Оглавление книги Розабелла. Автор книги Сильвия Эндрю

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Книга Розабелла
Филип Уинболт, благородный, веселый, решительный, имеющий высокое положение в обществе, влюбился в свою соседку по поместью Аннабеллу Келланд. Или в ее сестру – Розабеллу? Он и сам не знает: ведь сестры – близнецы и как две капли воды похожи друг на друга… Кого же он все-таки поведет к алтарю?..

Автор книги - Сильвия Эндрю

Сильвия Эндрю

Until Sylvia retired, she didn't have much time for writing, though she did attempt a modern "woman in danger" novel, which she worked on desultorily for about 20 years, then abandoned. Teaching full-time as vice principal of a large comprehensive sixth form college, while also running a house and a family didn't really give her much time for writing. When she took it up again she found the heroine a complete wimp and the hero a pompous bore. On the whole it seemed better to leave them to their fate.

She never attempted to have anything published before she sent in ...

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