTE. Screen Technology in Early Years Education”. Aric Sigman. Оригинал не найден.] is Leading to Inactivity of 11-15s’, Youth TGI Study.
An Empirical Examination of the Educational Impact of Text Message-Induced Task Switching in the Classroom: Educational Implications and Strategies to Enhance LearningIn addition. Larry D. Rosen, Alex F. Lim, L. Mark Carrier, and Nancy A. Cheever. Psicologia Educativa. Vol. 17, n. 2, 2011, pp. 163–177.
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Digital natives: where is the evidence? Helsper, Ellen Johanna, Eynon, Rebecca. British Educational Research Journal. June 2010, Vol. 36 Issue 3, pp. 503–520.
Getting plugged in: An overview of Internet addiction. Caroline Flisher. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. Volume 46, Issue 10, October 2010, pp. 557–559.
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Facebook and texting made me do it: Media-induced task-switching while studying, Larry D. Rosen, L. Mark Carrier, Nancy A. Cheever, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 29, Issue 3, May 2013, pp. 948–958,
In-class multitasking and academic performance, Reynol Junco, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 28, Issue 6, Nov. 2012, pp. 2236–2243.
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Интересное исследование с хорошим обзором: Contemplation and Conversation: Subtle Influences on Moral Decision Making. Brian C. Gunia, Long Wang, Li Huang, Jiunwen Wang and J. Keith Murnighan. ACAD MANAGE J, February 1, 2012 vol. 55 no. 1, pp. 13–33.
The Morning Morality Effect. The Influence of Time of Day on Unethical Behavior. Maryam Kouchaki. Isaac H. Smith. Psychological Science, October 28, 2013.
Compliant Sinners, Obstinate Saints: How Power and Self-Focus Determine the Effectiveness of Social Influences in Ethical Decision Making. Marko Pitesa. Stefan Thau. Academy of Management Journal. 56, 3 (2013), pp. 635–658.
Contemplation and Conversation: Subtle Influences on Moral Decision Making. Brian C. Gunia, Long Wang, Li Huang, Jiunwen Wang and J. Keith Murnighan. ACAD MANAGE J, February 1, 2012 vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 13–33.
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Для обозначения такой «заботливой» конфронтации я придумал термин carefrontation – care (забота) и confrontation (конфронтация). Без заботы о чувствах другого человека конфронтация может легко ранить. Однако чрезмерная чуткость может препятствовать здоровой конфронтации и вести к стагнации.
Over breinblinddoeken en ezelsbreinbrugjes die ons brengen waar we niet willen zijn. Theo Compernolle. Marketing Jaarboek, pp. 52–61. Pimms NV. 2011.
Large-scale brain networks in affective and social neuroscience: towards an integrative functional architecture of the brain, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Ajay Bhaskar Satpute, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 23, Issue 3, June 2013, pp. 361–372.
The brain basis of emotion: a metaanalytic review. K.A. Lindquist, T.D. Wager, H. Kober, E. Bliss-Moreau, L.F. Barrett. Behav Brain Sci, 35 (2012), pp. 121–143.
A functional architecture of the human brain: emerging insights from the science of emotion. K.A. Lindquist, T.D. Wager, H. Kober, E. Bliss-Moreau, L.F. Barrett. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, November 2012, Vol. 16, No. 11 533.
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The cost of interrupted work: more speed and stress. Gloria Mark, Daniela Gudith, Ulrich Klocke. CHI ’08 Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. pp. 107–110. ACM New York 2008.
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Juggling on a high wire: Multitasking effects on performance. Rachel F. Adlera, Raquel Benbunan-Fich. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Volume 70, Issue 2, February 2012, pp. 156–168.
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Making choices impairs subsequent self-control: A limited-resource account of decision making, self-regulation, and active initiative.Vohs, Kathleen D.; Baumeister, Roy F.; Schmeichel, Brandon J.; Twenge, Jean M.; Nelson, Noelle M.; Tice, Dianne M. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 94(5), May 2008, pp. 883–898.
Self-control: limited resources and extensive benefits. Jessica Alquist, Roy F. Baumeister.Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science. Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 419–423, May/June 2012.
Motivation, personal beliefs, and limited resources all contribute to self-control. Kathleen D. Vohs, Roy F. Baumeister, Brandon J. Schmeichel Journal of Experimental Social PsychologyVolume 48, Issue 4, Jule 2012, pp. 943–947.
Stress and open-office noise. Evans, Gary W.; Johnson, Dana. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 85(5), Oct 2000, 779–783.
Self-control relies on glucose as a limited energy source: Willpower is more than a metaphor.
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Stress: Friend and Foe. Theo Compernolle. Synergo.
The Machine Zone: This Is Where You Go When You Just Can’t Stop Looking at Pictures on Facebook. What an anthropologist’s examination of Vegas slot machines reveals about the hours we spend on social networks. ALEXIS C. MADRIGALJUL. The Atlantic. 31, 2013.
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Adolescent Internet Addiction: Testing the Association Between Self-Esteem, the Perception of Internet Attributes, and Preference for Online Social Interactions. Giulia Fioravanti, Ph.D., Davide Dèttore, Ph.D., and Silvia Casale, Ph.D. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Volume 15, Number 6, 2012.
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Modification in the Proposed Diagnostic Criteria for Internet Addiction. Keith W. Beard, Psy.D., and Eve M. Wolf, Ph.D. Cyberpsychology & Behavior Volume 4, Number 3, 2001.
An Outcome Evaluation Study on Internet Addiction. Seher Ozcan. Sahin Gokcearslan AWERProcedia Information. Technology & Computer Science. [Online]. 2013, 3, pp. 790–795. Available from:
Adolescent Internet Addiction: Testing the Association Between Self-Esteem, the Perception of Internet Attributes, and Preference for Online Social Interactions. Giulia Fioravanti, Ph.D., Davide Dèttore, Ph.D., and Silvia Casale, Ph.D. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Volume 15, Number 6 2012.
Should DSM-V Designate “Internet Addiction” a Mental Disorder? Ronald Pies, MD. Psychiatry (Edgmont). 2009 February; 6(2); pp. 31–37.
Оригинальный текст:
Другой пример – многочисленные когнитивные искажения и эвристики, которые делают нас предсказуемо нерациональными (Predictably Irrational, Ariely D., Harper Collins, 2008). Но они были чрезвычайно полезны для первобытных людей: помогали в мире, где скорость реакций была гораздо важнее для выживания, чем способность к глубоким размышлениям. (Over breinblinddoeken en ezelsbreinbrugjes. Theo Compernolle. Marketing Jaarboek. pp. 52–61. Pimms NV. 2011.) См. также: Adaptive memory: Ancestral priorities and the mnemonic. Value of survival processing. James S. Nairne, Josefa N.S. Pandeirada. Cognitive Psychology 61 (2010) 1–22.
“A Pace Not Dictated by Electrons”: An Empirical Study of Work Without Email. Gloria J. Mark, Stephen Voida, Armand V. Cardello. Proceedings of CHI 2012.
The effect of cognitive style and curiosity on information task multitasking. Angela Manyangara Elaine G. Toms 10 Proceeding of the third symposium on Information interaction in context. ACM New York, NY, USA 2010.
The Effect of Repeated Exposure to Unpredictable Reward on Dopamine Neuroplasticity. Sarah Ann Mathewson. Department of Psychology – Master theses.
Novelty Seekers and Drug Abusers Tap Same Brain Reward System, Animal Studies Show. By Robert Mathias.
Novelty Seekers and Drug Abusers Tap Same Brain Reward System, Animal Studies Show. By Robert Mathias. January 14, 2009.
A nation addicted to smartphones 08/04/a-nation-addicted-to-smartphones/
Tim Locke, Nasty Bugs Lurking on Your Cell Phone.
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Internet addiction: a 21st century epidemic? Dimitri A Christakis. BMC Medicine 2010, 8:61. Или
Glücksspiel– und Internetsucht. Review und Forschungsagenda. K. Wolfling, M. Buhler, T. Leménager, C. Morsen and K. Mann. Der Nervenarzt. Volume 80, Number 9, 1030–1039.
Treatment of internet addiction. Huang X.Q., Li M.C., Tao R. Curr Psychiatry Rep. Oct 2010; 12(5); pp. 462–470.
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Should DSM-V Designate “Internet Addiction” a Mental Disoder? Ronald Pies. Psychiatry (Edgmont). February 6, 2009; 6(2), pp. 31–37.
The Role of Internet User Characteristics and Motives in Explaining Three Dimensions of Internet Addiction. Junghyun Kim, Paul M. Haridakis, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Volume 14, Issue 4, July 2009, pp. 988–1015.
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‘Liking’ and ‘wanting’ food rewards: brain substrates and roles in eating disorders. Berridge, K.C., Physiology & Behavior, 97(5), 537–550, 2009.
Building a neuroscience of pleasure and well-being. Psychology of Well-Being: Theory Research and Practice. Berridge, K.C. & Kringelbach, M.L., 2011.
Opioids for hedonic experience and dopamine to get ready for it. M. Flavia Barbano and Martine Cador. PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. Volume 191, Number 3 (2007), pp. 497–506.
Positive Reinforcement Produced By Electrical Stimulation Of Septal Area And Other Regions Of Rat Brain. Olds, James; Milner, Peter. Journal Of Comparative And Physiological Psychology, Vol. 47(6), Dec 1954, pp. 419–427.
Последние исследования показали, что в нашем головном мозге существует не один центр удовольствия, а комплекс из множества взаимосвязанных систем вознаграждения. Выяснилось также, что дофамин играет множество разных ролей. Кроме того, что он вызывает чувство удовольствия, он стимулирует активность, коммуникабельность, любопытство и стремление к поиску новизны.
The Machine Zone: This Is Where You Go When You Just Can’t Stop Looking at Pictures on Facebook.
What an anthropologist’s examination of Vegas slot machines reveals about the hours we spend on social networks ALEXIS C. MADRIGAL The Atlantic. Jul 31, 2013.
For Impatient Web Users, an Eye Blink Is Just Too Long to Wait. By STEVE LOHR The New York Times. Febr 29, 2012.
Predictability Modulates Human Brain Response to Reward. Gregory S. Berns, Samuel M. McClure, Giuseppe Pagnoni, and P. Read Montague. The Journal of Neuroscience, 15 April 2001, 21(8): 2793–2798.
The psychological roots of overconsumption. N. Hagens. in Fleeing Vesuvius.R. Douthwaite, G. Fallon and R. Heinberg p 339 (название этой статьи отчасти вводит в заблуждение, поскольку она содержит очень информативный материал о зависимостях).
Operant Sensation Seeking Engages Similar Neural Substrates to Operant Drug Seeking in C57 Mice. Christopher M. Olsen and Danny G. Winder. Neuropsychopharmacology. June 2009; 34(7): 1685–1694.
Neural Differentiation of Expected Reward and Risk in Human Subcortical Structures. Kerstin Preuschoff, Peter Bossaerts, and Steven R. Quartz. Neuron. Vol. 51, Issue 3, 3 Aug 2006, pp. 381–390.
The Neurobiology and Genetics of Impulse Control Disorders: Relationships to Drug Addictions. Judson A. Brewer, MD PhD and Marc N. Potenza, MD PhD Biochem Pharmacol. January 1, 2008; 75(1): 63–75.
Effects of dopamine depletion in reward seeking behavior. M. Pessiglione and L. Tremblay In Jean-Claude Dreher, Handbook of reward and decision making 2009 Elsevier Inc, p. 271.
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Getting plugged in: An overview of Internet addiction. Caroline Flisher. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. Volume 46, Issue 10, Oct 2010, pp. 557–559.
Managing mobile multitasking: the culture of iPhones on stanford campus. Morgan G. Ames. CSCW '13 Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work. pp. 1487–1498.
Why do I keep interrupting myself?: Еnvironment, habit and self-interruption. Laura Dabbish, Victor M. Gonzale, Gloria Mark. Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems. ACM New York, NY, USA, 2011.
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Juggling on a high wire: Multitasking effects on performance. Rachel F. Adler, Raquel Benbunan-Fich. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Volume 70, Issue 2, February 2012, pp. 156–168.
Stress: Vriend en Vijand. Uitgeverij Lannoo Belgium. 2012. 14th edition.
Цитируется по моей книге «Стресс: Друг и враг» (Stress: Friend and Foe). Бесплатные материалы по этой книге можно найти на моем сайте
Stress: Vriend en Vijand. Uitgeverij Lannoo Belgium. 2012. 14th edition.
“A Pace Not Dictated by Electrons”: An Empirical Study of Work Without Email. Gloria J. Mark, Stephen Voida, Armand V. Cardello. Proceedings of CHI 2012.
The cost of interrupted work: more speed and stress. Gloria Mark. Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. ACM New York, NY, USA, 2008.
Switching on and off …: Does smartphone use obstruct the possibility to engage in recovery activities? Daantje Derksa, Lieke L. ten Brummelhuis, Dino Zecica & Arnold B. Bakker. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 23 Dec 2010.
Stress and open-office noise. Evans, Gary W.; Johnson, Dana. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 85(5), Oct 2000, pp. 779–783.
Daily computer usage correlated with undergraduate students’ musculoskeletal symptoms. C.-H. Chang, B.C. Amick III, C.C. Menendez, J.N. Katz, P.W. Johnson, M. Robertson, J.T. Dennerlein. Am. J. Ind. Med., 50 (2007), pp. 481–488.
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Daily computer usage correlated with undergraduate students’ musculoskeletal symptoms. Che-hsu (Joe) Chang P.T., MS, Benjamin C. Amick III PhD, Cammie Chaumont Menendez MPH, MS, Jeffrey N. Katz MD, MS, Peter W. Johnson PhD, Michelle Robertson PhD, CPE, Jack Tigh Dennerlein PhD, American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Volume 50, Issue 6, June 2007, pp. 481–488.
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Musculoskeletal symptoms among mobile hand-held device users and their relationship to device use: A preliminary study in a Canadian university population, Sophia Berolo, Richard P. Wells, Benjamin C. Amick III, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 42, Issue 2, January 2011, pp. 371–378.
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Psychophysiological Patterns During Cell Phone Text Messaging: A Preliminary Study. I-Mei Lin, Erik Peper. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, March 2009, Volume 34, Issue 1, pp. 53–57.
Musculoskeletal symptoms among mobile hand-held device users and their relationship to device use: a preliminary study in a canadian university population. S. Berolo, R.P. Wells, B.C. Amick 3rd. Appl. Ergon., 42 (2) (2010), pp. 371–378.
Musculoskeletal symptoms among mobile hand-held device users and their relationship to device use: A preliminary study in a Canadian university population, Sophia Berolo, Richard P. Wells, Benjamin C. Amick III, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 42, Issue 2, January 2011, pp. 371–378.
Self-reported neck symptoms and use of personal computers, laptops and cell phones among Finns aged 18–65. Leena Korpinenab, Rauno Pääkkӧnenc Fabriziomaria Gobbad. Ergonomics. Volume 56, Issue 7, 2013, pp. 1134–1146.
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Patterns of performance degradation and restoration during sleep restriction and subsequent recovery: a sleep doseresponse study. Gregory Belenky, et al. J. Sleep Res. (2003) 12, 1–12.
Too Little Sleep: The New Performance Killer. By Margaret Heffernan BNET, Feb 10, 2011.
Effect of Reducing Interns’ Weekly Work Hours on Sleep and Attentional Failures. Steven W. Lockley, et al. New England J. of Medecine, October 28, 2004.
Extended Work Shifts and the Risk of Motor Vehicle Crashes among Interns. Laura K. Barge et al. New England J. of Medecine, January 13, 2005.
Effects of Health Care Provider Work Hours and Sleep Deprivation on Safety and Performance. Lockley, Steven W. et al. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, Volume 33, Supplement 1, November 2007, pp 7–18(12).
Transport and industrial safety, how are they affected by sleepiness and sleep restriction? Pierre Philip, Torbjorn Åkerstedt. Sleep Medicine Reviews. Volume 10, Issue 5, October 2006, pp. 347–356.
Suppression of sleepiness and melatonin by bright light exposure during breaks in night work. T. Akerstedt, G. Kecklund, S.E. Johansson. Shift work and mortality. A. Lowden, T. Åkerstedt, R. Wibomhronobiol Int, 21 (6) (2004), pp. 1055–1061.
Trends in the risk of accidents and injuries and their implications for models of fatigue and performance. S. Folkard, T. Åkerstedt. Aviat Space Environ Med, 75 (3) (2004), pp. A161–A167.
Sleep on the night shift: 24-hour EEG monitoring of spontaneous sleep/wake behavior. L. Torsvall, T. Åkerstedt, K. Gillander, A. Knutsson. Psychophysiology, 26 (3) (1989), pp. 352–358.
A prospective study of fatal occupational accidents – relationship to sleeping difficulties and occupational factors. T. Åkerstedt, P. Fredlund, M. Gillberg, B. Jansson. J Sleep Res, 11 (2002), pp. 69–71.
Mortality associated with sleep duration and insomnia. D.F. Kripke, L. Garfinkel, D.L. Wingard, M.R. Klauber, M.R. Marler. Arch Gen Psychiatr, 59 (2002), pp. 131–136.
The impact of sleep deprivation on decision making: A review. Harrison, Yvonne; Horne, James A. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Vol. 6(3), Sep 2000.
Junior doctors’ extended work hours and the effects on their performance: the Irish case. Fiona Flinn and Claire Armstrong. Int. J. Qual Health Care (2011) 23(2), pp. 210–217.
Sleeping brain, learning brain. The role of sleep for memory systems. Peigneux, Philippe et al. Neuroreport, 21 Dec 2001; Volume 12; Issue 18; pp. A111-A124.
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Short Sleep Duration Among Workers– United States, 2010. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 27 апреля 2012/61(16); pp. 281–285.
Sleep duration and mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gallicchio, L. and Kalesan, B. (2009), Journal of Sleep Research, 18: pp. 148–158.
Sleep duration predicts cardiovascular outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Francesco P. Cappucciol and others. European Heart Journal (2011) 32, pр. 1484–1492.
Too Little Sleep: The New Performance Killer. By Margaret Heffernan BNET, Feb 10, 2011.
The cumulative cost of additional wakefulness: dose – response effects on neurobehavioral functions and sleep physiology from chronic sleep restriction and total sleep deprivation. H.P. Van Dongen, G. Maislin et al.Sleep, 26 (2) (2003), pp. 117–126.
For a good discussion of the issues: Sleep duration and chronic sleep debt: Are 6 hours enough? Mathias Basner. Biological Psychology. Volume 87, Issue 1, April 2011, pp. 15–16.
Uncovering Residual Effects of Chronic Sleep Loss on Human Performance. Daniel A. Cohen and others. Sci. Transl. Med. Jan 13, 2010; 2(14).
The Cumulative Cost of Additional Wakefulness: Dose-Response Effects on Neurobehavioral Functions and Sleep Physiology From Chronic Sleep Restriction and Total Sleep Deprivation. Hans P.A. Van Dongen, and others.
Too Little Sleep: The New Performance Killer. By Margaret Heffernan, Feb 10, 2011.;lst;1
Sleep and emotions: A focus on insomnia, Chiara Baglioni, Kai Spiegelhalder, Caterina Lombardo, Dieter Riemann, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 4, Aug 2010, pp. 227–238.
Effects of dietary caffeine on mood when rested and sleep restricted. Jack E. James, M. Elizabeth Gregg. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental. Volume 19, Issue 5, July 2004, pp. 333–341.
Withdrawal Syndrome after the Double-Blind Cessation of Caffeine Consumption. Kenneth Silverman, Ph.D., Suzette M. Evans, Ph.D., Eric C. Strain, M.D., and Roland R. Griffiths, Ph.D.N Engl J Med 1992; 327: 1109–1114.
Sleep and emotions: A focus on insomnia, Chiara Baglioni, Kai Spiegelhalder, Caterina Lombardo, Dieter Riemann, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 4, Aug 2010, pp. 227–238.
Stop, That and One Hundred Other Sleep Scales. Colin M Shapiro, Azmeh Shahid, Kate Wilkinson. Springer. 2012.
The emotional brain and sleep: an intimate relationship. Vandekerckhove, M., & Cluydts, R. (2010). Sleep medicine reviews, 14(4), pp. 219–226.
Sleep and emotions: A focus on insomnia, Chiara Baglioni, Kai Spiegelhalder, Caterina Lombardo, Dieter Riemann, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 4, Aug 2010, pp. 227–238.
The relationship between depressive symptoms among female workers and job stress and sleep quality. Cho, H. S., Kim, Y. W., Park, H. W., Lee, K. H., Jeong, B. G., Kang, Y. S., & Park, K. S. (2013). Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 25(1), 12.
Sleep disorders and depression: brief review of the literature, case report, and nonpharmacologic interventions for depression. Luca, A., Luca, M., & Calandra, C. (2013). Clinical interventions in aging, 8, 1033.
Neuroscience-driven discovery and development of sleep therapeutics, M. Dresler, V.I. Spoormaker, P. Beitinger, M. Czisch, M. Kimura, A. Steiger, F. Holsboer, Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Доступно онлайн 1 ноября 2013, ISSN 0163–7258.
Stress: Friend and Foe. Theo Compernolle. Synergo Publishing. Доступно на
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По результатам исследования организации TNS. Исследование проводилось в марте 2009 г. и охватило 2500 руководителей из Великобритании, Германии США, Японии и Нидерландов. См.
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Longer Work Days Leave Americans Nodding Off On the Job. National Sleep Foundation – Information on Sleep Health and Safety. 2008.
2011 National Survey of the Sleep Foundation.
Social Jetlag and Obesity. Till Roenneberg, Karla V. Allebrandt, Martha Merrow, Celine Vetter. Current Biology, May 22, 2012, Vol. 22, Issue 10, pp. 939–943.
По данным исследования Национального фонда исследований сна, 2011 г.:
Effects of sleep deprivation on cognition. Killgore WD. Prog Brain Res. 2010; 185: 105–29.
A meta-analysis of the impact of shortterm sleep deprivation on cognitive variables. Lim, Julian; Dinges, David F. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 136(3), May 2010.
Impairment of Attentional Networks after 1 Night of Sleep Deprivation. D. Tomasi, R.L. Wang, F. Telang, V. Boronikolas, M.C. Jayne, G.-J. Wang, J.S. Fowler, and N.D. Volkow. Cereb Cortex, Jan 2009; 19(1); pp. 233–240.
Neuroscience-driven discovery and development of sleep therapeutics, M. Dresler, V.I. Spoormaker, P. Beitinger, M. Czisch, M. Kimura, A. Steiger, F. Holsboer, Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Доступно онлайн 1 ноября 2013, ISSN 0163–7258.
Control of Sleep and Wakefulness. Ritchie E. Brown, Radhika Basheer, James T. McKenna, Robert E. Streckerand Robert W. McCarley. Physiol. Rev., July 2012, vol. 92, no. 3, pp. 1087–1187.
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Превосходный обзор: MAMMALIAN CIRCADIAN BIOLOGY: Elucidating Genome-Wide Levels of Temporal Organization. Phillip L. Lowrey and Joseph S. Takahashi. Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. 2004. 5: 407–41
Clock genes in mammalian peripheral tissues. Aurelio Balsalobre. Cell and Tissue Research. July 2002, Vol. 309, issue 1, pp. 193–199.
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Stability of melatonin and temperature as circadian phase markers and their relation to sleep in humans. S. Benloucif, M. J. Guico, K. J. Reid, L. F. Wolfe, M. L’Hermite-Balériaux and P.C. Zee. J. Biol. Rhythms 20: pp. 178–188.
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Evening exposure to a light-emitting diodes (LED)-backlit computer screen affects circadian physiology and cognitive performance, Christian Cajochen, Sylvia Frey1, Doreen Anders, Jakub Späti1, Matthias Bues, Achim Pross, Ralph Mager, Anna Wirz-Justice1, and Oliver Stefani. Journal of Applied Physiology, May 1, 2011 vol. 110, no. 5, pp. 1432–1438.
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A Novel Human Opsin in the Inner Retina. Ignacio Provencio et al. The Journal of Neuroscience, 15 Jan 2000, 20(2); pp. 600–605.
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Diverse types of ganglion cell photoreceptors in the mammalian retina, Andrea Sand, Tiffany M. Schmidt, Paulo Kofuji, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, Volume 31, Issue 4, July 2012, pp. 287–302,
Everything you want to know about colour temperature and the Kelvin see
When and Why Colors Change Their Appearance.
For the analysis of the wavelenghth of a few lcd screens go to
The relationship between media use in the bedroom, sleep habits and symptoms of insomnia. Geir Scott Brunborg, Rune Aune Mentzoni, Helge Molde, Helga Myrseth, Knut Joachim Mår Skouverøe, Bjørn Bjorvatn, Ståle Pallesen. Journal of Sleep Research. Volume 20, Issue 4, Dec 2011, pp. 569–575.
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Evening exposure to a light-emitting diodes (LED)-backlit computer screen affects circadian physiology and cognitive performance. Christian Cajochen, Sylvia Frey1, Doreen Anders, Jakub Spati, Matthias Bues, Achim Pross, Ralph Mager3, Anna Wirz-Justice1, and Oliver Stefani. Journal of Applied Physiology, 1 May 2011, vol. 110, no. 5, pp. 1432–1438.
Light level and duration of exposure determine the impact of self-luminous tablets on melatonin suppression. Brittany Wood, Mark S. Rea, Barbara Plitnick, Mariana G. Figueiro. Applied Ergonomics. Доступно онлайн 31 июля 2012.
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Evening exposure to a light-emitting diodes (LED)-backlit computer screen affects circadian physiology and cognitive performance, Christian Cajochen, Sylvia Frey1, Doreen Anders, Jakub Späti1, Matthias Bues, Achim Pross, Ralph Mager, Anna Wirz-Justice1, and Oliver Stefani. Journal of Applied Physiology, 1 May 2011, vol. 110, no. 5, pp. 1432–1438.
Light level and duration of exposure determine the impact of self-luminous tablets on melatonin suppression,Brittany Wood, Mark S. Rea, Barbara Plitnick, Mariana G. Figueiro, In press: Applied Ergonomics. Доступно онлайн 31 июля 2012
Non-Visual Effects of Light on Melatonin, Alertness and Cognitive Performance: Can Blue-Enriched Light Keep Us Alert? Sarah Laxhmi Chellappa,Roland Steiner,Peter Blattner, Peter Oelhafen, Thomas Gӧtz, and Christian Cajochen. PL oS One. 2011; 6(1) Photons, clocks, and consciousness. Brainard GC, Hanifin JP.J Biol Rhythms. Aug 2005; 20(4), pp. 314–325.
Alerting effects of light, Christian Cajochen, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 6, Dec 2007, pp. 453–464.
2011 National Survey of the Sleep Foundation.
Identifying some determinants of “jet lag” and its symptoms: A study of athletes and other travellers. Waterhouse, J.; Edwards, B.; Nevill, A.; Carvalho, S.; Atkinson, G.; Buckley, P.; Reilly, T.; Godfrey, R.; Ramsay, R. (2002). British journal of sports medicine 36 (1): pp. 54–60.
Excellent review: Jet lag: trends and coping strategies. Jim Waterhouse, Thomas Reilly, Greg Atkinson, Ben Edwards. Lancet 2007; 369: 1117–1129.
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Work and rest sleep schedules of 227 European truck drivers, P. Philip, J.Taillard, D. Léger, K. Diefenbach, T. Akerstedt, B. Bioulac, C. Guilleminault, Sleep Medicine, Volume 3, Issue 6, Nov 2002, pp. 507–511.
Social Jetlag and Obesity. Till Roenneberg, Karla V. Allebrandt, Martha Merrow, Céline Vetter. Current Biology, 22 May 2012, Vol. 22, Issue 10, pp. 939–943.
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders: Part I, Basic Principles, Shift Work and Jet Lag Disorders. An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Review. Sleep. Robert L. Sack, MD, Dennis Auckley, MD, R. Robert Auger, MD, Mary A. Carskadon, PhD, Kenneth P. Wright, Jr, PhD, Michael V. Vitiello, PhD, and Irina V. Zhdanova, MD. Sleep. 1 Nov 2007; 30(11), pp. 1460–1483.
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Исчерпывающий обзор: SHIFT WORK: Shift work, safety and productivity, Simon Folkard and Philip Tucker. Occup Med (Lond) (2003) 53 (2): pp. 95–101.
Junior doctors’ extended work hours and the effects on their performance: the Irish case. Fiona Flinn and Claire Armstrong. Int J Qual Health Care (2011) 23 (2): pp. 210–217.
Remarks by dr. Chuck Czeisler, sleep specialist with harvard medical school.
Effect of Reducing Interns’ Weekly Work Hours on Sleep and Attentional Failures Steven W. Lockley, and many others., N. Engl. J. Med. 2004; 351: pp. 1829–1837.
Effect of Reducing Interns’ Weekly Work Hours on Sleep and Attentional Failures Steven W. Lockley, and many others., N. Engl. J. Med. 2004; 351: pp. 1829–1837.
Extended Work Shifts and the Risk of Motor Vehicle Crashes among Interns. Laura K. Barge et al.New England J. of Medecine, 13 Jan 2005.
Effects of Health Care Provider Work Hours and Sleep Deprivation on Safety and Performance. Lockley, Steven W. et al. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, Volume 33, Supplement 1, Nov 2007, pp. 7–18(12).
Effect of Reducing Interns’ Weekly Work Hours on Sleep and Attentional Failures. Steven W. Lockley, et al. New England J. of Medecine, 28 Oct 2004.
T. Akerstedt, G. Kecklund, S.E. Johansson. Shift work and mortality. Chronobiol Int, 21 (6) (2004), pp. 1055–1061.
Trends in the risk of accidents and injuries and their implications for models of fatigue and performance. S. Folkard, T. Åkerstedt. Aviat Space Environ Med, 75 (3) (2004), pp. A161–A167.
Sleep on the night shift: 24-hour EEG monitoring of spontaneous sleep/wake behavior. L. Torsvall, T. Åkerstedt, K. Gillander, A. Knutsson. Psychophysiology, 26 (3) (1989), pp. 352–358.
A prospective study of fatal occupational accidentstive study of fatal occup difficulties and occupational factors. T. Åkerstedt, P. Fredlund, M. Gillberg, B. Jansson. J Sleep Res, 11 (2002), pp. 69–71.
Suppression of sleepiness and melatonin by bright light exposure during breaks in night work. T. Åkerstedt, G. Kecklund, S.E. Johansson. Shift work and mortality. A. Lowden, T. Åkerstedt, R. Wibomhronobiol Int, 21 (6) (2004), pp. 1055–1061.
Transport and industrial safety, how are they affected by sleepiness and sleep restriction? Pierre Philip, Torbjorn Åkerstedt. Sleep Medicine Reviews. Volume 10, Issue 5, Oct 2006, pp. 347–356.
Отличный обзор: The impact of daylight saving time on sleep and related behaviours. Harrison, Y. (2013). Sleep medicine reviews. Volume 17, Issue 4, August 2013, pp. 285–292.
Individual response to the end of Daylight Saving Time is largely dependent on habitual sleep duration. Biological Rhythm Research, 44(3), 391–401.Harrison, Y. (2013).
Changing to daylight saving time cuts into sleep and increases workplace injuries. Barnes, C. M., & Wagner, D. T. (2009). Journal of applied psychology, 94(5), 1305.
Daytime sleepiness during transition into daylight saving time in adolescents: Are owls higher at risk? Anne-Marie Schneider, Christoph Randler, Sleep Medicine, Volume 10, Issue 9, October 2009, pp. 1047–1050.
Work and rest sleep schedules of 227 European truck drivers, P. Philip, J. Taillard, D. Leger, K. Diefenbach, T. Akerstedt, B. Bioulac, C Guilleminault, Sleep Medicine, Volume 3, Issue 6, November 2002, pp. 507–511.
About time: Daylight Saving Time transition and individual well-being, Yiannis Kountouris, Kyriaki Remoundou, Economics Letters, Volume 122, Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 100–103.
Sullivan, J. M., & Flannagan, M. J. (2002).
The role of ambient light level in fatal crashes: inferences from daylight saving time transitions. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 34(4), 487–498.
Only abstract available: Coren, S. (1996). Accidental death and the shift to daylight savings time. Perceptual and motor skills, 83(3), 921–922.
Sleep Restriction Suppresses Neurogenesis Induced by Hippocampus-Dependent Learning.
Ilana S. Hairston and others. AJP – JN Physiol, декабрь 2005, vol. 94, no. 6, pp. 4224–4233.
The emotional brain and sleep: an intimate relationship. Vandekerckhove, M., & Cluydts, R. (2010). Sleep medicine reviews, 14(4), pp. 219–226.
Sleep and emotions: A focus on insomnia, Chiara Baglioni, Kai Spiegelhalder, Caterina Lombardo, Dieter RiemannSleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 4, Aug 2010, pp. 227–238.
The relationship between depressive symptoms among female workers and job stress and sleep quality. Cho, H. S., Kim, Y. W., Park, H. W., Lee, K. H., Jeong, B. G., Kang, Y. S., & Park, K. S. (2013). Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 25(1), 12.
Sleep disorders and depression: brief review of the literature, case report, and nonpharmacologic interventions for depression. Luca, A., Luca, M., & Calandra, C. (2013). Clinical interventions in aging, 8, p. 1033.
Neuroscience-driven discovery and development of sleep therapeutics, M. Dresler, V.I. Spoormaker, P. Beitinger, M. Czisch, M. Kimura, A. Steiger, F. Holsboer, Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Доступно в Интернете 1 Nov 2013, ISSN 0163–7258.
The relationship between depressive symptoms among female workers and job stress and sleep quality. Cho, H. S., Kim, Y. W., Park, H. W., Lee, K. H., Jeong, B. G., Kang, Y. S., & Park, K. S. (2013). Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 25(1), p. 12.
Действительно превосходная исчерпывающая научная статья о том, что происходит в нашем головном мозге: Control of Sleep and Wakefulness, Ritchie E. Brown, Radhika Basheer, James T. McKenna, Robert E. Strecker, and Robert W. McCarley. Physiol. Rev. 92: pp. 1087–1187, 2012.
The emotional brain and sleep: an intimate relationship. Vandekerckhove, M., & Cluydts, R. (2010). Sleep medicine reviews, 14(4), pp. 219–226.
Sleep and emotions: A focus on insomnia, Chiara Baglioni, Kai Spiegelhalder, Caterina Lombardo, Dieter Riemann, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 4, Aug 2010, pp. 227–238.
The relationship between depressive symptoms among female workers and job stress and sleep quality. Cho, H. S., Kim, Y. W., Park, H. W., Lee, K. H., Jeong, B. G., Kang, Y. S., & Park, K. S. (2013). Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 25(1), p. 12.
Sleep disorders and depression: brief review of the literature, case report, and nonpharmacologic interventions for depression. Luca, A., Luca, M., & Calandra, C. (2013). Clinical interventions in aging, 8, p. 1033.
Neuroscience-driven discovery and development of sleep therapeutics, M. Dresler, V.I. Spoormaker, P. Beitinger, M. Czisch, M. Kimura, A. Steiger, F. Holsboer, Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Доступно в Интернете 1 Nov 2013, ISSN 0163–7258.
The relationship between depressive symptoms among female workers and job stress and sleep quality. Cho, H. S., Kim, Y. W., Park, H. W., Lee, K. H., Jeong, B. G., Kang, Y. S., & Park, K. S. (2013). Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 25(1), p. 12.
Calandra, C. (2013). Clinical interventions in aging, 8, p. 1033.
Sleep-dependent memory consolidation and reconsolidation. Robert Stickgold, Matthew P. Walker. Sleep Medicine 8 (2007), pp. 331–343.
The role of sleep in cognition and emotion. Walker, M. P. (2009). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1156(1), pp. 168–197.
The emotional brain and sleep: an intimate relationship. Vandekerckhove, M., & Cluydts, R. (2010). Sleep medicine reviews, 14(4), pp. 219–226.
Sleep and emotions: A focus on insomnia, Chiara Baglioni, Kai Spiegelhalder, Caterina Lombardo, Dieter Riemann, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 4, август 2010, pp. 227–238.
The relationship between depressive symptoms among female workers and job stress and sleep quality. Cho, H. S., Kim, Y. W., Park, H. W., Lee, K. H., Jeong, B. G., Kang, Y. S., & Park, K. S. (2013). Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 25(1), p. 12.
Sleep disorders and depression: brief review of the literature, case report, and nonpharmacologic interventions for depression. Luca, A., Luca, M., & Calandra, C. (2013). Clinical interventions in aging, 8, р. 1033.
Neuroscience-driven discovery and development of sleep therapeutics, M. Dresler, V.I. Spoormaker, P. Beitinger, M. Czisch, M. Kimura, A. Steiger, F. Holsboer, Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Доступно в Интернете 1 Nov 2013, ISSN 0163–7258.
The relationship between depressive symptoms among female workers and job stress and sleep quality. Cho, H. S., Kim, Y. W., Park, H. W., Lee, K. H., Jeong, B. G., Kang, Y. S., & Park, K. S. (2013). Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 25(1), р. 12.
Sleep disorders and depression: brief review of the literature, case report, and nonpharmacologic interventions for depression. Luca, A., Luca, M., & Calandra, C. (2013). Clinical interventions in aging, 8, р. 1033.
Neuroscience-driven discovery and development of sleep therapeutics, M. Dresler, V.I. Spoormaker, P. Beitinger, M. Czisch, M. Kimura, A. Steiger, F. Holsboer, Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Доступно в Интернете 1 Nov 2013, ISSN 0163–7258.
Quantitative genetic research on sleep: A review of normal sleep, sleep disturbances and associated emotional, behavioural, and health-related difficulties, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Nicola L. Barclay, Alice M. Gregory, Volume 17, Issue 1, February 2013, pp. 29–40.
Sleep deprivation reduces perceived emotional intelligence and constructive thinking skills. W.D. Killgore, E.T. Kahn-Greene, E.L. Lipizzi, R.A. Newman, G.H. Kamimori, T.J. Balkin Sleep Med, 9 (2008), pp. 517–526.
The effects of 53 hours of sleep deprivation on moral judgment. W.D. Killgore, D.B. Killgore, L.M. Day, C. Li, G.H. Kamimori, T.J. Balkin. Sleep, 30 (2007), pp. 345–352.
Sleep and emotions: A focus on insomnia, Chiara Baglioni, Kai Spiegelhalder, Caterina Lombardo, Dieter Riemann, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 4, Aug 2010, pp. 227–238.
Overnight therapy? The role of sleep in emotional brain processing. Walker, Matthew P.; van der Helm, Els. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 135(5), Sep 2009, pp. 731–748.
Why REM sleep? Jim Horne, Clues beyond the laboratory in a more challenging world, Biological Psychology, Volume 92, Issue 2, Feb 2013, pp. 152–168.
Prefrontal atrophy, disrupted NREM slow waves and impaired hippocampaldependent memory in aging. Bryce A. Mander and others. Nature Neuroscience. 16, pp. 357–364 (2013).
Wake deterioration and sleep restoration of human learning, Bryce A. Mander, Sangeetha Santhanam, Jared M. Saletin, Matthew P. Walker, Current Biology, Volume 21, Issue 5, Mar 8, 2011, pp. 183–184.
Wake deterioration and sleep restoration of human learning, Bryce A. Mander, Sangeetha Santhanam, Jared M. Saletin, Matthew P. Walker, Current Biology, Volume 21, Issue 5, 8 Mar 2011, pp. R183–R184.
Sleep Restriction Suppresses Neurogenesis Induced by Hippocampus-Dependent Learning. Ilana S. Hairston1, Milton T. M. Little, Michael D. Scanlon, Monique T. Barakat, Theo D. Palmer, Robert M. Sapolsky, and H. Craig Heller. AJP – JN Physiol., Dec 2005, vol. 94, no. 6, pp. 4224–4233.
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Sleep inspires insight. Ullrich Wagner, Steffen Gais, Hilde Haider, Rolf Verleger & Jan Born. Letters to Nature. Nature 427, 352–355 (2004)
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Sleep Deprivation Reduces Perceived Emotional Intelligence and Constructive Thinking Skills, William D. S. Killgore et al., Sleep Med. 517, 523 (2008).
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The impact of sleep deprivation on decision making: A review. Harrison, Yvonne; Horne, James A. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Vol. 6(3), Sep 2000.
The impact of sleep deprivation on decision making: A review. Harrison, Yvonne; Horne, James A. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Vol. 6(3), Sep 2000.
The influence of sleep quality, sleep duration and sleepiness on school performance in children and adolescents: A meta-analytic review, Julia F. Dewald, Anne M. Meijer, Frans J. Oort, Gerard A. Kerkhof, Susan M. Bӧgels, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 3, June 2010, pp. 179–189.
The association between sleep spindles and IQ in healthy school-age children, Reut Gruber, Merrill S. Wise, Sonia Frenette, Bärbel Knäauper, Alice Boom, Laura Fontil, Julie Carrier, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Volume 89, Issue 2, Aug 2013, pp. 229–240.
The impact of sleep deprivation on decision making: A review. Harrison, Yvonne; Horne, James A. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Vol. 6(3), Sep 2000.
The impact of sleep deprivation on decision making: A review. Harrison, Yvonne; Horne, James A. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Vol. 6(3), Sep 2000.
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Sleep and emotions: Bidirectional links and underlying mechanisms, Michal Kahn, Gal Sheppes, Avi Sadeh, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Volume 89, Issue 2, Aug 2013, pp. 218–228.
Quantitative genetic research on sleep: A review of normal sleep, sleep disturbances and associated emotional, behavioural, and health-related difficulties. Sleep Medicine Reviews, Nicola L. Barclay, Alice M. Gregory, Volume 17, Issue 1, Feb 2013, pp. 29–40.
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Sleep and emotions: A focus on insomnia, Chiara Baglioni, Kai Spiegelhalder, Caterina Lombardo, Dieter Riemann, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 4, Aug 2010, pp. 227–238.
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Circadian Typology: A Comprehensive Review. Ana Adan, Simon N. Archer, Maria Paz Hidalgo, Lee Di Milia,Vincenzo Natale, Christoph Randler. Chronobiology International, 29(9), p. 1153–1175 (2012).
Harvard Medical School:
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Sleep, Performance, and Public Safety. Harvard Medical School.
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Sleep-Deprived Young Drivers and the Risk for Crash: The DRIVE Prospective Cohort Study. Martiniuk A.C., Senserrick T., Lo S, et al. JAMA Pediatr. 2013; 167(7): pp. 647–655.
Sleep-Deprived Young Drivers and the Risk for Crash: The DRIVE Prospective Cohort Study. Martiniuk A.C., Senserrick T., Lo S., et al. JAMA Pediatr. 2013; 167(7): pp. 647–655.
Fatigue Risk Management in the Workplace. ACOEM Presidential Task Force on Fatigue Risk Management; Lerman, Steven E. MD, MPH; Eskin, Evamaria MD, MPH; Flower, David J. MBBS, MD; George, Eugenia C. MD; Gerson, Benjamin MD; Hartenbaum, Natalie MD, MPH; Hursh, Steven R. PhD; Moore-Ede, Martin MD, PhD. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. Feb 2012, Volume 54, Issue 2, pp. 231–258.
Fatigue among Clinicians and the Safety of Patients. David M. Gaba, M.D., and Steven K. Howard, M.D. N. Engl. J. Med. 2002; Oct 2002; 347; pp. 1249–1255.
Impact of Fatigue on Performance in Registered Nurses: Data Mining and Implications for Practice. Kalyan S. Pasupathy, Linsey M. Barker. (2012) Journal for Healthcare Quality 34: 5, pp. 22–30.
Sleep Disorders, Health, and Safety in Police Officers. S.F. Jones. Yearbook of Pulmonary Disease 2012, pp. 204–206.
The occupational impact of sleep quality and insomnia symptoms, Erica R. Kucharczyk, Kevin Morgan, Andrew P. Hall, Sleep Medicine Reviews. Доступно в Интернете 7 Mar 2012.
Sleep Quality and Motor Vehicle Crashes in Adolescents. Fabio Pizza, M.D., Sara Contardi, M.D., Alessandro Baldi Antognini, Ph.D., Maroussa Zagoraiou, Ph.D., Matteo Borrotti, Barbara Mostacci, M.D., Susanna Mondini, M.D., and Fabio Cirignotta, M.D. Clin Sleep Med. 15 Feb 2010; 6(1): pp. 41–45.
Sleep, sleepiness and motor vehicle accidents: a national survey. Gander P.H., Marshall N.S., Harris R.B., Reid P. Aust N ZJ Public Health. Feb 2005; 29(1): pp.16–21.
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A case-crossover study of sleep and work hours and the risk of road traffic accidents. Valent F.; Di Bartolomeo S.; Marchetti R.; Sbrojavacca R.; Barbone F. SLEEP 2010; 33(3): pp. 349–354.
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Insufficient sleep impairs driving performance and cognitive function, Seiko Miyata, Akiko Noda, Norio Ozaki, Yuki Hara, Makoto Minoshima, Kunihiro Iwamoto, Masahiro Takahashi, Tetsuya Iidaka, Yasuo Koike, Neuroscience Letters, Volume 469, Issue 2, 22 Jan 2010, pp. 229–233.
Risk Factors for the Injury Severity of Fatigue-Related Traffic Accidents. Lian Zhen Wang, Yu Long Pei, Bo Tong Liu. 2012, Advanced Engineering Forum, 5, 61.
Sleepiness/fatigue and distraction/inattention as factors for fatal versus nonfatal commercial motor vehicle driver injuries. Bunn, T. L.; Slavova, S.; Struttmann, T. W. & Browning, S. R. (2005). Accident Analysis & Prevention, 37(5), pp. 862–869.
Hazard perception in novice and experienced drivers: The effects of sleepiness, Simon S. Smith, Mark S. Horswill, Brooke Chambers, Mark Wetton, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 41, Issue 4, July 2009, pp. 729–733.
Fatigue Risk Management in the Workplace. ACOEM Presidential Task Force on Fatigue Risk Management; Lerman, Steven E. MD eo; Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine: Febschlafstoerung, Feb 2012; Volume 54; Issue 2; pp. 231–258.
Young drivers’ perceptions of culpability of sleep-deprived versus drinking drivers, Lela Rankin Williams, David R. Davies, Kris Thiele, Judith R. Davidson, Alistair W. MacLean, Journal of Safety Research, Volume 43, Issue 2, April 2012, pp. 115–122.
The occupational impact of sleep quality and insomnia symptoms, Erica R. Kucharczyk, Kevin Morgan, Andrew P. Hall, Sleep Medicine Reviews. Доступно в Интернете 7 Mar 2012.
A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Short-Term Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Variables Julian Lim and David F. Dinges. Psychol. Bull. May 2010; 136(3): pp. 375–389.
Mortality associated with sleep duration and insomnia. D.F. Kripke, L. Garfinkel, D.L. Wingard, M.R. Klauber, M.R. Marler. Arch Gen Psychiatr, 59 (2002), pp. 131–136.
Cerebral Arterial Pulsation Drives Paravascular CSFal Pulsation Drives Exchange in the Murine Brain. Jeffrey J. Iliff. The Journal of Neuroscience, 13 Nov 2013, 33(46): 18190–18199.
Sleep Drives Metabolite Clearance from the Adult Brain. Lulu Xie and others. Science 18 Oct 2013: Vol. 342, no. 6156, pp. 373–377.
Self-reported Sleep and β-Amyloid Deposition in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. JAMA Neurol. Adam P. Spira and others. Опубликовано в Интернете 21 October 2013.
Amyloid-β Dynamics Are Regulated by Orexin and the Sleep-Wake Cycle. Jae-Eun Kang and others. Science 13 Nov 2009: Vol. 326, no. 5955.
Garbage Truck of the Brain. Maiken Nedergaard. 28 June 2013: Vol. 340, no. 6140, pp. 1529–1530.
Sleep Drives Metabolite Clearance from the Adult Brain. Lulu Xie, et al., Science. 342 (2013).
Acute Sleep Deprivation Enhances the Brain’s Response to Hedonic Food Stimuli: An fMRI Study. Christian Benedict*, Samantha J. Brooks*, Owen G. O’Daly, Markus S. Almèn, Arvid Morell, Karin Åberg, Malin Gingnell, Bernd Schultes, Manfred Hallschmid, Jan-Erik Broman, Elna-Marie Larsson and Helgi B. Schiӧth The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 1 March 2012, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. E44–E447.
Lifestyle determinants of the drive to eat: a meta-analysis. Colin Daniel Chapman, Christian Benedict, Samantha Jane Brooks, and Helgi Birgir Schiӧth. Am J. Clin. Nutr., Sep 2012, vol. 96, no. 3, pp. 492–497.
Social Jetlag and Obesity. Till Roenneberg, Karla V. Allebrandt, Martha Merrow, Céline Vetter. Current Biology. 22 May 2012 (Vol. 22, Issue 10, pp. 939–943).
Acute partial sleep deprivation increases food intake in healthy men. Brondel L., Romer M.A., Nougues P.M., Touyarou P., Davenne. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 91: 1550–1559.
Is Sleep Duration Associated With Childhood Obesity? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Chen, X., Beydoun, M. A. and Wang, Y. (2008), Obesity, 16: pp. 265–274.
Daytime sleepiness affects prefrontal regulation of food intake. William D.S. Killgore, Zachary J. Schwab, Mareen Weber, Maia Kipman, Sophie R. Del-Donno, Melissa R. Weiner, Scott L. Rauch. Neuro Image 71 (2013), pp. 216–223.
Medecine: sleep it off. Helen Pearson. Nature 443, pp. 261–263 (21 September 2006).
Acute Sleep Deprivation Enhances the Brain’s Response to Hedonic Food Stimuli: An fMRI Study. Christian Benedict, Samantha J. Brooks, Owen G. O’Daly, Markus S. Almen, Arvid Morell, Karin Åberg, Malin Gingnell, Bernd Schultes, Manfred Hallschmid, Jan-Erik Broman, Elna-Marie Larsson, and Helgi B. Schioth. J. Clin Endocrinol. Metab. 97/3 March 2012.
Sleep restriction leads to increased activation of brain regions sensitive to food stimuli. Marie-Pierre St-Onge, Andrew McReynolds, Zalak B Trivedi, Amy L Roberts, Melissa Sy, and Joy Hirsch. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. April 2012.
Short sleep duration increases energy intakes but does not change energy expenditure in normal-weight individuals. Marie-Pierre St-Onge ao. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. Aug 2011, vol. 94, no. 2, pp. 410–416.
Short sleep duration as a possible cause of obesity: critical analysis of the epidemiological evidence. L. S. Nielsen†, K.V. Danielsen†, T.I.A. Sørensen. Obesity Reviews. Feb 2011, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 78–92.
Short Sleep Duration is Associated with Reduced Leptin Levels and Increased Adiposity: Results from the Québec Family Study. Chaput, J.-P., Després, J.-P., Bouchard, C. and Tremblay, A. (2007), Obesity, 15: pp. 253–261.
How Sleep Loss Adds To Weight Gain. Anahad Os Adds To Weightay, A., 6 Aug 2013.
Short sleep duration associated with a higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome in an apparently healthy population. Preventive Medicine. Доступно в Интернете 27 July 2012.
Sleep and antibody response to hepatitis B vaccination. Prather A.A.; Hall M.; Fury J.M.; Ross D.C.; Muldoon M.F.; Cohen S.; Marsland A.L. SLEEP. 2012;35(8): pp. 1063–1069.
Sleep and immune function. Luciana Besedovsky&Tanja Lange&Jan Born. Invited review. Eur J Physiol (2012) 463: pp. 121–137.
For an excellent review: Sleep and immune function. Luciana Besedovsky, Tanja Lange, and Jan Born. Pflugers Arch. Jan 2012; 463(1): pp. 121–137.
A Prospective Study of Sleep Duration and Pneumonia Risk in Women Sanjay R. Patel, Atul Malhotra, Xiang Gao,Frank B. Hu, Mark I. Neuman, and Wafaie W. Fawzi,Sleep.1 Jan 2012; 35(1): pp. 97–101.
Sleep Habits and Susceptibility to the Common Cold.Sheldon Cohen ao. Arch Intern Med. 12 Jan 2009; 169(1): pp. 62–67.
Sleep duration and endometrial cancer risk. Cancer Causes and Control-Susan R. Sturgeon, Nicole Luisi, Raji Balasubramanian and Katherine W. Reeves. Volume 23, Number 4 (2012), pp. 547–553.
Circadian Disruption, Sleep Loss, and Prostate Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review of Epidemiologic Studies Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 21 July 2012, pp. 1002–1011.
Association of sleep duration and breast cancer OncotypeDX recurrence score. Cheryl L. Thompson and Li Li. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. Volume 134, Number 3 (2012), pp. 1291–1295.
Non-apnea sleep disorders will increase subsequent liver cancer risk – A national wide population-based cohort study. Ji-An Liang, Li-Min Sun, Chih-Hsin Muo, Fung-Chang Sung, Shih-Ni Chang. Sleep Medicine. Volume 13, Issue 7, Aug 2012, pp. 869–874.
Recommendations for the prevention of breast cancer in shift workers. Kneginja Richter, Jens Acker, Nikola Kamcev, Stojan Bajraktarov, Anja Piehl and Guenter Niklewski. The EPMA Journal. Volume 2, Number 4 (2011), pp. 351–356.
Sleep disturbance, cytokines, and fatigue in women with ovariancancer. Lauren Clevenger ao. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Volume 26, Issue 7, Oct 2012, pp. 1037–1044.
IARC Monographs Programme
Association between habitual sleep duration and blood pressure and clinical implications: A systematic review. Elizabeth Dean and others. Blood Pressure. Feb 2012, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 45–57.
Short and long sleep duration are associated with prevalent cardiovascular disease in Australian adults. Magee, Christopher A., et al. Journal of sleep research 21.4 (2012): pp. 441–447.
Sleep duration and sleep quality in relation to 12-year cardiovascular disease incidence: the MORGEN study. Hoevenaar-Blom M.P., Spijkerman A.M., Kromhout D., van den Berg J.F., Verschuren W.M. Sleep. 1 Nov 2011; 34(11): pp. 1487–1492.
Immune, inflammatory and cardiovascular consequences of sleep restriction and recovery. Brice Faraut, Karim Zouaoui Boudjeltia, Luc Vanhamme, Myriam Kerkhofs. Sleep Medicine Reviews. Volume 16, Issue 2, April 2012, pp. 137–149.
Headache and sleep, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Andrea Alberti, Volume 10, Issue 6, Dec 2006, pp. 431–437.
Melatonin, the pineal gland and their implications for headache disorders. MFP Peres. Cephalalgia, June 2005, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 403–411.
Beauty sleep: experimental study on the perceived health and attractiveness of sleep deprived people John Axelsson. British Medial Journal, Oct 2010; 341: c6614.
Chronic Insomnia as a Risk Factor for Developing Anxiety and Depression. Dag Neckelmann, MD, PhD, Amstein Mykletun, PhD, and Alv A. Dahl, MD, PhD. Sleep. 1 July 2007; 30(7): pp. 873–880.
Prevalence, Course, and Comorbidity of Insomnia and Depression in Young Adults. Daniel J. Buysse, MD, JulesAngst, MD, Alex Gamma, PhD, Vladeta Ajdacic, PhD, Dominique Eich, MD, and Wulf Rössler, MA, MD. Sleep. 1 April 2008; 31(4): pp. 473–480.
Insomnia in Young Men and Subsequent Depression. The Johns Hopkins Precursors Study. Patricia P. Chang, Daniel E. Ford, Lucy A. Mead, Lisa Cooper-Patrick1, and Michael J. Klag. Am. J. Epidemiol. (1997) 146 (2): pp. 105–114.
Earlier Parental Set Bedtimes as a Protective Factor Against Depression and Suicidal Ideation. James E. Gangwisch. Sleep. Volume 33, Issue 01. 2012.
Influences of early shift work on the diurnal cortisol rhythm, mood and sleep: Within-subject variation in male airline pilots, Sophie Bostock, Andrew Steptoe, Psychoneuroendocrinology. Доступно в Интернете 9 Aug 2012.
The association of testosterone, sleep, and sexual function in men and women, Monica L. Andersen, Tathiana F. Alvarenga, Renata Mazaro-Costa, Helena C. Hachul, Sergio Tufik, Brain Research, Volume 1416, 6 Oct 2011, pp. 80–104.
Sleep deprivation lowers reactive aggression and testosterone in men, Kimberly A. Cote, Cheryl M. McCormick, Shawn, N. Geniole, Ryan P. Renn, Stacey D. MacAulay, Biological Psychology. Доступно онлайн 6 Oct 2012.
The association of testosterone, sleep, and sexual function in men and women, Monica L. Andersen, Tathiana F. Alvarenga, Renata Mazaro-Costa, Helena C. Hachul, Sergio Tufik, Brain Research, Volume 1416, 6 Oct 2011, pp. 80–104, ISSN 0006–8993, 10.1016/j.brainres.2011.07.060.
Daytime sleepiness during transition into daylight saving time in adolescents: Are owls higher at risk? Anne-Marie Schneider, Christoph Randler, Sleep Medicine, Volume 10, Issue 9, Oct 2009, pp. 1047–1050.
For an excellent review see: Functional consequences of inadequate sleep in adolescents: A systematic review, Tamar Shochat, Mairav Cohen-Zion, Orna Tzischinsky, Sleep Medicine Reviews. Доступно в Интернете 24 June 2013, ISSN 1087–0792
For an excellent review see: Sleep, cognition, and behavioral problems in schoolage children: a century of research metaanalyzed. R.G. Astill, K.B. Van der Heijden, M.H. Van Ijzendoorn, E.J. Van Someren. Psychological Bulletin, 138 (2012), pp. 1109–1138.
Sleep, cognition, and behavioral problems in school-age children: A century of research meta-analyzed. Astill, R. G., Van der Heijden, K. B., Van IJzendoorn, M. H., & Van Someren, E. J. (2012). Psychological bulletin, 138(6), p. 1109.
In search of lost sleep: secular trends in the sleep time of school-aged children and adolescents. Matricciani, L., Olds, T., & Petkov, J. (2012). Sleep medicine reviews, 16(3), pp. 203–211.
Pathways to adolescent health sleep regulation and behavior. Journal of Adolescent Health, 31 (2002), pp. 175–184.
Sleep and emotions: Bidirectional links and underlying mechanisms, Michal Kahn, Gal Sheppes, Avi Sadeh, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Volume 89, Issue 2, Aug 2013, pp. 218–228.
Adolescent sleep patterns: biological, social, and psychological influences. M.A. Carskadon, C. Acebo. Regulation of sleepiness in adolescents: update, insights, and speculation. Sleep, 25 (2002), pp. 606–614.
The sleepy adolescent: causes and consequences of sleepiness in teens. Moore, M. and Meltzer, L. J. Paediatr. Respir. Rev., 2008, 9: pp. 114–120.
The influence of sleep quality, sleep duration and sleepiness on school performance in children and adolescents: A meta-analytic review, Julia F. Dewald, Anne M. Meijer, Frans J. Oort, Gerard A. Kerkhof, Susan M. Bögels, Sleep Medicine Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 3, June 2010, pp. 179–189.
The association between sleep spindles and IQ in healthy school-age children, Reut Gruber, Merrill S. Wise, Sonia Frenette, Bärbel Knäauper, Alice Boom, Laura Fontil, Julie Carrier, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Volume 89, Issue 2, Aug 2013, pp. 229–240.
Recent worldwide sleep patterns and problems during adolescence: a review and meta-analysis of age, region, and sleep. M. Gradisar, G. Gardner, H. Dohnt, Sleep Med, 12 (2011), pp. 110–118.
Weekend catch-up sleep is independently associated with suicide attempts and self-injury in Korean adolescents. Kang, S. G., Lee, Y. J., Kim, S. J., Lim, W., Lee, H. J., Park, Y. M., Kim, S. J., Lim (2013). Comprehensive psychiatry. Доступно онлайн 22 Oct 2013.
Functional consequences of inadequate sleep in adolescents: A systematic review, Tamar Shochat, Mairav Cohen-Zion, Orna Tzischinsky, Sleep Medicine Reviews. Доступно в Интернете 24 June 2013, ISSN 1087–0792.
Pathways to adolescent health sleep regulation and behavior. Ronald E. Dahl, Daniel S Lewin. Journal of Adolescent Health. Volume 31, Issue 6, Supplement, Dec 2002, pp. 175–184.
Sleep deprivation may be undermining teen health. SIRI CARPENTER. Monitor on psychology. Volume 32, No. 9, Oct 2001.
Understanding adolescent’s sleep patterns and school performance: a critical appraisal. Amy R. Wolfson Mary A. Carskadon. Sleep Medicine Reviews. Volume7, Issue 6, 2003, pp. 491–506.
Sleep duration and overweight/obesity in children: Review and implications for pediatric nursing. Liu, J., Zhang, A. and Li, L. (2012), Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing.
Reut Gruber, Rachelle Laviolette, Paolo Deluca, Eva Monson, Kim Cornish, Julie Carrier, Short sleep duration is associated with poor performance on IQ measures in healthy school-age children, Sleep Medicine, Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2010, pp. 289–294, ISSN 1389–9457, 10.1016/j.sleep.2009.09.007.
Sadeh, A., Gruber, R. and Raviv, A. (2003), The Effects of Sleep Restriction and Extension on School-Age Children: What a Difference an Hour Makes. Child Development, 74: 444–455.
Recent worldwide sleep patterns and problems during adolescence: a review and meta-analysis of age, region, and sleep. M. Gradisar, G. Gardner, H. Dohnt, Sleep Med, 12 (2011), pp. 110–118.
In search of lost sleep: secular trends in the sleep time of school-aged children and adolescents. Matricciani, L., Olds, T., & Petkov, J. (2012). Sleep medicine reviews, 16(3), pp. 203–211.
The Chronic Sleep Reduction Questionnaire (CSRQ): a cross-cultural comparison and validation in Dutch and Australian adolescents. Julia F. Dewald, Michelle A. Short, Michael Gradisar, Frans J. Oort, Anne Marie Meijer. Journal of Sleep Research. 2012.–2869.2012.00999.x
Stress: Friend and Foe. Theo Compernolle. Synergo 1999/Lannoo 2011.
Environmental Satisfaction in Open-Plan Environment: 2 Effect of Workstation Size. Charles, K. E.; Veitch, J.A. NRC Institute for Research in Construction; National Research Council Canada 2002. http://www.nrc-cnrc.gcca/obj/irc/doc/pubs/ir/ir845/ir845.pdf
Office Type in Relation to Health, Well-Being, and Job Satisfaction Among Employees. Christina Bodin Danielsson and Lennart Bodin, Environment and Behavior 2008; 40: p. 636. Also:
Should Health Service Managers Embrace Open Plan Work Environments? Vinesh G. Oommen, Mike Knowles, Isabella Zhao. A Review Asia Vol. 3, No. 2, Dec 2008, pp. 37–43.
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Individual Flexibility in the Workplace A Spatial Perspective. S Varlander. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 2012 0021–8863. 48(1): 33.
Remaining afloat amid email deluge. Nick Bilton. International New York Times. 20 Jan 2014, р. 14.
“Constant, constant, multi-tasking craziness’: managing multi-tasking.e spheres. Victor M. Gonzále, Gloria Mark. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. ACM New York, NY, USA, 2004.
“You’ve Got E-Mail!” … Shall I Deal With It Now? Electronic Mail From The Recipientow? Electronic Mail From The Judith Ramsay, Mario Hair. International Journal Of Humanario Hair Interaction, 21(3), pp. 313–332.
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Charles R. Stoner, Paul Stephens, Matthew K. McGowan, Connectivity and work dominance: Panacea or pariah? Business Horizons, Volume 52, Issue 1, Jan/Feb 2009, pp. 67–78.
Google’s Chief Works to Trim a Bloated Ship. CLAIRE CAIN MILLER. The New York Times. 9 Nov 2011.
Effects of e-mail addiction and interruptions on employees, Laura Marulanda-Carter, Thomas W. Jackson, (2012) Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Vol. 14 Iss. 1, pp. 82–94.
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The cost of e-mail within organizations. Jackson, Thomas W., Ray Dawson and Darren Wilson. Strategies for eCommerce Success (2002): 307.
The cost of email within organizations. Jackson, Thomas W., Ray Dawson, and Darren Wilson. Strategies for eCommerce Success (2002): 307.
The effects of interruptions on task performance, annoyance, and anxiety in the user interface. Brian P. Bailey, Joseph A. Konstan, John V. Carlis. Proceedings of INTERACT (2001). Volume: 1, Publisher: Citeseer, pp. 593–601.
On the need for attention-aware systems: Measuring effects of interruption on task performance, error rate, and affective state. Brian P. Bailey, Joseph A. Konstan.Computers in Human Behavior Volume 22, Issue 4, July 2006, pp. 685–601.
Reducing the disruptive effects of interruption: A cognitive framework for analysing the costs and benefits of intervention strategies. Deborah A. Boehm-Davis, Roger Remington Accident Analysis & Prevention. Volume 41, Issue 5, Sen 2009, pp. 1124–1129.
Understanding e-mail interaction increases organizational productivity. T. Jackson, R. Dawson, D. Wilson. Communications of the ACM, 46 (2003), pp. 80–84.
“You’ve Got E-Mail!” … Shall I Deal With It Now? Electronic Mail From The Recipientow? Electronic Mail From The Judith Ramsay, Mario Hair. International Journal Of Humanario Hair Interaction, 21(3), pp. 313–332.
E-mail training significantly reduces email defects, International Journal of Information Management, Anthony Burgess, Thomas Jackson, Janet Edwards, Volume 25, Issue 1, Feb 2005, pp. 71–83.
Цитируется по “Tipping Sacred Cows” by Jake Breeden, John Wiley & Sons 2013.
“A Pace Not Dictated by Electrons’: An Empirical Study of Work without E-Mailirical Study of Work withoutards Armand Cardello.
Driving While Distracted. Nationwide. 2008. State of the Nation of cell phone distracted driving.
Promoting the Car Phone, Despite Risks. By Matt Richtel. New York Times. 6 Dec 2009.
Drivers and Legislators Dismiss Cellphone Risks. Matt Richtel. New York Times. 19 July 2009.
BlackBerry cuts made roads safer, police say. Awad Mustafa and Caline Malek “The Natoinal” UAE, 15 Oct 2011.
393 driving+studies
Reducing Distracted Driving: Regulation and Education to Avert Traffic Injuries and Fatalities. Lawrence O. Gostin. Peter D. Jacobson. 303 JAMA 1419–1420 (2010).
A Comparison of the Cell Phone Driver and the Drunk Driver. David L. Strayer, Frank A. Drews and Dennis J. Crouch. Hum Factors 2006; 48; 381.
Engrossed in conversation: The impact of cell phones on simulated driving performance, Kristen E. Beede, Steven J. Kass, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 38, Issue 2, March 2006, pp. 415–421.
Driver Safety Impacts of Voice-to-Text Mobile Applications. Christine E. Yager. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Sen 2013, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 1869–1873.
Influence of personal mobile phone ringing and usual intention to answer on driver error, Carol Holland, Versha Rathod, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 50, Jan 2013, pp. 793–800.
A Comparison of the Cell Phone Driver and the Drunk Driver. David L. Strayer, Frank A. Drews and Dennis J. Crouch. Hum Factors 2006; 48; 381.
См. также: Driving whilst using in-vehicle information systems (IVIS): benchmarking the impairment to alcohol. Wynn, T., Richardson, J.H. and Stevens, A., 2013.
Driving whilst using in-vehicle information systems (IVIS): benchmarking the impairment to alcohol. IN: Regan, M.A., Lee, J.D. and Victor, T.W. (eds.) Driver Distraction and Inattention Advances in Research and Countermeasures, Volume 1, pp. 253–275.
Passenger and cell phone conversations in simulated driving. Drews, Frank A.; Pasupathi, Monisha; Strayer, David L.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Vol. 14(4).
Distracted driving in elderly and middleaged drivers. Kelsey R. Thompson et al. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Volume 45, March 2012, pp. 711–717.
Effects of cellular telephones on driving behaviour and crash risk: Results of meta-analysis. JK Caird, CT Scialfa… – 2004 –
The Effects of Text Messaging During Dual-Task Driving Simulation on Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses and Reaction Time Creators: Park, Andrew; Salsbury, Joshua; Corbett, Keira; Aiello, Jennifer Issue Date: 2013-01.
The Ohio Journal of Science, v. 111, n 2–5 (Jan 2013), pp. 42–44.
Texting while driving: evaluation of glance distributions for Frequent/infrequent texters and keypad/touchpad texters. Siby Samuel, Alexander Pollatsek, & Donald Fisher. Proceedings of the sixth international driving symposium on human factors in driver assessment, training and vehicle design.
VirginiaTech Transportation Institute. New data from VTTI provides insight into cell phone use and driving distraction. 27 July 2009.
Fernando A. Wilson and Jim P. Stimpson. Trends in Fatalities From Distracted Driving in the United States, 1999 to 2008. American Journal of Public Health, ноябрь 2010, Vol. 100, No. 11, pp. 2213–2219.
The choice to text and drive in younger drivers: Behavior may shape attitude. Paul Atchley, Stephanie Atwood,Aaron Boulton. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Volume 43, Issue 1, Jan 2011, pp. 134–142.
College students’ prevalence and perceptions of text messaging while driving. Marissa A. Harrison. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Volume 43, Issue 4, July 2011, pp. 1516–1520.
Adults and Cell Phone Distractions. Madden, M. & Rainie, L., Pew Internet & American Life Project, Pew Research Center (2010).
The effects of perception of risk and importance of answering and initiating a cellular phone call while driving. Erik Nelson, Paul Atchley, Todd D. Little. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Volume 41, Issue 3, May 2009, pp. 438–444.
Effects of car-phone use and aggressive disposition during critical driving maneuvers. Lui, B.-S., Lee, Y.-H., 2005. Transportation Research: Part F 8, pp. 369–382.
Tison, J., Chaudhary, N., & Cosgrove, L. (Dec 2011). National phone survey on distracted driving attitudes and behaviors. (DOT HS 811 555). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Cognitive Distraction While Multitasking in the Automobile. David L. Strayer, Jason M. Watson, and Frank A. Drews, In Brian Ross, editor: The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Vol. 54, Burlington: Academic Press, 2011, pp. 29–58.
Inattentional Blindness in a Simulated Driving Task. Kellie D. Kennedy James P. Bliss Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Sep 2013, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 1899–1903.
Driver distraction: The effects of concurrent in-vehicle tasks, road environment complexity and age on driving performance. Tim Horberry, Janet Anderson, Michael A. Regana, Thomas J. Triggs, John Brown. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Volume 38, Issue 1, Jan 2006, pp. 185–191.
Distraction Effects of In-Vehicle Tasks Requiring Number and Text Entry Using Auto Alliance’s Principle 2.1B Verification Procedure.Thomas A. Ranney ao. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Vehicle Research and Test Center.
The effects of using a portable music player on simulated driving performance and task-sharing strategies. Original Research Article. Kristie L. Young, Eve Mitsopoulos-Rubens, Christina M. Rudin-Brown, Michael G. Lenne. Applied Ergonomics, Volume 43, Issue 4, July 2012, pp. 738–746.
Speech-Based Interaction with In-Vehicle Computers: The Effect of Speech-Based E-Mail on Drivers’ Attention to the Roadway John D. Lee Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Winter 2001, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 631–640.
Inattentional Blindness in a Simulated Driving Task. Kellie D. Kennedy James P. Bliss Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Sep 2013 vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 1899–1903.
The Effects of Text Messaging During Dual-Task Driving Simulation on Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses and Reaction Time Park, Andrew; Salsbury, Joshua; Corbett, Keira; Aiello, Jennifer Issue Date: 2013-01 The Ohio Journal of Science, v.111, n 2–5 (Jan 2013), pp. 42–44.
(only abstract) Driving whilst using in-vehicle information systems (IVIS): benchmarking the impairment to alcohol. Wynn, T., Richardson, J.H. and Stevens, A., 2013. Driving whilst using in-vehicle information systems (IVIS): benchmarking the impairment to alcohol. IN: Regan, M.A., Lee, J.D. and Victor, T.W. (eds.) Driver Distraction and Inattention. Advances in Research and Countermeasures, Volume 1, pp. 253–275.
(only abstract)Texting while driving: is speech-based texting less risky than handheld texting? Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications Jibo He and others, 2013, pp. 124–130.
Driver Safety Impacts of Voice-to-Text Mobile Applications. Christine E. Yager. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, сентябрь 2013, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 1869–1873.
(abstract only) Hands Free Texting While Driving – Is It Safer than Conventional Texting While Driving? Young, Kaysha.
Control of Attention Shifts between Vision and Audition in Human Cortex. Sarah Shomstein and Steven Yantis. The Journal of Neuroscience, 24 Nov 2004, 24(47): 10702–10706.
The crosstalk hypothesis: Why language interferes with driving. Bergen, Benjamin; Medeiros-Ward, Nathan; Wheeler, Kathryn; Drews, Frank; Strayer, David. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol. 142(1), Feb 2013, pp. 119–130.
How Speech Modifies Visual Attention. Spence, I., Jia, A., Feng, J., Elserafi, J., & Zhao, Y. (2013). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27(5), pp. 633–643.
Effect of cellular telephone conversations and other potential interference on reaction time in a braking response. William Consiglio, Peter Driscoll, Matthew Witte, William P. Ber.Accident Analysis and Prevention 35 (2003), pp. 495–500.
Distracted Driving Among. Newly Licensed Teen. Drivers. Март 2012. AAA Foundation/UNC Highway Safety Research Center. Arthur H. Goodwin. Robert D. Foss. Stephanie S. Harrell Natalie P. O’Brien.
Последний обзор исследований, осуществленных Национальной ассоциацией губернаторов по безопасности дорожного движения, смотрите по адресу:
The 100-Car Naturalistic Driving Study, Phase II ralistic DrivingmongNewl Field Experiment. Dingus, T. A., ao. 2006. National Highway Traffic Safety Admin. (NHTSA).
The 100-Car Naturalistic Driving Study, Phase II uralistic Drivingch/PDF– Field Experiment. Dingus, T. A., ao. 2006. National Highway Traffic Safety Admin. (NHTSA).
Cognitive Distraction While Multitasking in the Automobile. David L. Strayer, Jason M. Watson, and Frank A. Drews. Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Volume 54, 2011, pp. 29–58.
Measuring Cognitive Distraction in the Automobile. Strayer, David L. Cooper, Joel M. for AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. 2013.
Cell Phones and Driving: Review of Research. Anne T. McCartt, Laurie A. Hellinga, and Keli a. Braitman. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2006, 7: pp. 89–106.
Effect of cellular telephone conversations and other potential interference on reaction time in a braking response. William Consiglio, Peter Driscoll, Matthew Witte, William P. Ber. Accident Analysis and Prevention 35 (2003), pp. 495–500.
How Speech Modifies Visual Attention. Spence, I., Jia, A., Feng, J., Elserafi, J., & Zhao, Y. (2013). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27(5), pp. 633–643.
Speech-Based Interaction with In-Vehicle Computers: The Effect of Speech-Based E-Mail on Drivers’ Attention to the Roadway John D. Lee Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Winter 2001, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 631–640.
Engrossed in conversation: The impact of cell phones on simulated driving performance. Kristen E. Beede, Steven J. Kass.Volume 38, Issue 2, March 2006, pp. 415–421.
An on-road assessment of cognitive distraction: Impacts on drivers’ visual behavior and braking performance. J. Harbluk et al. Accident Analysis and Prevention. Volume 39, 2007, p. 372.
Examining the impact of cell phone conversations on driving using metaanalytic techniques. W. Horrey et al. Human Factors. Volume 48, Spring 2006, р. 196.
Gorillas in our midst: sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events. D. Simons and C. Chabris. Perception. Volume 28, 1999, р. 1059.
(расстояние × sin10°)/sin85°.
Чтобы найти интересные зрительные иллюзии, просто наберите в поисковике Google или Bing фразу «перцептивное постоянство» (subjective constancy).
David Strayer quoted in: Impactful Distraction. Talking while driving poses dangers that people seem unable to see. Nathan Seppa 12:15PM, 9 Aug 2013.
A few examples:;;;;
Cell Phone Use While Driving and Attributable Crash Risk. Annette Maciej, Manuela Nitsch, Mark Vollrath. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Volume 14, Issue 6, Nov 2011, pp. 512–524.
Shut up i’m driving! is talking to an inconsiderate passenger the same as talking on a mobile telephone? Natasha Merat, A. Hamish Jamson, PROCEEDINGS of the Third International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design. 2005.
Cell Phones and Driving: Review of Research. Anne T. McCartt, Laurie A. Hellinga, and Keli a. Braitman. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2006, 7: pp. 89–106.
Driver Reaction Time to Tactile and Auditory Rear-End Collision Warnings WhileTalking on a Cell Phone. Rayka Mohebbi, Rob Gray and Hong Z. Tan, 2009, 51: p. 102.
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Passenger and cell phone conversations in simulated driving. Drews, F.A., Pasuppathi, M. and Strayer D.L., Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 14 (2008), pp. 392–400.
The contribution of passengers versus mobile phone use to motor vehicle crashes resulting in hospital attendance by the driver. Suzanne P McEvoy, Mark R. Stevenson, Mark Woodward. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Volume 39, Issue 6, Nov 2007, pp. 1170–1176.
Carrying Passengers as a Risk Factor for Crashes Fatal to 16– and 17-Year-Old Drivers. Li-Hui Chen, Susan P. Baker, Elisa R. Braver, Guohua Li. JAMA. 2000; 283(12): pp. 1578–1582.
Cognitive Distraction While Multitasking in the Automobile. Strayer, Watson & Drews, Chapter two – The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory. Edited by Brian H. Ross. 2011. Volume 54, pp. 1–305.
Crundall, M. Bains, P. Chapman, G.Underwood. Regulating conversation during driving: a problem for mobile phones. Transport Res. F, 8 (2005), pp. 197–211.
Passenger and cell phone conversations in simulated driving. Drews, Frank A.; Pasupathi, Monisha; Strayer, David L. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Vol. 14(4)
Regulating conversation during driving: a problem for mobile telephones? Crundall, D., Bains, M., Chapman, P., Underwood, G., 2005.Transp. Res., Part F 8, pp. 197–211 (research during real driving).
Distracted driving in elderly and middleaged drivers. Kelsey R. Thompson et al. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Volume 45, March 2012, pp. 711–717.
Effects of cellular telephones on driving behaviour and crash risk: Results of meta-analysis. J.K. Caird, CT Scialfafivingged Regulating conver
The Effects Of Acute Sleep Deprivation On Selective Attention. Royan Norton. British Journal Of Psychology. May 1970. Volume 61, Issue 2, pp. 157–161.
The Effects Of Early And Late Night Partial Sleep Deprivation On Automatic And Selective Attention: An Erp Study. Zerouali Y., Jemel B., Godbout R. Brain Res. 13 Jan 2010; 1308: pp. 87–99. Doi: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2009.09.090. Epub 2009 Sep 30.
Sleep Deprivation Impairs Object-Selective Attention: A View From The Ventral Visual Cortex. Lim J, Tan Jc, Parimal S, Dinges Df, Chee Mw. Plos One. 5 Feb 2010; 5(2): E9087. Doi: 10.1371/Journal. Pone.0009087.
Objective and subjective measures of sleepiness, and their associations with on-road driving events in shift workers. Ftouni, S., Sletten, T. L., Howard, M., Anderson, C., Lenné, M. G., Lockley, S. W., & Rajaratnam, S. M. (2013). Journal of Sleep Research, 22(1), pp. 58–69.
Road accidents caused by sleepy drivers: Update of a Norwegian survey, Ross Owen Phillips, Fridulv Sagberg, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 50, Jan 2013, pp. 138–146.
Objective and subjective measures of sleepiness, and their associations with on road driving events in shift workers. Ftouni, S., Sletten, T. L., Howard, M., Anderson, C., Lenne, M. G., Lockley, S. W., & Rajaratnam, S. M. (2013). Journal of Sleep Research, 22(1), pp. 58–69.
Now you hear me, now you don’t: eyelid closures as an indicator of auditory task disengagement. Ong, J. L., Asplund, C. L., Chia, T. T. Y., & Chee, M. W. L. (2013). Sleep, 36(12), 1867.
Driver performance in the moments surrounding a microsleep, Linda Ng. Boyle, Jon Tippin, Amit Paul, Matthew Rizzo, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2008, pp. 126–136.
Driver performance in the moments surrounding a microsleep, Linda Ng. Boyle, Jon Tippin, Amit Paul, Matthew Rizzo, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2008, pp. 126–136.
Having to stop driving at night because of dangerous sleepinessat night be physiology and behaviour. Åkerstedt, T., Hallvig, D., Anund, A., Fors, C., Schwarz, J., & Kecklund, G. (2013). Journal of sleep research.
Driver sleepiness. J. A. Horne*, L. A. Reyner Journal of Sleep Research. Dec 1995. Volume 4, Issue Supplement s2, pp. 23–29.
Specific sleepiness symptoms are indicators of performance impairment during sleep deprivation, Mark E. Howard, Melinda L. Jackson, David Berlowitz, Fergal OL. Jackson, David Berlow Justine Westlake, Vanessa Wilkinson, Rob J. Pierce, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 62, Jan 2014, pp. 1–8.
Half of drivers ignore basic advice to prevent deadly tiredness at the wheel. 25 July 2013.
The effect of caffeine on working memory load-related brain activation in middle-aged males, Elissa B. Klaassen, Renate H.M. de Groot, Elisabeth. T. Evers, Jan Snel, Enno C.I. Veerman, Antoon J.M. Ligtenberg, Jelle Jolles, Dick J. Veltman, Neuropharmacology, Volume 64, Jan 2013, pp. 160–167.
Effects of caffeine on human behavior, A. Smith, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Volume 40, Issue 9, Sep 2002, pp. 1243–1255.
Influence of caffeine on physiological and cognitive functions of humans. Shapkin, S. A. (2002). Human Physiology, 28(1), pp. 128–133.
Use of caffeinated substances and risk of crashes in long distance drivers of commercial vehicles: case-control study. Sharwood, L. N., Elkington, J., Meuleners, L., Ivers, R., Boufous, S., & Stevenson, M. (2013). BMJ: British Medical Journal, 346.
Cognition enhancers between treating and doping the mind, Pharmacological Research, Cristina Lanni, Silvia C. Lenzken, Alessia Pascale, Igor Del Vecchio, Marco Racchi, Francesca Pistoia, Stefano Govoni, Volume 57, Issue 3, March 2008, pp. 196–213.
Cognitive components of simulated driving performance: Sleep loss effects and predictors, M.L. Jackson, R.J. Croft, G.A. Kennedy, K. Owens, M.E. Howard, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 50, Jan 2013, pp. 438–444.
Slow-release caffeine as a countermeasure to driver sleepiness induced by partial sleep deprivation. De Valck, E., & Cluydts, R. (2001). Journal of Sleep Research, 10(3), pp. 203–209.
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Energy drink ingredients. Contribution of caffeine and taurine to performance outcomes, Amy Peacock, Frances Heritage Martin, Andrea Carr, Appetite, Volume 64, 1 May 2013, pp. 1–4.
Caffeine antagonism of alcohol-induced driving impairment, Anthony Liguori, John H Robinson, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Volume 63, Issue 2, 1 July 2001, pp. 123–129.
Cognitive and mood improvements of caffeine in habitual consumers and habitual non-consumers of caffeine. Haskell, C. F., Kennedy, D. O., Wesnes, K. A., & Scholey, A. B. (2005). Psychopharmacology, 179(4), pp. 813–825.
Cell phones change the way we walk, Eric M. Lamberg, Lisa M. Muratori, Gait & Posture, Volume 35, Issue 4, April 2012, pp. 688–690.
The effects of personal music devices on pedestrian behaviour, Esther J. Walker, Sophie N. Lanthier, Evan F. Risko, Alan Kingstone, Safety Science, Volume 50, Issue 1, Jan 2012, pp. 123–128.
Did you see the unicycling clown? Inattentional blindness while walking and talking on a cell phone. Hyman, I. E., Boss, S. M., Wise, B. M., McKenzie, K. E., & Caggiano, J. M. (2010). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24(5), pp. 597–607.
Effects of listening to music, and ofusing a handheld and handsfree telephone on cycling behaviour, Dick de Waard, Koen Edlinger, Karel Brookhuis. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 14, Issue 6, Nov 2011, pp. 626–637.
Mobile telephones, distracted attention, and pedestrian safety, Jack Nasar, Peter Hecht, Richard Wener, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 40, Issue 1, Jan 2008, pp. 69–75.
The effects of mobile phone use on pedestrian crossing behaviour at signalized and unsignalised intersections, Julie Hatfield, Susanne Murphy, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 39, Issue 1, Jan 2007, pp. 197–205.
The cell phone effect on pedestrian fatalities, Peter D. Loeb, William A. Clarke, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 45, Issue 1, Jan 2009, pp. 284–290.
Distracted walking: Cell phones increase injury risk for college pedestrians, Despina Stavrinos, Katherine W. Byington, David C. Schwebel, Journal of Safety Research, Volume 42, Issue 2, April 2011, pp. 101–107.
Did you see the unicycling clown? Inattentional blindness while walking and talking on a cell phone. Ira E. Hyman Jr, S. Matthew Boss, Breanne M. Wise, Kira E. McKenzie, Jenna M. Caggiano. Applied Cognitive Psychology. July 2010. Volume 24, Issue 5, pp. 597–607.
Pedestrian injuries due to mobile phone use in public places, Jack L. Nasar, Derek Troyer, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 57, Aug 2013, pp. 91–95.
The choice to text and drive in younger drivers: Behavior may shape attitude. P. Atchley, S. Atwood and A. Boulton. Accident Analysis and Prevention. Volume 43, 2011, p. 134.
U.S. Safety Board Urges Cellphone Ban for Drivers Matt Richtel. 14 December 2011, New York Times.
Mobile Device Use While Driving – United States and Seven European Countries in 2011. Weekly. 15 March 2013, 62(10); pp. 177–182.
California Office of Traffic Safety: asp High Visibility Enforcement Demonstration Programs in Connecticut and New York Reduce Hand-Held Phone Use. Linda Cosgrove, Neil Chaudhary, and Scott Roberts. NHTSA’S Office of Behavioral Safety Research 2010.
Use of Thumbs Confounds Use of Sense. Clyde Haberman. New York Times. 1 Sen 2009.
Driving While Distracted. Nationwide. 2008.
U.S. Safety Board Urges Cellphone Ban for Drivers Matt Richtel. 14 Dec 2011, New York Times.
Hands-free tech still poses high risk for drivers. AAA wants tech companies to limit what their in-car, hands-free systems can do. Lucas Mearian. Computerworld. 12 June 2013.
Driven to distraction. Drivers and Legislators Dismiss Cellphone Risks. Matt Richtel. New York Times, 18 July 2009.
Driven to distraction. Drivers and Legislators Dismiss Cellphone Risks. Matt Richtel. New York Times, 18 July 2009.
Editorial. The Global Tobacco Threat. NYT. 19 февраля 2008. Tobacco Firms’ Strategy Limiths Poorer Nations’ Smoking Laws. Sabrina Tavernise. NYT. 13 Dec 2013.
Driven to distraction. Drivers and Legislators Dismiss Cellphone Risks. Matt Richtel. New York Times, 18 July 2009.
A field test of the quiet hour as a time management technique, C.J. König, M. Kleinmann, W. Höhmann, Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology, Volume 63, Issue 3, May 2013, pp. 137–145.
Цитируется по: Ina Fried
A comparison of the influence of electronic books and paper books on reading comprehension, eye fatigue, and perception, Hanho Jeong, (2012) “Electronic Library”, Vol. 30 Iss: 3, pp. 390–408.
Reading from an LCD monitor versus paper: Teenagers’ reading performance. Hak Joon Kim, Joan Kim. Computers in Human Behavior. Volume 28, Issue 5, Sep 2012, pp. 1816–1828.
Taking readingcomprehension exams on screen or on paper? A metacognitive analysis of learning texts under time pressure Rakefet Ackerman, Tirza Lauterman. Computers in Human Behavior. Volume 28, Issue 5, Sep 2012, pp. 1816–1828.
Usability evaluation of E-books. Yen-Yu Kanga, Mao-Jiun J. Wangb, Rungtai LincDisplays. Volume 30, Issue 2, April 2009, pp. 49–52.
Comprehension and workload differ-ences for VDT and paper-based reading. Daniel K. Mayes,Valerie K. Sims, Jefferson M. Koonce. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Volume 28, Issue 6, Dec 2001, pp. 367–378.
Digital Detox: Not as easy as it might weem. Matt Haber. New York Times, 9 July 2013.
E-mail training significantly reduces email defects, International Journal of Information Management, Anthony Burgess, Thomas Jackson, Janet Edwards, Volume 25, Issue 1, Feb 2005, pp. 71–83.
Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer in HBR.
Small Talk steigert die Meetingeffektivitat. Joseph A. Allen und Dr. Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock. Personal Quarterly 02/13.
Кстати говоря, это типичный пример необдуманного сокращения затрат. В результате руководители вынуждены сами печатать электронные письма и служебные записки – а делают они это зачастую лишь двумя пальцами и крайне медленно. При этом хороший секретарь мог бы сделать эту работу на порядок быстрее, качественнее, за меньшие деньги – и освободить руководителя для более важной умственной работы.
Personal communication Loren Frank at UCSF.
Stress: Friend and Foe. Theo Compernolle. Synergo 1999/Lannoo 2011.
The Effects of Recovery Sleep after One Workweek of Mild Sleep Restriction on Interleukin-6 and Cortisol Secretion and Daytime Sleepiness and Performance. Slobodanka Pejovic, Maria Basta, Alexandros N. Vgontzas, Ilia Kritikou, Michele L. Shaffer, Marina Tsaoussoglou, David Stiffler, Zacharias Stefanakis, Edward O Bixler, George P. Chrousos. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. Опубликовано 13 Aug 2013.
Shut Eye: Encouraging Awareness of Healthy Sleep Recommendations with a Mobile, Peripheral Display. Jared S. Bauer, Sunny Consolvo, Ben Greenstein, Jonathan O. Schooler, Eric Wu, Nathaniel F. Watson and Julie A. Kientz. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2012. Full Paper at or
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A brief afternoon nap following nocturnal sleep restriction: Which nap duration is most recuperative? Brooks, A., Lack, L. Sleep. Volume 29, Issue 6, 1 June 2006, pp. 831–840.
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Jet lag: trends and coping strategies, Jim Waterhouse, Thomas Reilly, Greg Atkinson, Ben Edwards, The Lancet, Volume 369, Issue 9567, 31 March – 6 April 2007, pp. 1117–1129.
Advancing circadian rhythms before eastward flight: a strategy to prevent or reduce Jet lag. Eastman C.I., Gazda C.J., Burgess H.J., Crowley S.J., Fogg L.F., Sleep 2005; 28: pp. 33–44.
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How to Trick Mother Nature into Letting You Fly Around or Stay Up All Night. Victoria L. Revell, Charmane I. Eastman, J. Biol. Rhythms. Aug 2005, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 353–365.
IN-DEPTH REVIEW: SHIFT WORK. Preventive and compensatory measures for shift workers., Peter Knauth and Sonia Hornberger. Occupational Medicine 2003; 53: pp. 109–116.
Information and tips for employers from the New Zealand Government at:
Shift Work Disorder: Clinical Assessment and Treatment Strategies Richard D. Simon, Jr. Brief report. J. Clin. Psychiatry 2012; 73.
Shift work: health, performance and safety problems, traditional countermeasures, and innovative management strategies to reduce circadian misalignment. Mark R. Smith, Charmane I. Eastman. Nature and Science of Sleep 2012: 4, pp. 111–132.
Posture, muscle activity and muscle fatigue in prolonged VDT work at different screen height settings. Jan Seghers, Arnaud Jochem & Arthur Spaepen. Ergonomics. Volume 46, Issue 7, 2000, pp. 714–730.
Development and evaluation of an office ergonomic risk checklist: ROSA – Rapid office strain assessment, Michael Sonne, Dino L. Villalta, David M. Andrews, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 43, Issue 1, Jan 2012, pp. 98–108.
Development and evaluation of an office ergonomic risk checklist: ROSA – Rapid office strain assessment, Michael Sonne, Dino L. Villalta, David M. Andrews, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 43, Issue 1, Jan 2012, pp. 98–108.
Более подробно о методике ROSA смотрите на сайте: Пример опросника ROSA смотрите:
Assessing Posture While Typing on Portable Computing Devices in Traditional Work Environments and at Home. Abigail J. Werth Kari Babski-Reeves, Ph.D., CPEProceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Sep 2012, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 1258–1262.
An ergonomics training program for student notebook computer users: Preliminary outcomes of a six-year cohort study. Karen Jacobs and others. Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation. Volume 44, Issue 2, pp. 221–230.
Wrist and shoulder posture and muscle activity during touch-screen tablet use: Effects of usage configuration, tablet type, and interacting hand. Justin G. Young, Matthieu B. Trudeau, Dan Odell, Kim Marinelli, Jack T. Dennerlein Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation (pre-press:
Subjects with chronic neck pain demonstrated a reduced ability to maintain an upright neutral posture when distracted by a computer task. Effect of Neck Exercise on Sitting Posture in Patients With Chronic Neck Pain. Deborah Falla, Gwendolen Jull, Trevor Russell, Bill Vicenzino and Paul Hodges. Physical Therapy, апрель 2007, vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 408–417.
Effects of Computer Monitor Viewing Angle and Related Factors on Strain, Carolyn M. Sommerich, Sharon M. B. Joines and Jennie P. Psihogios 2001 43: 39 Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Effects Of Five Speech Masking Sounds On Performance And Acoustic Satisfaction. Implications For Open-Plan Offices. Haapakangas, A.; Kankkunen, E.; Hongisto, V.; Virjonen, P.; Oliva, D.; Keskinen, E. Acta Acustica United With Acustica, Volume 97, Number 4, July/Aug 2011, pp. 641–655(15).
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Mental Performance In Noise: The Role Of Introversion, G. Belojevic, V. Slepcevic, B. Jakovljevic, Journal Of Environmental Psychology, Volume 21, Issue 2, June 2001, pp. 209–213.
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Succesgids Voor Families Met Een Bedrijf. Theo Compernolle. Lanno/Synergo. 2002.
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“Quiet Time” on track “No E-mail Day” is next!” “Quiet Time” pilot has launched! Zeldes, Nathan, IT@Intel Blog, 2007. Quoted by Uliana Popova Makarov in Networking or Not Working: A Model of Social Procrastination from Communication.
State of the Nation of cell phone distracted driving. The National Safety Council
Employees told to stay off phone while driving. Tanya Mohn. International Herald Tribune, 29 May 2012, p. 16.
Podcast with Mike Watson. Global road safety manager at Shell: _society/safety/safety_podcast/#subtitle_
Цитируется по статье “Risk Management Monitor”, Morgan O’Rourke on May 14, 2012, New York Times November 209=09.
High-Tech Devices Help Drivers Put Down Phone. Sam Grobart. New York Times, 21 Nov 2009.
Douglas Merrill, Forbes 8/17/2012.
Вдохновением для меня послужило старинное английское стихотворение, звучащее как молитва:
Находите время для работы – это путь к успеху.
Находите время для размышлений – это путь к силе.
Находите время для игры – это путь к вечной молодости.
Находите время для чтения – это путь к мудрости.
Находите время для благодеяний – это путь к уважению.
Находите время для дружбы – это путь к счастью.
Находите время для мечты – это путь в будущее.
Находите время для грез – это путь к звездам.
Находите время любить и быть любимым – это путь к тому, чтобы стать равным богу.
Находите время для веселья – это путь к душе.
Находите время смотреть вокруг себя – наша жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы любоваться только собой.
Находите время для щедрости – наша жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы думать только о себе.
Автор книги - Тео Компернолле
Тео Компернолле (Theo Compernolle, р. 1946, Бельгия) — доктор медицины, PhD, адъюнкт-профессор в Европейском центре развития лидерства в Центре бизнес-образования (CeDEP, Франция). Он ведет программы подготовки руководителей в нескольких бизнес-школах, включая INSEAD во Франции и TIAS в Нидерландах. Также он консультирует и обучает руководителей и сотрудников учебных заведений и мультинациональных корпораций и компаний, которые специализируются на оказании профессиональных услуг. Как врач, нейропсихиатр и бизнес-консультант, Тео изучает результаты исследований в ...